Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 462: Battle For The Machine Empire Part Six

"How are they?" Alicia stood next to her mother's bed and looked at her mother and father sleeping peacefully. Their complexions were much better now and their wounds were almost fully healed. 

"They could wake up any day now. The amount of blood they lost was a little too much which is why they are still in a coma. But nothing else is wrong, even their brain functions are normal. We are still looking for ways to rebuild their ability to cultivate. We have some ideas but they are not tested. It is not an easy thing to test." The doctor who was in charge of Alicia's mother and father's care replied.

"Are you sure it is okay for us not to leave yet?" Blake asked as he rubbed Alicia's back. Alicia had spent every morning taking care of her parents before taking care of royal duties as the temporary queen. Luckily she has had plenty of practice on this front but Blake also knew that she had settled everything already that needed to be settled and that Prime Minister Charles could handle the day to day paper work, so she could finish her final obligation to the Machine Empire.

"After they wake up. Loeri is handling everything fine and keeping Charles safe for me. She has been with me the longest and has learned a lot about leading an army to victory. Right now they have reclaimed ten cities. And are still pushing them back." Alicia explained as she took Blake's hand and smiled at him. "When I arrive I will push out the forces who wish to overthrow Charles and end everything quickly. That is if Loeri has not already taken the enemy down."

Loeri had been giving Alicia updates on what was going on through here contract link. So she knew how things were going. Loeri had been handling the situation well so she was not too worried at this time."By the way, I am pregnant again. I guess these new bodies will spit out kids left and right."

"That's fine. We can build up the royal family faster this way." Blake said with his nose in the air. He was rather proud of himself.

Alicia rolled her eyes. Every chance Blake got to jump her bones he would. Although, Alicia never actually rejected him either, so in actual fact, it was also her fault. She was happy though. Her family was going to continue to grow bigger and bigger. But she had decided after this child she would hold on having more until the others grew old enough to take care of themselves. She had not figured out how many kids she wanted but she figured she had plenty of time to decide.


Months Later...

"Damnit! Why is it that we can not even win a single skirmish!?" Logan slammed his fist into his desk. Report after report was coming in and they all said the same thing the loss of control of an area. No matter what they tried they could not stop the army with the highly advanced numbers.

"General, should we keep retreating?" The soldier who came to report asked.

"Do what you need to!" Logan yelled out. He pressed a button on his desk and called for Lina.

Lina walked into the office wondering what she was going to be told. But when she walked in, she was surprised to see her in an utter mess. His hair was all over and he looked as if he was going to fall over at any moment. "Father!?"

"Oh Lina, good. We need to get ready. I do not know who that bastard Charles got as an alley but the technology of these people is at least a few million years beyond us. Not to mention the military tactics they used are all aimed at quickly pushing back our soldiers and reclaiming city after city. I have tried many things in order to try to stop their advance but we can not slow their advance no matter what. We started this war with all landmasses under our control. Six months later and the city we are in is already in their sights. We are already…." Logan's eyes went wide in horror as he looked past Lina who was confused at what her father was looking at. She quickly turned around to see a girl with horns and a tail sitting in the air, lazily swinging her bare foot back and forth.

"Go on, continue. We are already, what? Surrounded? No… Not surrounded, since I am sitting here. You should replace the word 'are' with the word 'have' and end it with 'already lost'. Since you truly have lost. And as for your daughter here…" Loeri's eyes narrowed and her body vanished only to reappear in front of Lina, her hand gripping Lina's neck.

"Lina! What do you plan to do!? Let her go, she is innocent!" Logan yelled in a pleading tone. His eyes were bloodshot and wanted to kill Loeri but he was afraid if he made a move, Loeri would kill his daughter without any hesitation. 

"Plan to do? Get revenge on this bitch for harming my nephew!" Loeri squeezed Lina's neck as Lina clawed and grasped at Loeri's hand trying to break free. Fear and the unwillingness to die was clearly seen on her face.

"What do you mean? My daughter has nothing to do with your people!" Logan did not remember angering anyone from Loeri's planet so he was confused by Loeri's actions!contemporary romance

"Nothing to do? I am sorry but she has a lot to do with Alicia, or should I say, Mei." As Loeri spoke the name Mei, both Logan and Lina's eyes opened wide.


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