Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 7: Berlin

The sun was on the verge of going down and Alicia still had not found a place to use as a shelter for the night. "If I do not find some place soon then I will end up having to sleep outside all night. But that is not the best of ideas..." Alicia was a little at a loss of what to do. She continued to walk forward in hopes of finding some place to use as a shelter. Just as the sun was about to fully pass down past the mountains in the distance, Alicia spotted a large old tree with a large wooden door built into it.

Alicia was surprised to see such a thing. She was not sure if she should go and knock or not but with the way things were going and how it was not good to spend the night in the forest without an enclosed place to protect yourself. She gripped the sheathed sword in her hand and slowly walked to the door. She was about to reach up and knock on the door when…

"May I help you, little lady?" An old voice rang out from behind her.

"Ahhh!" Alicia almost jumped out of her ragged clothes. She turned around and looked at who was talking to her, to see an old man in a blue robe. He had a long white beard and white hair that reached down to his waist. On his head was a blue long pointed hat with a circular bill to it just like a wizard's hat.

"Hoho! Sorry, little lady, I did not mean to startle you. I saw you walking up to my door with a sword in your hand. I thought you were here to rob me!" The old man said in an amused tone. But when his gaze fell on the short sword in the girl's hand he raised an eyebrow and asked. "Little lady where did you get that sword?"

Hearing the old man's question a faint smile appeared on Alicia's face as she subconsciously rubbed the sword in her hand. "T-This was given to me by a young boy named Blake Roseland. He gave it to me so that I could protect myself for the next three years. I plan to give it back to him when I see him again. In three years' time, I told him I would go and take the squire test!"

Giving a hum the old man stroked his beard and asked: "Why do you need to protect yourself little lady? Do you not have parents to do that?"

"No… I have been alone for as long as I can remember. I had to escape into the woods or I might be sold off by the Village Chief. If I did not risk my life to kill two men who came to my run down hut early this morning to take me away and sell me to a brothel. I would probably have been a lot worse off than I am right now." Alicia felt a little aggrieved. Ever since she has come to this world it has been one hardship after another. But at least she met Blake, a young boy aspiring to become a true knight. He was like a shining light in the darkness of night.

As Alicia was lost in thought, she did not see the light that flashed through the old man's eyes. A bit of anger could be seen on his face for a split second before going back to a smile. "I see, you have had a hard time. So what brings you to my place?"

"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you. I was looking for a place to sleep for the night. I stumbled upon this place and was about to knock on the door to see if anyone was inside. I will leave now sir. I am sorry for bothering you." Feeling a bit down Alicia gave a small bow before she started to walk away.

The old man looked at Alicia very amused. 'She did not seem like a normal poor girl. She talked very well and seemed to be an honest girl. To be this young and already have had to kill another human being is not easy. Yet she still has a look of determination in her eyes. Although a bit lonely and sad she still keeps looking forward.' Thinking for a moment he yelled out: "Little lady this old man has a spare bedroom and is only here once and a while. You may stay here while you train. If I have time I will also help you with your magic and swordsmanship. I might look like this but I also know how to use a sword as well."

Alicia's eyes started to well up with tears. All the stress of what she was dealing with suddenly burst out of her with the old man's kind words. Tears streamed down her face as the dirt and dried blood mixed in. The old man looked at her and gave a faint smile. Although she had a determined look she was still a child after all. The old man stepped forward and patted her head. "Little lady I am called Berlin! You can call me Master Berlin from now on! As of this day, you will become my disciple!"

Alicia nodded her head as tears continued to fall. She sobbingly said: "Master Berlin my name is Alicia!"

"Good! Now dry your tears, Alicia! The night is upon us and the demonic beasts will come out in hordes. It's best to go inside where it is safe." Berlin petted Alicia's head one more time before bringing her to the door in the tree.

Berlin then waved his hand and the door opened inwards to reveal a long spiral staircase that went down deep into the ground. The whole passage was lit by a floating fire that decorated the walls all the way down. It did not give a feel of a dingy old tree but more of a comfortable feeling as if it was a new house.contemporary romance

Alicia followed the old man down the staircase. Although the old man was very nice to her she still kept her guard up. This did not go unnoticed by the old man. 'Good very good! She is smart. She has had her hand on the hilt of her sword this entire time. Her eyes were always looking at her surroundings. She has what it takes to be a knight! Just with this vigilance alone!'

When they reached the bottom of the staircase. There was another door. Berlin did the same thing as he did to the door above and waved his hand. The door opened to an open area beyond that. When Alicia stepped through she could not believe her eyes as to what she was seeing!

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