Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 395: The Ancient Seal Breaks Part Two

A loud explosion filled the air as the golden light around Alicia filled the sky even causing the eye within the crack in the sky to close tightly. As the light dimmed, Alicia's clothing turned into a white one piece dress armor and her halo reformed on top of her head. The wings on her back turned golden in color and a sword formed in her hand and glowed with a golden hue. Her golden flowing hair fluttered in the wind and her eyes became as black as night as if staring into the abyss. The sounds of trumpets filled the air and a beam of light as if coming from the heavens rained down onto Alicia. 

The eye in the crack turned menacing as a deep voice that sounded as if bombs were going off filled the sky. "You dare come back to this universe!? This is our world! Our universe!" 

Alicia's deep black eyes turned and looked at the eye that was looking at her as if it wanted to rip her to shreds. "Shut up!" Alicia's voice sounded out over the horizon as she raised her hand, millions of golden swords formed behind her. She waved her hand, sending them straight at the crack in the sky. The eye seemed to be angered and sent out a massive beam of light towards the golden swords. 


A loud explosion occurred that sent shock waves in every direction. The land below the collision was completely decimated, any living thing was completely wiped out. The earth split into two creating a massive canyon that stretched for kilometers. The two attacks had canceled each other out. 

Master Sei was now joined by everyone else who stared at the scene in front of them in shock. Even Tang An who should have been the most powerful one there was feeling the pressure from Alicia and the eye. 

"Mother, will Akari be okay?" Blake asked.

"I am not sure. I never heard of our bloodline having such an ability." Tang An was very confused as to what was going on.

"In some ancient texts that I have hidden away in my courtyard, there is a fragment of a text that once talked about the appearance of two ancient races that appeared after the Origin disappeared. They seemed to have come to this universe the same way as the Origin did." Master Sei explained.

"Did it say what kind of races they were?" Grandpa Mu asked.

"No, it only said that they were on the same strength level or even more powerful than the Origin. There wasn't much of the text and most of it was destroyed. Maybe some of the other clans or even the imperial clan might have more information. I was only able to recover this fragment when I was searching some old ruins." Master Sei wanted to know as well what these races were.

"If that is so, does that mean that right now, Akari is more powerful than the Origin?" Tang An asked.

"No, far from it. Her strength right now is probably just above the creator realm. The thing in the crack is probably just above the creators as well. Her power is simply shocking." As Master Sei was answering questions, Alicia's body suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of the crack in the sky.

"This world is no longer your Death race's domain. Leave or be obliterated!" Alicia made a few hand signs and thousands of magic circles formed behind her and began to glow. Each one had a massive ball of light forming at its center.

The eye in the crack in the sky suddenly roared out in anger. "You have not seen the last of me!" After it said these words the crack slowly disappeared, leaving only Alicia standing in the sky.

Alicia's body began to sway as she looked at her hands… "It seems this body is not able to stay in the form for too long. Looks like I still need to get stronger..." Her eyes slowly began to close, her from returning back to her original form. Golden balls of light fell off her body and began to be sucked into her, vanishing from sight. Tang An, quickly went forward and caught Alicia. She looked at her now sleeping daughter and frowned. She had no idea what happened just now. But she seemed to be conscious of her change. "Sleep for now. When you wake, your mother will have a lot of questions for you."

Morning light fell on top of Alicia's eyes causing her to squint as she opened them. She found herself pressed up against a firm chest but the familiar scent made her relaxed. She wrapped her arms around the body next to her pushing herself up against it. She remembered what had happened before she passed out. But to her, it was all too surreal. She felt as if a blockage in her brain had broken and information from ancient times filled her head. From a time before even the Origin was around. The power she wielded in that form was beyond her imagination. 

"Wife if you keep moving like that I will take it as an invitation and have my way with you." Blake's voice floated into her ears causing Alicia to blush, tossing out all the thoughts she had from the fight and breakthrough. She reached down and slid her hand into Blake's pants obviously giving him the answer he wanted. Before she knew it she was flipped on her back causing her to let out a surprised yelp. The room soon filled with her and Blake's intimate noises. 

***contemporary romance

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