Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 440: The Galactic War Begins

Alicia waited another month in order to have another batch of ships made. Once they were ready, Alicia took the entire fleet out of her space. It was a grand display to see millions of ships all lined up in rows in front of her. Never in her life did Alicia think she would be going to war in outer space on a galactic scale. 

Letting out a long sigh, Alicia stood tall in front of all the ships as she amplified her voice with her spiritual qi so that the mic she was wearing could hear her voice in the vacuum of space. "Today we will start the annexation of all planets under the Heaven Falls Sect. Those that resist, kill. Those that surrendered, take prisoner. I want to make this section of the universe that we inhabit to be free of war. I want free trade between planets and the promotion of technology between worlds. As we have banded together just recently. We have created things that no one has ever seen before. The very ships you man are part of these accomplishments. I will not say none of you will die today. I will not say we will definitely win this war. But for us to have a place we can solely ours in this universe, free of outside threats, we must fight. I do not wish to see my own world, the friends and the family I have living on it, taken over and ravaged due to a power struggle that has no meaning to us. I only wish to have a place we can call home. If those outside this section of space wish to cause us trouble then we will just expand our area of influence. If it comes down to us needing to take over the entirety of the inner worlds then so be it. In order for us to have our freedom, we will do what needs to be done! 

"The last thing I will say is this, be careful. If you run into a strong foe that you know you can not beat alone, call for help. If many can not beat them, then retreat. Your lives are more important than anything else. Focus on defense and retreat as fast as you can and meet up with the others. I will now cast a spell in hopes it will help you all stay safe." After finishing her words Alicia clasped her hands together and bowed her head. The halo above her head began to spin as a pair of golden wings sprung out of her back. In an unknown language, a song that filled the emptiness of space could be heard flowing from her mouth. A massive ray of golden light enveloped every ship. The people inside also radiated a golden glow. This light became brighter and brighter until finally beginning to dim. The song flowing from Alicia's mouth slowly came to its end. Alicia lifted her head and opened her eyes and smiled as she said one final thing. "Let us be victorious!"

Loud cheering could be heard on every ship. At that moment every person had put Alicia into their hearts as a symbol of hope for a better future. Some had come from planets that were already dominated by the Heaven Falls Sects forward team. Others just wished to not have to live in fear. But now they had a figure who stood for what they wished for the most. Freedom and a life without worrying if they would be taken over one day.

It was a known fact for the planets in the inner worlds that those taken over would normally suffer many hardships. Some would be enslaved and those who were from the Heaven Falls Sect would even indulge in unsavory acts of kidnaping the daughters from that planet inhabitants' family or outright murder everyone in a town and city for fun. They were ruthless and only saw the people who lived on the planet as objects for their personal entertainment. The cruel fate that came with being taken over by the Heaven Falls Sect was a great fear that spread to the uncontrolled planets that were in their reach. But now with Alicia standing at the helm, laying down their lives for her was nothing when dealing with such an enemy. 

Alicia's body flashed and she disappeared from where she stood and reappeared on the bridge of the forward ship. She would be at the very forefront of the fighting. "Is everyone ready?" 

"All ships commanders have reported back all green. We can move out any time you wish." Jay replied. 

"Alright then let's take out the Heaven Falls Sect." Alicia said. The mass of ships all ignited their boosters and began to move out.

As Alicia's massive star fleet was moving towards the planets ruled by the Heaven Falls Sect, the Sect Master of the Heaven Falls Sect was standing in front of his massive army of cultivators with a big grin on his face. "You all know what to do! Show the people of these uncultivated planets what it means to go against our Heaven Falls Sect. Show them the terror of going against us! We the highest lifeforms in this sector of the universe should be feared and revered as gods in the eyes of the commoners! Go out and kill! Go out and pillage! Go out and do as you please. This is the right we the members of the Heaven Falls Sect has as the gods of these worlds! But capture this one alive and bring her to me!" 

A large image of Alicia was projected into the air. The Sect Master could not stop looking at Alicia's beautiful face and figure since he had seen her. He wanted her to be his. He would make her unable to leave his side. He did not think any woman from some backwater planet would be able to stop him from doing as he pleased. Looking at the picture in the air the Sect Master licked his lips and grinned. "You will soon lie beneath me as I punish you for killing my men by making your body mine!"contemporary romance


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