Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 81: Return Of The Training From Hell!

Hearing Berlin's words caused tears to flow from Alicia's eyes. She had been wondering if she had done the right thing. Now hearing these words of comfort from Berlin, saying that she was not at fault caused Alicia to finally let out her grievances.  She buried her head into Berlin's stomach as she let her tears rain down.

Berlin patted Alicia's back letting her cry as much as she wanted. For him to see her cry like this showed that she was still just a little girl. Although Berlin wanted Alicia to be strong he did not want her to be someone without emotions. Emotions were a very important aspect of being alive. If she did not have these emotions she would be nothing more than a human puppet. This was something Berlin would never want Alicia to ever be. 

Berlin comforted Alicia as he looked at Starla who seemed to be sweating bullets at this time. She went to drop down to one knee but was quickly stopped by Rose. "Don't… We will explain to you what is going on in a while but right now do not say anything to Alicia on who he is." 

Rose's tone of voice was kind yet not. It held a power that said 'if you tell Alicia anything you will not see the light of day again'. So struck with the fear of finding something out that she should not have, Starla quickly nodded her head to show that she agreed. 

"Mmmm… Mother's Magicules are so yummy… Nom Nom..." Frey who was sleeping peacefully in Alicia's hand voice floated out causing everyone to laugh. Even Alicia cheered up a bit as she heard Frey's voice. contemporary romance

Alicia petted the top of Frey's head gazing at her with a warm gentle smile. When she looked up and saw everyone staring at her, Alicia's face instantly turned red. She really wanted to find a hole to crawl into. She had actually cried her eyes out in front of everyone! 

"Hmm? Starla are you okay?" Alicia noticed that Starla was sweating a lot and her face seemed to be a little pale.

"Huh? Ahh! Yes. Yes. Very good..." Starla said as she nodded her head up and down as if it was about to come off. Alicia was not convinced so she had Rose take Starla to her room to rest a bit before retiring to her own room. She had found it somewhat strange but did not dig too deep into it. Since Starla said she was fine then she would not pry anymore.

In the back garden, two men stood tall as they looked out over the man made pond. "You released your seal?" 

"Mmm… I had no choice. If I did not release the seal she would have died. They all would have died." Blake let out a long sigh. He had never wanted to release his seal for his entire life. But the situation last night did not allow him the luxury of doing such a thing. Not when it was her life that was in danger.

"What do you plan to do now? Are you going to return?" Berlin asked. He knew that the Gods race still existed, he had known for a long time. He also knew that once the seal on their powers was released they were supposed to return to the main clan before setting off to a new land.

"No. I will stay here by her side and protect her. Until the day she is able to know everything." Blake answered.

"This girl must be really important for you to go against the clan rules like this." Berlin could only shake his head. He had no idea who this girl was that Blake was waiting for but he could see the determination to go against everything to be by her side. On this thought Berlina asked: " Is it okay for Alicia to know of your true identity?"

Blake put on a rare smile as he said: "If it's her it is no problem."

Seeing this smile Berlin's face started to go black. "You brat better not have any thoughts on my Alicia! I thank you for saving her but God or not I will drop your pants and spank your ass if you have designs on her!" 

Berlin let a humph before turning around and walking back towards the house. He didn't even want to look at the smelly brat anymore! Blake let out a low laugh as his gaze looked out over the water. 'If only you knew… If only you knew...

Alicia's eyes flickered as she felt a small hand pushing against her cheek. "Mother! Mother!"

"Hmmm… Frey, what's the matter?" Alicia asked. Her eyes were still heavy and were hard to open.

"Mother Frey is hungry…" Frey said as she pouted her lower lip and rubbed her belly. 

Alicia smiled warmly: "You know Frey your cuteness will be the death of your Mother." Alicia formed a purple Magicule ball on the tip of her finger and handed it to Frey.

"Hehe… Frey's cuteness will only heal mother! How could it hurt her?" Frey kissed Alicia's cheek and sat down after taking the Magicule ball. 

"That is right. My little Frey's cuteness is the cure all for any illness! When you're done Mother is going to get dressed and start her training. Do you want to tag along or do you want to go with Claire?" Alicia asked.

"I will go with Mother. Frey hates being away from Mother..." Popping the last bite of Magicule into her mouth Frey got up and stretched her little body before flying into the air to allow Alicia to get up.

"Okay! But I will have you sit off to the side. This way you do not get drenched mothers icky sweat." Alicia sat up on the bed, reached over to the nightstand, and picked up her hair tie. 

When she got out of bed she put on a set of leather armor and walked downstairs with Frey perched on her shoulder. But when she went to the main hall her face sank as he looked at Berlin who had seemed to be waiting for her. The smile on his face sent shivers down her spine because this smile always hid an evil old man who would force her to undertake hell training. Sure enough, she was no more than a few meters away from him when Berlin gave her an even wider grin as he waved his hand and a set of metal plates fell to the floor breaking the floor tiling! 

"I heard you were going to help the little Wymane girl do some training. I figured since you were helping her I would help you. This is a set of new weights I made, they are very comfortable and only way seventy kilos each!"  


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