Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 63: Guild Test Part Two

Alicia walked through the door which led to a large room. This room was also pure white but Alicia could sense that there seemed to be some kind of magic casted on this room. She walked forward to join the group of people up ahead. 

There were eight people in the group. One of them was a tall older man who only had one arm. Alicia figured this man was the one who was in charge of this test. When the tall older man saw Alicia he smiled and nodded his head which Alicia returned in kind. 

"We are just waiting on one more and we will begin." As the tall older man spoke another door could be heard opening and closing and another young girl came walking in. She had dark blue hair that flowed to her waist and her eyes were just as blue as if you looking out over the ocean. 

Alicia's eyes lit up since this was the first time she saw anyone with blue hair. Such hair color would mean that the person had a high affinity to certain elements of magic. Alicia guessed this girl was either a water or ice user.contemporary romance

"Good, we are all here now. Okay, let's start off with some introductions since this test does take a while. I will go first. My name is Grayson Winstone, the one in charge of this test. I am an ex-A rank adventurer. As you can see by my arm I am not able to continue that line of work so now I am here testing new adventurers." Grayson gave a smile as he pointed to the next person. "Let's start with you."

"My name is Cicily Boden. I won't speak too much on the past but I came to the capital to join the adventurers guild so I can make a living." Cicily was around fifteen years old. She was a tall girl for her age. She was not pretty but at the same time, she was not ugly either. She would be considered average in a sense. She had short brown hair and wore full leather armor. On each side of her hip were two daggers.

"My name is Windy Crawforde and I decided to give Adventuring a try since working in the brothel is hard on the back~ But if any of you guys want some fun I do not mind giving you a discount~ " Windy Crawforde was a young woman around twenty one years old. She wore skimpy clothes that barely hid her assets and wore a ton of makeup. 

Windy's words caused many to frown. It was as if she was only here to advertise herself. Grayson gave Windy a warning look which made the young woman stick out her tongue at him. She did not say anymore after that. 

"Ahem… My name is Slade Rodes. I am seventeen and this is my first time here in the capital." Slade Rodes said excitedly before continuing to talk about his past.

Alicia stood and listened to the introductions. After Slade, was a young teen of fourteen named Osborn Reevee. After him was Heath Ashworthe an eighteen year old young man. Slade, Osborn, and Heath all seemed to know each other and were all sword users. After those three was Oswin he was much older at the age of thirty two. It seemed he was working at a factory before this but it went under and he lost his job. Ryder Wyndhame was next he was sixteen and was an archer. He kept boasting how his archery was peerless. 

It was now finally Alicia's turn. "My name is Alicia. I am joining the Adventurers Guild for training before I take the squires test in the coming months." Alicia did not go into her past, there was no need to tell such things to strangers. Now if Alicia did not say she was here for training before taking the squires test they would think the little girl was trying to run to an early grave. Since even gathering missions for F rank adventurers could be deadly if a demonic beast attacked. But since Alicia was aiming to be a knight they all knew she must have some kind of ability. even if she was young.

After Alicia, Rose went next. Her introduction was short and sweet. After Rose was the girl with blue hair. "My name is Starla Wymane, I come from the Wymane family. A known knights family here in the capital. I am also here for training before the upcoming squires' test." Starla was around twelve years old. She had a noble air about her as she spoke. One could tell she came from a prominent family in the capital.

"Alright good! Now that everyone is introduced, we will start off with F rank dummies and work our way to A rank. If you can not fight anything higher please give up. After the dummies, you will all have some friendly one on one battles. At the end, I will give everyone their evaluation. It will tell you what your current battle prowess is ranked at. Alright, Cicily you first!" Grayson wasted no time. He hit a button on what seemed to be a controller in his hand and the floor next to him opened and up rose a wooden dummy.

Although this dummy was made out of wood one could not underestimate it since the dummy itself was reinforced with magic. Defense, attack power, and speed were all boosted. "Alright, are you ready Cicily?" Grayson asked.

"Yes!" Cicily readied her daggers and waited for the dummy to attack.


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