Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 474: Slapping The Faces Of Those Who Abuse Power Part Two

The president was sweating bullets. He had never expected to be stuck in a situation like this. It was unheard of anyone ever making it to the oval office without being seen but this young woman who was half his age was able to do so with ease. He was very much regretting the fact that he had sent people out and touched her people. "What do you plan to do!?"

"Hmm? What do I plan to do? Well, I am making it known that every country that sent people out to try to capture my people has ruined any chance you ever had of a brighter future. I had planned many things. From cleaning this world up and getting your global warming issue under control to removing all the radioactive materials from this world altogether. I was going to give you the technology to push this world a few million years into the future. 

"But because you had to go and do what you did and still not admit to it or apologize and instead, you ask what I am going to do. Well, that is simple, all the things I had just mentioned are now scrapped and void. Take your men, they are unharmed and are only asleep, they will wake in a few hours." Alicia thought for a minute and an idea came to mind. "If you can form a world government within the time it takes me to finish sending off the ones who were sent to Japan to kidnap my people, then I can at least leave you a parting gift. But this means all countries will need to be under the rule of one person. If this can not be done then forget it." 

With that Alicia disappeared as well as the barrier blocking anyone from exiting or entering the oval office. The president wasted no time rushing to his desk and making a few calls. The same scenes could be seen around the world on social media as Alicia dropped off the special teams that were sent to Japan to each respective country. She even stayed and chatted with each leader before moving to the next. Within forty five minutes she had finished dropping off all the men. It was only then that she returned to the white house and the oval office causing the president to almost fall out of his chair. 

"So?" Alicia asked as she smiled at the president.

"It was rushed but it is done..." The president said while handing a signed document for a world government signed by all the leading nations in the world. 

"Oh ho? Not bad, not bad. Here is your prize." Alicia produced a flower out of thin air and handed it to the president who stared at it with a very confused expression. Alicia tilted her head to the side and asked: "Do you not like it? It is freshly picked… From your garden… Now then I must be on my way. Please cherish that flower okay!"

That day the face of the president was plastered all over the news and social media with a stupidly confused look on his face as he looked at the flower in his hand. The headlines read "United States President, got slapped in the face by an alien!"

The headlines couldn't be any closer to the truth. He had indeed been slapped in the face with a flower. He had rushed so much and even agreed to unfavorable terms in order to get everyone to agree with forming a world government and the grand gift he was expecting… A flower…

Alicia returned to Japan and sat down in the emperor's office as if it was her own home. She waved her hand once and secretly cleaned up the entire planet. She got rid of the pollution in the oceans and the radioactive areas. She waved her hand again and got rid of all crude weapons on the planet and the resources to make them. No more nuclear weapons or TNT bombs. She adjusted the nuclear power plants so the radiation used to power them could only be used for providing power until they fully decayed. She figured the new world government would need to put a good deal of work into these places to make long lasting clean renewable energy. "The rest is up to them..."

"Miss…?" The emperor looked at Alicia, wondering why she was here. 

"I'm just stopping by to give you this." Alicia presented another flower that exactly the same as the one she gave to the president of the United States. "You see I lied earlier, This flower is from my world. If dried and made into tea, it can have wondrous healing effects. I just didn't tell him that." 

The emperor almost laughed out loud seeing Alicia's cheeky smile. He wondered what the man would say if he had known what a treasure this flower truly was. He stood up from his desk and bowed his head. "I thank you for this wondrous gift." 

"No need for that, this was my reward to you for helping me out with the reporter. It made things go much smoother. I will be off now. Send someone to get me when things are decided."Alicia said with a smile before waving goodbye and disappearing from where she stood.

"Blake I'm back!" Alicia jumped into Blake's arms hugging him tightly. 

"You seemed to have had some fun." Blake said while returning the hug.

"Mmm! Well, they deserved it. I did not kill a single person and I even cleaned up this planet. The rest is up to them. They will need to move forward with new innovative ideas now that I took away their weapons. This should help give them a push out of the current age they are stuck in." Alicia said as she pulled away from Blake and picked up Destiny.

"Everyone is safe and we will be leaving in a month. So let's enjoy our vacation while we can!"contemporary romance


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