Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 60: Guild Registration Part One

Alicia walked up the stairs and into the main hall of the Adventurer's Guild. What she saw was rows of tables all lined up in an orderly fashion with many people in all kinds of armor, robes, and other attire sitting at the tables drinking and having a meal. The whole place was very lively. Alicia couldn't help but compare it to the mangas and novels she had read. 

One of the walls had ten receptionist windows where other adventurers and squires were lining up to handle their tasks at hand. The lines were split into three sections, four for mission turn ins, four for taking missions and then the last two were for registration. On the opposite wall from the Magiporter station was a wall with a bulletin board that spans the entire wall. It was covered in request and was also split into sections based on rank from F rank  to A rank. S rank and above were not posted on the bulletin. Alicia guessed that the missions for S rank and above were specifically handed out to the person of that rank.

Alicia and Rose both got in line as they waited to register. Many eyes were looking at Alicia. Some out of curiosity, some vulgar, some with disdain, and others with laughter. Alicia could sense all of these gazes on her but she did not let it get to her. Though the ones who were looking at her in a vulgar way she really wanted to chop up. 

"What the hell is this!? Who let this little kid in here!?" A rough voice sounded out behind Alicia.

"Haha Ray is at it again I wonder if the little girl will run away crying." Someone sitting at the table near Alicia's line spoke out. They made no effort to lower their voice.

"I know right? The last kid pissed himself! Hahaha!" Another person added in.

Alicia heard the random comments and frowned. 'Was this some kind of tradition here?' Alicia looked at the receptionist and not a single one paid any mind. Seeing this she could only turn to Rose to see if Rose knew anything. 

"Just ignore them Young Miss. They have no idea what trouble they are bringing on to them." Rose let out a sigh. 'If these idiots knew the Young Miss's true identity would they still be saying these things now?

Seeing how Rose told her to ignore it she just ignored it but she did not know what kind of trouble they actually brought onto themselves. Since she did not know Alicia shrugged her shoulders, turned around, and continued to wait in line. But of course, this did not mean that the man who had a large scar on his face named Ray was going to let her ignore it. 

"Hahaha! Did you hear that guys we have a "YOUNG MISS",  here! Ahahaha! She must have thought being an adventurer was some kind of game!" The man named Ray shouted out which garnered many outbursts of laughter and jeers from the others. "Hey! Hey! Young Miss, since you do not want to stay home and suck on your mommy's tit, how about learning something useful for a Young Miss such as pleasing a man! Bahahahaha!" 

Alicia's face turned black. The anger inside her started to rise. 'I am not even ten years old and you say such things to such a young girl!? Is this the kind of trash that this kingdom allows to roam the street!? Is he not someone who deserves to be locked up?' Alicia placed her hand on the hilt of her sword. She was angry but she knew that words were not something to kill someone over but she did not mind teaching this vulgar man a lesson if he continued. 

The man named Ray saw her action and let out another laugh as he started rubbing his cheek. "Haha! What? Young Miss are you going to hit me!? Hahaha! Okay, I'm feeling nice today how about I give you a free hit go ahead hit me! Hit me! Hit M…."


The man named Ray felt a sharp pain in his face as he flew across the room crashing into the bulletin board. The whole guild became dead silent. In the spot where the man named Ray stood was the small figure of a young girl with flowing golden blonde hair and blue eyes. No one even saw when or how she moved. It was like she appeared out of thin air. 

The silence was broken when everyone heard a young girl's voice. "I tried to ignore you. But you kept on provoking me. The vulgar things you said are things you should not be saying to a little girl. Take this as a lesson not to go around harassing others." Alicia stood there with her sword at her side, her blue eyes were like ice, cold and uncaring as she looked at the man who was lying on the ground holding his face.

"You little bitch I am going to kill you!" The man named Ray got up off the ground blood dripped from his nose. He let out a roar as he drew his sword and charged at Alicia.

He got no more than five steps when he stopped short when he felt someone grab on to his shoulder. "That's enough! She already let things go with one hit. If this continues your life will be lost." 

"Who the hell are yo…" The man named Ray who was yelling out stopped mid sentence when he turned to look at the one grabbing him only to see an expressionless youth standing behind him. His eyes went wide as he shouted out: "Sir Blake!"

"Sheath your sword!" Blake's emotionless expression caused the man named Ray to shiver in fear. 

There were not many who did not know about the youngest knight in the history of the Alastine Kingdom's history. The man named Ray lowered his head and started sheathing his sword while saying. "Yes! Yes! Right away. "contemporary romance


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