Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 467: Incoming Threats

"And why do I need to go with you?" Alicia asked not budging from where she stood.contemporary romance

"Mam, I think you know why. Please do not make things difficult for us." The man in the military uniform replied, the soldiers behind him raised their guns and pointed them at Alicia and her family.

"Heh..." Surprisingly it was not Alicia that made a move first but Blake who waved his hand causing the guns in the soldiers' hands to turn into dust. 

"You see sir. My husband and I have a thing about people pointing weapons at our family members. I am here on vacation and would like to have it as peaceful as can be. As you can see a small wave of a hand can make your weapons disappear. What would happen if I made this whole country disappear all because you elitists in the government wish to try to gain that of which is beneficial to you to advance your own weapons. Do not think I do not know what your people are scheming. But I will leave a warning, leave us alone or you will end up like your fancy vehicle there." Alicia smiled brightly and waved her hand causing the military truck behind them to disappear as well. 

The man in the military uniform began to sweat seeing what had just happened and quickly backed away and turned to his men. "We are retreating." After giving orders he turned to Alicia once more and said: "I apologize for our behavior. I was just following orders." 

"I know this. That is why I only got rid of the weapons. Tell your higher ups to leave me and my people alone. Because any one of us can destroy this planet. As this is the place where I was originally born in my past life, I do not want to do anything that drastic." Alicia gave a small threat which she would never follow through on. She just wanted these men to know she could easily destroy that which they hold dear if they touched her family.

The man in the military uniform bowed his head and said: " I will be sure to report it." There was nothing else you could do. He could only retreat and talk to his higher ups. But this first contact told him one thing, that this girl and her family are not to be messed with.

"Mother... Won't this cause a major issue?" Frey asked.

"Hmmm? Nope! Because if anything bad happens, your handsome father will protect us right Blake?" Alicia knew Frey was worried but she did what she did because it would give them some peace and quiet for a while until the Japanese government figured out what to do with them. They would either ignore them and let Alicia and her family continue to enjoy their vacation or they will try to secure them as soon as possible, risking a war with an unknown race. She wanted to know just how stupid the government was now.

"Yes, I will. I may not be as strong as your mother, but I can still protect my family." Blake puffed out his chest trying to act cool in front of his daughters and sons.

"Daddy is always cool. But he's mean to mommy. I hear her screaming at night." Destiny who was holding Alicia's hand suddenly said.

This caused both Alicia and Blake to turn red as they stared at their daughter with wide eyes. Trying to salvage the situation Alicia said: "Destiny, Mother got hurt and your father had to use a special technique to help me heal which slightly hurt is all." 

"But Mommy, you were screaming every night since you came back. Did you have a big owie?" Destiny's big round eyes blinked innocently not understand what she was actually talking about.


Starla broke down laughing, the other girls also tried to stifle their laughter with very little success. Seeing how either some were too busy laughing or frozen stiff, Claire, who was the only one holding everything in, decided to smooth out the situation. "Destiny your mother got a big owie and your father took an entire week to heal it. Now she is all better. But sometimes it will still hurt so your father will need to heal it again."

"Oh! So daddy is helping mommy. Then daddy is not mean to mommy. Destiny now understands." Satisfied with this answer, Destiny completely dropped the conversation, Alicia gave a thumbs up to Claire for stepping in. She had been so flustered by Destiny's outburst that her mind went blank. She remembered that Frey was also one to say things with impeccable timing. She wondered if her daughters had a thing for embarrassing her.

Because of Destiny's question, the group's mood lightened up and became cheery again. 

They visited many shops that sold all kinds of things from food to clothing. They even stopped into a manga store, where Alicia showed them fantasy stories about goblins, elves, slimes, and more slimes. Everyone found things interesting as they looked around. Frey and Alicia were the stars of the show though. Frey got bored of just sitting on Alicia's shoulder so Alicia let her fly around and look at things with her boyfriend. 

The group completely ignored the camera flashing and people recording them. This is not to say that they were not annoyed about it but Alicia figured there was no point in trying to deal with something they really could not stop unless they made everyone around them disappear. Because of this though, images of them flooded around the internet and became a hot topic around the world on social media platforms like Flitter, Minstagram, and Headbook. Videos were popping up on Micomico and MyTube as well. You could say it had caused a worldwide uproar. Headlines about Aliens visiting Earth began appearing on all news programs. The Japanese government could not contain the influx of information and soon many countries were pressuring the leaders of Japan to capture the alien family.


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