Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 471: Kidnapped

A few days went by and Tereax returned with his report. "Princess, it seems this is indeed not our universe. I am not sure where we are but this universe is almost identical in all ways except there seems to be a greater force at work in this universe. What the force is I am not sure. It is almost like this place is governed by some kind of law. I also can tell we are about one hundred years away from the location where Phantasia should be. Whether or not Phantasia exists in this world is another story."contemporary romance

" I see. This helps a lot and helps me decide what I will be doing. Whether we stayed in the previous universe or this one, it does not matter. Our worlds are inside my space so nothing will change with them. I have to search for some answers I wish to know. So this works out well. I wonder if my mom knew this was a different universe from the last. Well, I guess they would since they traveled to Phantasia. But I wonder why they would not tell me..." Alicia let out a sigh. She was happy in a way. Because the images in her head of the three young girls that were of them in a hospital, kept coming to mind and it really bothered her.

"Do you want me to continue my research?" Tereax asked. 

"No, you did well. I only needed to know if this was our universe or not. Now that I know I can begin my plans." As Alicia finished speaking Blanche came running into the living room with tears in her eyes. "Ryo was taken!"

"What!? What happened?" Alicia asked.

"Some men in military uniforms came over and grabbed him right in front of me. I tried to chase after them but they shot a fucking rocket at me knocking me back." Blanche did her best to explain through her tears. She said she was so flustered at the time after being knocked down that she could only think to return here to figure out what to do. 

"Well, it's good you did not give chase because you do not know what kind of weaponry they might have. The governments here always have many secret weapons that no one knows about. I will be making a trip… Blake, stay here and protect everyone for me please." Alicia decided she would make a trip to the Japanese government after she had figured out Ryo's position. She was only doing this out of respect since the people they had sent to protect the house had done a good job of keeping the agents from other nations from getting near it. But this would not stop them from doing things within the cities. 

It was not that Alicia was oblivious to the presence of these forces. It was just that they were only watching from afar and not making any moves until now. But now that they made a move, Alicia was not going to stand aside and let them take her sister's man. Not after the two had finally become officially engaged. 

"Don't worry about the house no one will be able to do a thing while I am here." Blake said reassuringly. 

Alicia smiled, gave him a kiss goodbye, before disappearing. She reappeared in an office in a nice looking palace where Japan's current emperor was living. A man who had just taken a sip of tea spat it out all over his documents seeing Alicia appear out of nowhere. "You are!?"

"You know who I am..." Alicia said with a smile before taking a seat on the small couch. She crossed her legs and folded her hands on her knees as she looked at the emperor.

"Ahem… I do… May I ask what brings you here?" The emperor asked.

"I wish to let you know that part of your country may be destroyed since you let another country step foot on your shores and kidnap my sister's fiance. How do you wish to solve this issue? I know his location, so retrieving him is no problem but for those who did the deed they needed to be punished. And if they have weapons that can cause an issue to me and my kind, I might accidentally destroy a few districts." To prove her point the cup that was still in the emperor's hand suddenly turned to dust, spiling the contents on his desk, and startling the emperor.

"We… We will support you to our fullest. If you lead us to the location, we will use the full force of our JSDF to apprehend those who kidnapped your people." The emperor quickly replied. He did not even think about what needed to be done. He really did not want Alicia raining down destruction on the people of his land.

"Then quickly get a group together. I am currently tracking my sister's fiance and they are heading toward Shiba. I will be heading there now. I will give you thirty minutes to deploy troops and have them arrive or else I will take action first." Alicia said.

"You have my word. They will be the best we have to offer and will be there in thirty minutes with ease." The Emperor stated confidently. Alicia gave a nod before disappearing again. She reappeared in the sky above Tokyo and flew off in the direction of Shiba. She had never expected Ryo to be targeted, so she felt bad for leaving her guard down. But now that he has, she could see why he would be targeted. He had been in contact with Blanche for a very long time and was most likely seen coming out of her house. The group that kidnapped him most likely thought he might hold some kind of information about us, like a weakness or something along those lines. More than likely this would end up with Ryo being tortured if he is not retrieved quickly enough.

Alicia stood in the sky and watched a black van as it made its way through the streets and let out a sigh. "Let's hope they are not doing anything they shouldn't be..."


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