Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 45: Flameswood Armor And Weapons

Alicia was currently in a difficult situation. As someone who did not care too much for fancy clothes and was someone who had all her clothes made out of Magicules for protection. She was currently stuck in a dress shop being used as a dress up doll by Ela and Rebecca.

"Come on Alicia try this on I am sure it will look cute on you." Ela said as she held up a pink frilly dress to Alicia.

"Oh how about this one!?" Rebecca brought over a blue frilly dress with a floral pattern on the trim.

"Ummm… I..." Alicia tried to cut in and stop the mother and daughter pair as they went back and forth picking out dress after dress. Next to Alicia was a big pile of clothes that was now taller than her! She really wanted to stop them but seeing how much fun they were having Alicia quietly resigned herself to her fate as a human dress up doll. She could only sigh inwardly and hope it would all end soon.

About three hours later Alicia was finally released from her torment. The only bad thing was now she had a minimum of forty dresses. There were so many that she had lost count a good while ago. It was like Ela had bought out the whole store of dresses that were in her size! Alicia really had no idea what to do with all these clothes!

Outside the shop feeling a bit refreshed Ela turned to Alicia with a smile on her face and asked: "Where would you like to go next?"

Alicia finally perked up as she excitedly said: "Weapon and Armor shops!"

Both Ela and Rebecca let out a sigh as they did not find such places fun. But since this was Alicia's day out Ela nodded her head with a smile on her face saying: "Then let's head to the best shop in the city!"

The carriage road down the cobblestone paved road towards the biggest armor and weapon shop in all of Parith. It was called Flameswood Armor and Weapons. The Flameswood family was well known throughout the Alastine Kingdom for being some of the best weapon and armor refiners in the entire kingdom.

When the carriage came to a stop Alicia opened the door and looked up at the large building in front of her. The building was settled at the corner of the busiest intersection in Parith. Alicia was surprised at just how busy this place was. The large double arched doors were wide open as lines of people walked in and out. Alicia could not tell if all of these people were just regular citizens, knights, or adventurers. But she was amazed to see the different types of armor everyone was wearing. Some were your basic light armor made of leather with a few bits of metal attached. While there were actually a few people in full metal armor! She wondered just how much strength one had to have in order to walk around in a full body suit of armor like that.

Ela smiled as she saw the starry eyes Alicia had on at this moment. Her husband was the same way when he came to this armor and weapon shop as well. 'It seems those aspiring to be a knight will always find more interest in things dealing with armor and weapons.' She remembered the forced smile Alicia had on back in the dress shop and could only shake her head. This child was very polite and kind. She put up with us mother and daughter without a single complaint even though she did not find it fun at all.'contemporary romance

"Okay, enough standing around. Let's go in so you can get a closer look at what's inside." Ela said as she gave Alicia a small push.

Alicia broke out of her awestruck daze and walked into the shop. When she walked in she saw that the shop was basically split down the center. On the right was weapons and on the left was armor. Alicia went straight for the armor section and started to look around.

Behind Alicia Ela walked in pulling along a reluctant Rebecca. "Mother I hate this place! Every time we came with Father I always had to stand around for hours waiting for him to pick out one thing!"

"Child shush! Today is Alicia's first time here in Praith let her have her fun. We just spent hours picking out clothes and Alicia did not complain once!" Ela scolded.

Rebecca held on to her mother's hand as she lowered her head to stare at the floor as her bottom lip folded out into a pout. Seeing how her daughter was acting made Ela realize that she had been spoiling the child a little too much! She could only sigh and drag the spoiled child as she went to catch up to Alicia.

Alicia went section to section looking at all the armor, hoping to find something that would suit her best. But after peeking at this and that Alicia came to a horrifying conclusion. "None of these will ever fit me!" Alicia was now completely dejected! She was so excited to get a few pieces of armor to add to her set that it never dawned on her that she might not even be able to find armor that fit her small body! After checking the rest of the store and confirming that there was nothing here that could fit her and walked over to Ela and said with a long sigh: "We can go…."

"Oh? That was quick. Did you not find anything you want?" Ela asked.

"There is nothing here that will fit me..." Alicia replied.

"Little lady nothing here that will fit you? We can fix that easily." A female staff member overheard Alicia's words and walked over to her with a smile on her face.

Alicia's eyes, that had just dimmed, lit back up as she looked at the female staff member and asked: "Really!?"

"Of course! Flameswood Armor and Weapons prides itself on never letting a customer leave empty handed! If we do not have it on display that doesn't mean we do not have it. In the worst case scenario, we can even custom make something for you at no additional cost." The female staff member explained.

Hearing this Alicia's vigor was re-energized as she bounced back and forth once again looking at the armor sets. Ela walked over to the female staff member and gave a small bow. "Thank you for that. She was really looking forward to coming here. I would hate for her to leave empty handed."

"Do not worry Miss Dalton, our shop prides ourselves on making sure all customers are happy with what they buy. Plus our owner owes the little miss there a bit. Since the materials that were to come in yesterday were able to make it on time due to her helping the supplier's wagon out of a ditch when the horses got spooked."

"But still you have made her day I thank you for that."

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