Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 450: Hope & Faith

"Let's name him hope." Alicia felt that giving him the name hope, that maybe one day in the future when she was no longer around, that he will be a sign of hope to the people of Phantasia. 

"This is a good name!" Blake said with a smile. 

With her new body, she did not need to stay in bed for a month. Giving birth was easy as well since the lower abdomen opened up allowing a doctor to take the baby out when it was time. In actual fact, the baby could stay in the womb for as long as she wanted but Alicia decided to give birth as normal at nine months. 

"Now that hope is born should we try for another?" Blake asked, his eyes showing a hint of slyness. 

Alicia on the other hand rolled her eyes and laughed. "You make it sound like I am some kind of baby making machine"

"Well, you are now a machine." Blake said teasingly.

As time passed, just before reaching Phantasia Alicia did end up giving birth to another child, this time it was a baby girl who she named Faith. Alicia had always wanted a large family but she had never expected to have three kids whom she gave birth to herself already. She can already see the look on her mother and fathers' faces when they find out. 

Destiny was now walking and talking, at five years of age, it was time for her to learn how to do many things. Alicia had already taught her how to cultivate her magicules, spiritual qi, and holy qi. Although Destiny did not need to cultivate spiritual qi since for some unknown reason she was able to cultivate it without even thinking since she was young. Her current cultivation level was already at the foundation establishment level at five years of age. Such power for such a little girl was strictly watched over so she did not accidentally hurt anyone or herself. She did not give Destiny any cybernetics yet. She wanted her to make her own choice on this matter when she got older.

Hope was now two years of age and was able to run around, keeping his nannies very busy. He was also speaking fairly well for two years old. Just like Destiny, he was able to take in spiritual qi naturally without needing to cultivate.

Frey was pretty busy with her new brothers and sisters. She would scold them when they needed it and praise them when they did something good. Frey was now almost eighteen, Alicia was starting to feel bad since she did not have much time to mingle with others of her kind. But Alicia did find that Frey had been spending quite a bit of time with a young man from one of the high technology worlds. Although he was of human origins, the two seemed to get along well. But Alicia was not too sure how she felt about this since one was a fairy and the other was human. But when she saw how happy Frey was when spending time with him she couldn't bring herself to break them up. Blake even said: "Love will come in many different forms no matter what race you are." 

When Alicia thought of this she felt this was very true. So she could only put down her worries and watch over them and hope that things will work out. Luckily if the two ever got married and wanted to have a child together it was possible with the technology they had now. The advancements that they have made, in some aspects could even rival the Machine Empire when it came to military and cybernetics. Whereas, other areas like space travel, that they had not actually researched much into, they were only at the front door. 

"Princess, Phantasia is right in front of us." Jay announced.

"Good, bring us in. It had been a long time since we were home. After a short rest, I will have Tereax deploy the new fleets to the surrounding areas to search for uninhabited planets with resources on them. Our universe is vast and in the future, I will need to expand my influence and make my way to the outer reaches of space. Only then would I feel safe leaving this universe behind." Alicia let out a sigh as she held Faith in her arms. She looked to her left side to see Destiny peacefully playing a game while Hope was using her lap as a pillow taking a nap. Nomi was helping Blake, while Frey was off with her boyfriend. Knowing she had a happy and healthy family of her own like this made Alicia smile. She hoped these good days would continue on forever.

Unfortunately not everything was smooth sailing. As they entered the atmosphere of Phantasia the alarms on the ship suddenly went off. Alarmed Alicia yelled out: "Jay what is going on!?"

"Princess I am not sure! A great power seems to be smashing into the ship."Jay announced. 

Alicia's face fell. She handed the care of her children to their nannies and waved her hand, sending them all into her space. Blake, Frey, and Nomi also rushed over. "Mother, what is happening?" 

"I do not know. Frey, you and Kyle go into my space with your brother. Take care of your younger siblings." Alicia did not wait for an answer before waving her hand sending them all in. contemporary romance

Blake stood by her side and held her hand. "What do you think is going on?"

"I am not sure, but it could be two things, the creators or the death race."


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