Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 4: A Fight To The Death

Listening to the two men's argument caused Alicia's face to pale. She had no time to take into account what she looked like when she first arrived due to her situation. But she did know that she had long blonde hair. Other than that she did not have the slightest clue as to what her facial features looked like. Alicia's heart was pounding so hard she felt as if it would jump out of her chest. She quietly grabbed the horn from the rabbit she killed and also the long sharpened stick.

Making her way quietly to the entrance of the tattered hut she peeked through the crack in the wall to see both men walking back towards the hut with large sticks in their hands. "Brother Berel be careful last time that the little bitch almost bit off a chunk of my arm!"

"I know! I know! Stop bringing it up! Not my fault you let your guard down and almost got beat by the little bitch!" Brother Berel just wanted to get this done and over with so that they could sell the little bitch. Why did his brother always have to complain about every little thing!

Alicia had to hand it to the little girl it seemed she put up a good fight against the two grown men. If that was the case what good would she be if she did not do the same! She had eaten a lot of meat last night so she had plenty of energy today! Alicia slowly got herself into the same state she would put herself in during kendo practice and competitions.

"Kill them before they kill me! Kill them before they kill me!" Alicia entered a trance like state as she gripped the rabbit horn and her sharpened stick tighter until the white of her knuckles showed through her skin.

"Quickly kick the door down! The bitch is probably still sleeping!" Brother Berel shouted out.


Brother Emory kicked the door down as it fell off its wooden hinges. Right as he stepped through the door he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach. He looked down to see a little girl glaring at him with cold eyes stabbing him in his gut with a horned rabbit's horn. He was so surprised that he did not say a word or move, giving the girl time to retract the horn from his stomach and then stabbed him again in his side!

Alicia went for his stomach first so she could get a good shot at his kidney on the second thurst. If she could stab that she could ensure that this man in front of her would not be a problem for much longer. She pushed the rabbit's horn as deep as she could, twisted it, and pulled it out ruthlessly for a second time before jumping back away from the man. Blood squirted out of his wound splashing onto Alicia's face. She then took the sharpened stick and aimed it at the already formed whole in the man's gut.

This third stab finally caused the man to scream out in pain. "AHHHH!!"

"Brother!" Brother Berel who was keeping watch outside, heard his brothers scream and rushed into the tattered hut. All he saw was that his brother was now laying on the floor in a pool of blood without any signs of breathing.

Sweat poured down Brother Berel's face as he realized he did not see the little girl anywhere. Before he thought to turn around it was already too late. Alicia and moved back to the door when the other man screamed out.

While Brother Berel had his back turned as he was inspecting his brother's body Alicia charged forward and stabbed the man in his lower back on his left side with the sharpened stick.

The stick penetrated into the man's back and out the front cleaning piercing through the man's kidney. Since the man was still half kneeled on the ground when he turned around Alicia did not hesitate to jab the horned rabbit's horn into the man's neck before twisting a few times and pulling it out.

Brother Berel dropped down to the ground as blood flowed out of his neck. He did not even have a chance to cry out in pain before he died. Alicia stood there looking at the two dead men with her chest rising and falling with every breath. Her adrenaline was surging through her body. She had never killed a human being before.

This was the first time she had ever used her knowledge of swords in a manner that required her to take another's life. But on her second day in this strange place she had no other choice but to do so. If she did not kill these two men she would be easily overpowered by them. They would knock her out and drag her to some brothel someplace and sell her. She knew what a brothel was and thinking of the time and era this place seems to be in, she knew that even a girl as young as her would be put to work doing something she did not want to even think about.contemporary romance

Alicia slumped to the floor letting both the horn and stick lay down next to her. Her legs and feet were getting soaked in blood as it continued to pour out of the two men's bodies. Although it was disgusting she did not care. She needed to collect herself after what had just happened. She wondered if she would need to take more lives like this in the future as well…

Thirty minutes later Alicia pulled herself together. She collected her basket, trap parts, weapons, and a few other items. She checked the two men but found nothing useful on them. She used a large piece of thin cloth that was used as a blanket and rolled it up to make a makeshift bag. She stuffed any loose stuff she had inside. She then filled one of the smaller pots with water and walked out of the tattered hut. "I will need to get far away from here. There is no telling when someone will try to sell me off again. I got lucky this time and killed those two men but if they had both entered at the same time I would not have been so lucky. Tricks like that will only work if you have the element of surprise."

With that said Alicia did not head towards the main road she headed towards the forest. She had no food and only a little bit of water. If she were to take the main road she would surely end up dead from starvation or thirst. Although the forest is probably a lot more dangerous at least there was food that she could eat. She would just need to find a source of water and she would be fine as long as she was careful.

Or so she thought...


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