Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 420: The Machine Empire Arrives Part two

In the main receiving hall for honored guests, Alicia, Blake, King Augustus, Wendy, her parents, and her closest friends and family all gathered looking at the man in front of them.

"Father!" Wendy's face showed a bright smile as she ran forward jumping into the man's embrace. 

"My darling daughter!" Charles hugged his daughter tightly. You would have to be blind to not see how much Charles loved his daughter.

"Your highness..." Alicia stepped forward and gave a slight bow.

"What is with all the formalities? Alicia, we are friends, just call me Charles. If anything I should be the one bowing to you for taking such good care of my daughter." Charles quickly stepped forward to help Alicia up but his hands paused as he said: "You! Your body!?"

"Mmm… Thanks to Wendy's assistance our magi techs were able to create cybernetic bodies that integrate the different kinds of qis and magicules. My and my husband's bodies are the first full body implementations." Alicia said proudly. She was definitely proud of the achievements that they had made over the past few years.

"This is quite amazing. To think you were still able to keep your powers and replace your entire body with cybernetics. What about your dantian?" Charles asked. His eyes were glowing with curiosity.

"It is still the same since it is a formation of spiritual qi, magicules, holy qi, or a combination of them all. The hard part was attaching the artificial meridians. The best thing is that after something is replaced it will be nourished by the qi's and become even stronger. You could say that one of your satellite attacks can hit my body and it will at most burn my clothes off if I do not surround myself in a defensive layer." Alicia explained.

"This is truly amazing. To think you could take Wendy's limbs and create something similar and even better than before. You make my Machine Empire feel inferior." Charles let out a sigh. He was truly amazed at the advancements Alicia's people had made.

"This is only due to my team of technicians. " This was true, Alicia had billions of people on Farlan that all specialized in magi tech, so something like reverse engineering and creating brand new technology was very easy when you had so many minds working on it. But she of course would not tell Charles everything.

"It is a good thing we are forming an alliance because if we were enemies my Machine Empire would not last long. Speaking of which, the numbers I have brought are all stored in this space cube. I really would like to see what you do with these numbers." Charles took out a small cube from his pocket and handed it to Alicia.

"Mmm… One thing we lack is the knowledge to create a brain to make a new race. The numbers I fought before had their own personalities. We can do a lot but a brain has to be transplanted into the new body." Alicia said. She was highly excited to see what the people of Farlan would come up with, with these numbers.

"I am sure you will be able to come up with many new things. Just remember to always implement a fail safe or they may turn on you." Charles warned. 

Alicia thought for a moment and realized this was true. Back on Earth, it was a highly controversial subject when it came to making new A.I. There was a faction that was scared that A.I. too advanced would cause the end of humankind. But that was if no laws were implemented in order to keep such things from happening.

But this was not to say that if an A.I. became so smart it could not decode these rules. Fortunately, this was easier when it came to magic since a simple magic seal would keep the A.I. from doing anything that could harm its creators and make them live in harmony with them. If not, the seal would activate and cause them to explode destroying them from the inside out. Of course, this would only happen if the programming failed.

"I will be sure this is done. Thank you for the warning. Come We have prepared a banquet for you. I will also introduce you to everyone here as well." Alicia said with a smile motioning with her arms for Charles to follow.

Alicia and everyone moved to a large dining hall where many kinds of food were spread out on large tables. "I asked Wendy about your favorite foods and we did our best to replicate the food from your world. Thankfully Wendy was willing to be our taste tester." contemporary romance

"Haha! Such an honor!" Charles let out a laugh, he was very happy with how much Alicia was willing to accommodate him.

"You know my daughter has gone through great lengths these past few weeks. She wanted your first trip to Phantasia to be a memorable one." King Augustus chimed in passing a glass of wine to Charles. "This is one of Alastines specialty wines, hopefully, it will be up to your liking."

Taking a sip of the wine a big smile formed on Charles's face: "This wine is very good." 

"That is good to hear, I had my Prime Minister find the best bottle. Actually, now that I think about it, you and him share the same name." King Augustus said.

"Haha, then we must be brothers." Charles said happily as he took another sip of wine.

"Charles, how long do you plan to stay?" Alicia asked.

"Mmm… I planned to stay for around a month. Maybe more. I haven't seen my daughter in years and she is already growing to be this big. Alicia, truly, you have my gratitude."


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