Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 91: Old Bones

After Blake read the message everyone's eyes dimmed. To think that a race was wiped out by this thing called darkness that caused them to go crazy and start eating each other. Alicia had many questions that she wanted to ask Blake but she knew she could not ask them with everyone else around. "Let's keep looking around." 

"Ahh!" Starla yelled out. "Stupid bones! Scare me half to death!"  She looked at the bones on the ground and frowned a bit. They were laid out on a makeshift bed wit hits arms were crossed across its chest. You could tell that this person knew they were going to die and decided to lay down and wait for it to happen. 

"Starla you okay!?" Alicia yelled over.

"Yeah, but I think I found the body of the person who wrote that letter." Starla answered.

Everyone else came over to where she was and looked at the set of bones on the makeshift bed. "There seems to be something in his hands." Loeri said as she moved her flame over to get a better look. She pulled out what looked to be another letter and handed it to Blake.

Blake unfolded the letter and began to read it out loud. 'My days are numbered. I no longer have the energy to even move around anymore. There is nothing left of me but skin and bones… I can hear the screams and mournful cries coming from the outside. I no longer wish to live. I only write this letter to ask the one who finds my bones to take me to this location and allow my bones to rest in my own home once again. Although I have a feeling this will not happen for many years to come I beg you to have mercy on me and let me rest in a place of my own choosing.

"The message ends there. What do you girls want to do?" Blake asked.

"I will take their bones. This person died a horrible death. The feeling of hunger is something no one should have to live with." Alicia's eyes looked at the bones on the makeshift bed with an expression of sympathy and knowing. When she first came to this world she had experienced what it was like to truly be hungry beyond belief. Luckily for her, she was able to go to the forest to find food. But this person had no such luck. Being trapped inside this warehouse knowing if they went out they would die. Having no choice but to put up with the hunger, hoping one day that someone will come to the rescue. But unfortunately, sometimes hope is not enough.

Only Blake understood why Alicia had such an expression on her face. He stepped forward and pulled out a large cloth from his space pouch. He then gathered up all the bones and wrapped them up in the cloth. Once he was done, Blake smiled warmly at Alicia and said: "I will go with you."

Blakes warm smile stunned Alicia for a few seconds as she wondered why he looked at her in such a way. But she quickly shook her head pushing any strange thoughts right out of her head. She let out a small sigh before saying: "If we go we should all go. There is no telling what s out there so splitting up is not a good idea. Plus we still have a while before we have to head back. We need to gather as much information as we can from this place. So on the way to return this person's bones to where it was requested in this letter we can check the other buildings. The mission with the fire and ice lizard is on hold for the time being. Is everyone okay with this?" 

"I think it's fine. You're the leader of the group anyway." Starla said while nodding her head.

Rose also nodded her head in agreement. "Mhm! Young Miss makes a good leader. "

Alicia only smiled and said: "Then let's head out!" 

The map on the letter showed that the person who was stuck in the warehouse seemed to live more towards the center of the city. From where they were it would most likely take a half a day to reach there and this was not counting them stopping and investigating the nearby buildings.

"Hmm, this building seems to be locked from the inside…" The building they were at was like a tightly sealed box. They could see where the entrance was due to a handle stick out of the door. But the edges of the door were so tight against the doorframe that even Alicia could not get her fingers in to try to pry the door open. 

"Let me try." Loeri stepped forward and waved her hand. A fine white flame appeared at the tip of her finger that grew longer and longer. When it hit the metal door the metal instantly melted causing a small hole to appear. When Alicia saw this she quickly helped out as she did the same as Loeri and created a long thin flame. The only difference was that her flame was white and a little blue at the tip.  Loeri looked at Alicia a bit surprised since normally nothing was hotter than her true dragon flame but here Alicia was with a flame that was just as hot or maybe even hotter! 

The two girls worked for a few good minutes each taking a side and cutting the door open. When they needed to get to the higher parts Rose put Loeri on her shoulders while Blake picked up Alicia. Being in such close contact with Blake had made Alicia's cheeks turn slightly pink. When the door was finally cut open it fell inward, kicking up a bit of dust as it hit the floor. 

"This is?" Rose asked as she walked into the building. 

"I am not quite sure… Reminds me of a hospital..." Alicia said absentmindedly as she looked around.

"A hospital?" Rose asked she had never heard of such a word before.

"Nothing! I was just making something up." Alicia said quickly. Rose only stuck her tongue out at Alicia causing Alicia to let out a small sigh of relief. She cursed herself for saying something that did not exist in this world. There were no actual hospitals in this world. The doctors did home visits only. Something Alicia thought should be changed at some point. contemporary romance

While everyone else paid no mind to Alicia's words Blake who always kept Alicia in his vision picked up on her sigh of relief and wondered what exactly Alicia was hiding. He, of course, did not pry since Alicia did not seem to want to explain.


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