Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 52: Ambiguous Answer

At this time Alicia's head went apple read all the way down her neck. Even Blake was stunned By Frey's question because he did not know how to answer it! He had no experience in romance or relationships! And even though he did think Alicia was beautiful he knew that her standing was way above his and that there would never be a chance for them to become anything more than fellow knights!

Alicia really wanted to spank this little daughter of hers! She wanted to know why she always had the most perfect time when it came to blurting these things out! What made things worse unlike the time at the Whittlee's, there was no one here to cut in and make the awkward situation go away! But at the same time, Alicia's heart jumped a little with anticipation wondering what Blake would reply.

She couldn't help but sneak a peek at him but the same cold expression on his face never changed which made Alicia's anticipation sink like a broken ship. 'It's not like I want to get married right now when I am this young but just to know what he actually thought about me would have been nice…' She knew with her current age although mentally she was almost nineteen. Physically she was only nine years old going on ten. And Blake was thirteen going on fourteen. She was sure he would never have any notions towards a small girl like herself…

Clearing her mind Alicia poked Frey and gently explained: "Frey, Sir Blake is only protecting us. He is just doing his job. Plus he would never like a girl like me anyways. I am not even ten yet and I am sure Sir Blake already has someone he likes."

"I don't have anyone I like and I do not dislike you..." Blake stated firmly. But did not elaborate any more than that.

The ambiguous answer caused Alicia's head to spin. 'What did he mean he didn't dislike me!?' Alicia's heart was once again in turmoil. She had no idea how to take what Blake had just said. 'Does this mean he likes me in a romantic sense? Did it mean he liked me like a little sister? Or did this mean he just liked me as a friend or comrade?'

Frey, who was still semi hiding in Alicia's hair doing her best not to be seen, looked at Blake and then at Alicia and felt confused. 'Did mother and father like each other or not?' She only thought up to there when her little stomach rumbled. She rubbed it and said: "Mother, Frey's hungry."

Hearing this both Blake and Alicia let out a sigh and looked at each other. When their eyes made contact they both quickly looked away. Alicia whose mind was still a mess cleared her throat as she formed a ball of green Magicule for Frey and handed it to her. She was very happy that Frey's attention span was very short!

Even though Alicia was trying her best to move on from the situation, her heart was still a mess as she did not know what Blakes's words actually meant. While Alicia was lost in thought, Blake was looking at her from the corner of his eye. He could tell Alicia was thinking about what he had said which made him unknowingly smile.

Like this one handsome young boy and one beautiful young girl stood side by side as they waited for the line to move. Those coming out of the city and those in line could not help but take a few glances at the two.

The two did not speak for the rest of the time as they waited to enter the city. Alicia really couldn't wait to get to the gates and speak with Alfred to break this awkward silence. An hour passed and Alicia and her crew finally made it to the gates. Alfred saw Alicia and quickly ran forward.contemporary romance

"Young Miss!" Alfred said excitedly. He had stood under the hot sun as he waited for Alicia to finally get to the gates.

"Alfred! Sorry it took so long." Alicia saw Alfred and let out a bright smile! 'Finally, someone to talk to!' She would have talked to Frey while waiting in line but after eating she went to sleep. And the lazy dragon on her head had been asleep this entire time!

The guard was stunned when he saw Alfred being so nice to Alicia. 'Wasn't this the old commander of the guards? Why was he so humble to this little girl.' The guard couldn't understand since from what he heard was that Alfred was like a demon while training the guards and everyone was scared stiff around him. This was the reason why he did not go forward and greet Alfred in the first place, just in case he suffered the wrath of this old demon. The guard couldn't help but look at the little girl again but when he did a figure stepped in front of her blocking his view. When he looked at the figure, Blake's stone cold expression filled his eyes. The guard's gaze then fell on the emblem on Blake's armor and soon realized that the young girl must have a very special identity!

"Young Miss, this old one has trained when he was young so this little wait is nothing." Alfred then turned to the guard and yelled: "What are you doing? Quickly finish the procedures!"

Alfred's voice brought the guard out of his thoughts and quickly went to work registering Alicia. The guard was very happy he did not offend this little girl. To have an elite knight and the ex-commander here meant this girl was a very important visitor to the city.


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