Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 93: Preparations For The Near Future

In the room was a pile of mummified bodies. "Was this door open when you got here?" Alicia asked.

"No, this room was completely sealed off. Loeri had to open the door by melting the locks." Rose answered.

"Yeah this door is weird it seems to seal the outside off completely. I do not understand why they would want to seal the door so tightly." Loeri had a complex look on her face when facing the scene in front of her.

Alicia walked over to Loeri and patted the top of her head. "Well, one thing's for sure, whatever it was that they were afraid of was not able to enter the room. Otherwise, their bodies would not have been preserved in this state. Unfortunately, they died in the same manner as the other person from the other building." Alicia looked at the bodies that were slumped down on the ground a bit of sadness flashed in her eyes.

"Alicia I am getting a bit nervous… What if this darkness thing is still present in the air and this entire time we have been breathing it in." Starla asked. A worried look had formed on her face. Just by looking into her eyes, you could see that she was scared. Alicia suddenly had cold sweat form on her back after hearing these words.

"No need to worry. I already checked the air when we first descended the stairs and there is nothing strange about it. From what we have discovered so far this darkness was detectable to some extent." Blake tried to calm everyone's worries. 

There were four big sighs of relief after hearing Blake's words. Just thinking about one of them going mad and turning into something that would eat the flesh of others was sickening. Alicia looked at Blake with a big smile. She knew if he was not here, something as checking the air for something that could cause them to be sick would never have crossed her mind. She was very glad Blake was with her. 

"Since we know we are safe, let's continue to look around. Loeri, Rose, you two continue looking around here on the first floor. I will head up to the second floor. If you find any documents or..." Alicia formed an image of the computer she had been using before in the air using Magicules. "This object here, take it. It holds information inside of it." Alicia said. 

"Don't worry Alicia with I, the Great Loeri here, I will make sure to find everything on this first floor that is useful." Loeri proudly stated. 

Alicia smiled and said jokingly: "Then I will rely on the Great Loeri then!" 

Alicia headed out of the room with Blake following after her. They found a stairwell that led up to the next floor and slowly ascended the steps. Since she was now finally alone with Blake the questions that Alicia had held back from asking before she could finally ask. "Blake, what do you think? Do you think that this darkness was created by the fallen god or was it something else?"

"To be honest in my opinion this city alone could house the amount of Devils that appeared during the war. But from what we know there were other cities besides this one. So I think this Darkness was something else entirely and the fallen god somehow took advantage of the situation to help me build an army. This city is so vast that it could easily hold more than ten million. Now let's say this city was the smallest of the Subterranean cities or even just a mid size city. If the fallen god had actually caused this darkness his army would have been ten times as big and the war would have ended very differently. So my thoughts are that the darkness was something else that kept the fallen god from being able to build up a massive army. In a way, this darkness saved everyone who lives on the surface." Blake explained his thoughts seriously. 

"I was thinking the same from what I had heard of the war. Especially now that the Devil we met seemed to be using demon spawns to build his army." Alicia couldn't help but think back to all those heat signatures she had on her detection magic. There were a few hundred of them at least. 

"That was one of the reasons that brought me to my conclusion as well. We will need to be careful from now on. We have no way of telling what the devils are up to now. But I do have a feeling that a war might break out again in the near future." Blake brows furrowed just thinking about it.

"Then we will need to prepare on our side as well. When we get back we can discuss this all with Master Berlin and see what he thinks. Maybe he can talk with the King about it." Alicia knew that if there was no deterrence against the demon spawns and their invisibility it would be very hard to fight against in a war against the Devils. With her magic that detected heat signatures, it would be a little bit better but this magic could probably be expanded and modified to be even better. With Berlin's help, they could probably come up with the countermeasures needed to face such an enemy.

Blake could only smile inwardly at Alicia's words. He wondered what the king's face would look like when she asked him to discuss a matter with himself. "That is a very good idea. We do not know how far the devils have pushed in now that they have these demon spawns." 

"Can demon spawns be used to gather intel?" Alicia asked.

"I am afraid they can… But they can not get into the castle with how heavily guarded it is and the barriers but they can get into places where intel is easy to get like bars and inns. "contemporary romance


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