Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 456: The Warmth Of His Embrace

As the images stopped playing in her head, Alicia found herself surrounded by darkness. Only a small area of light surrounded her and it was shrinking very slowly. But as she thought all hope was lost and that she would be completely consumed by the darkness in her heart. A familiar warmth wrapped around her body. It was a warmth that she knew so well. Her lips parted slightly as one word was whispered: "Blake..."

Her memories with Blake slowly began to fill her head. From the time they first met as kids to spending almost every day with the man she loved. She smiled as she recalled all her memories. Even the teasing she went through was a precious memory for her. Alicia hugged her knees as tears slowly began to trail down her cheeks. She was ready to give up. She was ready to let the darkness consume her. She was ready to become something else. But now the thoughts of the man she loves, her children who were waiting for her to come back. She couldn't let that happen! She couldn't let the darkness consume her!

Slowly the remaining light around her began to fight against the darkness... 

In the real world, Blake continued to rock Alicia back and forth. He had been watching her closely. A look of surprise and excitement filled his eyes when he saw the tips of Alicia's hair had returned to their golden color. He watched as it slowly regained its natural color and even the black fog around him began to reduce in size. 

Blake hugged Alicia even tighter as he pushed more of his golden aura into her. The process was slow but Blake found the changes that were made from Alicia's fall were beginning to revert at a faster pace. 

No matter what, Blake did not let her go for a second. As time passed, the black fog surrounding him faded more and more until finally, it disappeared. It no longer poured out of Alicia's body and her hair, her wings, and her halo all changed back to their original color. Alicia's face no longer showed any signs of distress. Seeing that she was going to be fine, Blake let out a sigh of relief and finally took a look at Tang Ming and Tang An. 

He checked their pulses and a smile appeared on his. "You two are very strong." Even though their bodies were a bloody mess, they were still barely alive. Blake knew if Alicia was in her right mind she would have realized this herself. But he was sure the shock of seeing her parents fall lifelessly into her arms was too much for her to handle. Alicia was strong but she had one major flaw. Those she loved and cared for were her weakness. Knowing that his mother and father in law were going to survive, he quickly used a healing spell to try to heal their wounds.


A warm breeze blew past Alicia's face as she slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes opened and in front of her was a familiar ceiling. "You're awake." A melodic voice came from her side.

Alicia looked over to see the man she loved for so long sitting next to her reading a book. But the thought of her parents made her sit up and ask: "My parents?" 

"They will be fine. They are in a coma but from what the doctors have said there will be no issues with them once they wake. Although their cultivation is crippled, they kept their lives." Blake answered as he got up from his chair and walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. He then leaned in and kissed Alicia on the lips. "You scared me. I thought I had lost you." 

"I'm sorry… But my parents, are truly fine?" She couldn't hold back her fears. She was sure they had died saving her but now that she was in a normal state of mind she never did check to see if they were still alive.

Blake smiled and nodded his head: "Yes they are fine. Are you awake enough to let the kids come in and see you? They have been very worried about you." 

"Mhm! Let them in." Alicia felt so relieved at this moment. She did not lose anyone. 

Blake did not even need to call them into the room as soon as he opened the door a little fairy came flying in at top speed yelling: "Moooooootherrr!" This ended in a smacking sound as Frey collided with Alicia's cheek not willing to let go.

The tears she was holding back began to flow as she patted the little fairy's back. "I'm sorry I worried you." 

Nomi came walking in with Faith and Hope in his arms while Destiny held on to his shirt. "Mother." He said, giving a slight bow. 

"I have troubled you all. I am lucky to have such a caring loving family." Alicia said with a smile. Her tears still streaming down her face. She was glad. She was glad that she was able to escape the darkness. Just the thought of leaving everyone behind scared her. She hated to think she would lose all of this if she had lost to the darkness. Thankfully she did not lose anyone. Each and every one of them was here. Even her parents were still here. She swore inside her heart she would never let herself fall again. 


"It seems we lost this time..." A man in golden robes said.

"Either way the battle had just started. But I feel from this day forth we will see her grow stronger and stronger." Another man said.

"We should just let things run their course. Why suppress what we already know is inevitable. Whether it is this girl or someone else in the future, what will be will be." A woman in red robes got up from her seat and stretched her arms. "From this moment on, I will no longer have a part in any of this. You old farts can do as you wish. But as for me, I would rather see where she will bring us."

--Author Note--

I apologize for the no chapter yesterday I was working on privileged chapters for another novel. contemporary romance


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