
Chapter Phone 12

Chapter 12

My eyes widened when I suddenly saw the man in front of me. We were both shocked. His face clearly showed how much he disliked seeing me.

“What do you want now?” Derrick asked arrogantly with hands on his hips.

“I told you that you’d have a hard life without me. Are you regretting it now?” he continued, smirking.

Wow, Derrick’s confidence was unbelievable.

“Oh really? We’ll see who actually has a hard time after our divorce,” I replied calmly

His face turned red with anger.

“Mr. Dane, you’re needed in the finance department,” an office boy approach him.

“Hey Sarah, you should go home! Don’t embarrass me with your shabby appearance,” he snapped before walking away.

I exhaled sharply.

All my respect for Derrick had gone down the drain. No wonder he had never taken me to office events or friend gatherings. I guess he was embarrassed by the way I looked.

I continued walking to the meeting room,

“Come on, Ms. CEO, why are you walking so slowly? Do you need me to carry you?” Albert suddenly appeared beside me.

He smiled right in front of me.

Gosh, what a sweet smile.

I quickly looked down, feeling my face flush. Then I walked faster towards the meeting room.

I picked up my pace since I was almost late. Bradley welcomed us in. My assistant had prepared everything.


The meeting then began. Due to several updates Albert and I had made to improve the company, we had a lot to discuss. The meeting lasted quite long, almost until evening.

Bradley also arranged Uncle Benny’s farewell party for the following night. The event would be held at a five–star hotel in the city.

“You need to look different tomorrow, Sarah. I’ve arranged for someone to give you a makeover tomorrow night, Bradley said after the meeting,

“Thanks, Bradley, You’re an amazing assistant,” I praised his work.

“Sarah, what did Derrick think?” Bradley asked when we were alone in the meeting room.

“He doesn’t know any of this.” I took a deep breath. I wondered if I should tell Bradley about how we were no longer together.

“Bradley, how has Derrick’s performance been?

“Honestly, Sarah, Derrick’s performance has been poor. His attendance is terrible, and he often leaves during office hours without permission.” I was shocked to hear this.

“Has he been given a warning?

“Uncle Benny forbade it. Maybe he still sees Derrick as your husband. Derrick only received a warning from HR.”

It turned out Uncle Benny had been covering for him. Perhaps Uncle Benny meant well, but Derrick had taken advantage of his kindness.

How could the company thrive with employees like Derrick? It was time for me to take action soon. He would be begging on his knees then.

Albert was going to drive me home again. As we walked out of the office, Albert became the center of attention among the female employees. Some whispered, while others boldly greeted him.

He had always been a charmer.

I walked ahead to the lobby, trying not to become the center of attention too.


In the lobby, I was stunned to see Kendall and Derrick walking past me. They were so affectionate they didn’t notice me.

It brought back memories of the incident that morning. My chest ached again.

*Always romantic, huh?”

“When’s the wedding?

“You two are getting more affectionate. Hurry up and make it official.”

I heard their friends teasing.

“Of course. Just wait. You’ll all be invited,” Derrick proudly responded.

I couldn’t believe he was openly flaunting his relationship with Kendall.

Derrick, have you forgotten about Gillian, your daughter?‘ That homewrecker had him completely wrapped around her finger.

He had used to care so much about me and Gillian. Now he didn’t care at all. He even easily belittled and insulted me. Tears began to fill my eyes.

“Joy… What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I turned to see Albert beside me.

I shook my head and quickly wiped away my tears.

Albert was silent, looking at me.


“Let’s go home. I’m just tired,” I murmured, then walked towards Albert’s car parked nearby.

In the car, I didn’t feel like talking. For some reason, sadness suddenly overwhelmed me. 1

I tried to be strong again.

“If you want to talk, I’m here to listen,” Albert broke the silence.

I just smiled.

“Albert, who are you going with to Uncle Benny’s event tomorrow night? Your


girlfriend?I asked.

He laughed.

“What girlfriend? I’m going alone.”

“In that case, pick me up again, okay?

“Of course, my princess.

When I got to the apartment, Gillian greeted me.

“Mommy, the place is nice,” my daughter said happily.

“Thank God. Do you like it?”

She nodded enthusiastically.

“Hove it, Mommy.”

“Alright, let’s get some rest.”

I was so exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I needed to rest well to attend tomorrow night’s event.

[Sarah, I’m at the lobby. What’s your unit number?]

It was a message from Albert.

[Wait for me in the lobby. I’ll be down soon.]

Before going down, I checked myself out in the mirror again. My appearance was completely different. Bradley really knew how to find the right person to give me a complete makeover.


I had removed the glasses I had worn for years and replaced them with brown contact lenses. I barely recognized myself.

I wore a luxurious–looking navy gown with a diamond–studded necklace. I looked stunning and elegant.

I smiled, pleased with my appearance.

Chapter 12

“Sofia, I’m leaving. Please take care of Gillian.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I headed to the lobby. When I stepped out of the elevator, I looked around for Albert. I was stunned to see a man in a navy suit. We were wearing matching colors.

“Albert, sorry for the wait.”

Albert looked at me without blinking.



“Wow!” Albert gaped at me.

“Let’s go!” I said, walking past him.

Albert quickly caught up.

in the car, he kept glancing at me.

“Hey, eyes on the road,” I glared at him.

“Hmm… too bad you’re someone else’s wife,” he muttered.

If only he knew the truth.

The drive felt so long. I couldn’t wait to see that homewrecker and Derrick. Hopefully, they wouldn’t faint from shock. Not that I would care of course.

They were about to get the shock of their lives!

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