Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 409: Mirri Part Two

A red flaming lotus imprint formed on the spot between Alicia's brow. Alicia felt the immense heat in the air immediately disappear. "You!?" Alicia was confused. She knew what had just happened but she was confused by Mirri's decision.

"I feel a connection with you..." Mirri said without elaborating any more. She seemed to be a spirit of few words.

"I see..." Seeing how Mirri was not going to say more Alicia asked: "Mirri, may I ask why you were corrupted I should say?"

"It's a long story..." Mirri then went on to tell Alicia her past…

Millions of years ago Mirri woke up inside a cave. She had no idea who she was or where she came from. All she knew was that she could control fire. She left the cave which was within a forest. When her feet first stepped out onto the lush forest floor the surroundings instantly caught on fire and turned into char. Startled, Mirri ran back inside the cave, not sure what had just happened. She looked outside with a feeling of longing to leave the cave and explore the surroundings. She did not know why she felt this way but she did. 

She stood by the cave entrance looking outside day in and day out. Every once in awhile an animal would pass by. But it stayed far away from her only allowing her to look at it from afar. She could see the birds flying in the sky as well which really made her wish she could soar up into the sky just like them. At this time she was not as powerful as she was in the present day, so she was not able to fly. 

But as time flew by, Mirri watched the seasons pass by one after the other. Until one day a loud explosion occurred and the forest was turned to ash, becoming a barren wasteland. Mirri was frightened and at this time had a better understanding of her powers so she quickly made a tunnel deep into the ground. But to her surprise when she made this tunnel it led to another series of tunnels underground. Mirri, as curious as she was, followed the tunnel which led her to an amazing place. 

Tall structures filled her eyes as she saw the strange creatures walking on two legs just like herself, going to and fro. Mirri walked out onto the streets but her every step seemed to leave a melted footprint as she did. She did not know why when she went to say something to the people on the streets they would scream and run away as if their life depended on it. 

When she got deep into the city her mood was beginning to become gloomy. She only wanted to interact with someone, anyone who was willing to talk to her. But eventually, she became surrounded and they pointed weird weapons at her. They began yelling at her, calling her a monster. Mirri was confused and smiled as she walked up to them. She was happy that someone was willing to talk to her. But before she could get close they began attacking her. 

For the first time in her life, she felt what pain was. When she felt this pain she wanted nothing more than to escape. Her powers seemed to act out according to her will and sent a wave of flames that spread out through the area, turning everything it touched to ash. Mirri took this chance to escape and ran into the tunnel system opposite to where she had come from. 

As time went by more and more people tried to hunt her down. Her flames went from being a golden red color to black. She was scared and also had new feelings that overcame her. Hate and the thought of revenge. Before she knew it these new thoughts had taken over her entire being. Her form turned into a black fog that spread out throughout the tunnels going from city to city driving the inhabitants mad. 

As time went on the people within the cities all disappeared. Mirri finally regained some self-awareness during that time. Realizing what she had done. She found a spot to seal herself. She did not want to hurt anyone else. 

Then one day after a long time she felt a light wash away her hatred and her mind suddenly became clearer. She saw a small figure kneeling on the ground basked in a golden light. She wanted to reach and grab the hand of that figure who helped wash away her sins. She wanted to thank that figure and repay her with her gratitude. But as the light dimmed she could still feel the hatred within her had not fully disappeared. 

She watched as the small figure collapsed and then another figure appeared. That figure turned to look at Mirri and smiled at her. A voice appeared in her mind… "I ask you to assist her the next time you meet. I will place a new seal surrounding you so that no one can bother you. Take this time to cleanse your hatred and wait for my daughter's arrival." 

That day finally came and Mirri was now standing in front of the small figure who was many heads taller than before. 

Alicia looked at Mirri, her eyes red with tears. Without even thinking Alicia pulled Mirri into a hug causing Mirri to become flustered. "Mirri you will no longer be alone. You will experience many new things from this point on. So even if we are contracted you can still do as you like and experience the world you so wished to see."


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