Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 371: Wedding Part One

As the days passed so did the months. Alicia worked hard and slowly began revitalizing the land that was scorched. It was a slow task due to the huge amount of magic she had to use per block of land. Because of what happened Alicia and Blake put their wedding off until the citizens of Alastine could once again able to enjoy their daily lives. 

While Alicia was working on the land everyone else was helping rebuild. No one was left out in the reconstruction process. King Augustus also took this chance to better the roads within the kingdom and also set up proper water and sewage systems in every village, town, and city. 

Alicia also replaced the barrier around Alastine. This time she used up a large amount of magic to make it even stronger than before. The reconstruction process was going very smoothly and slowly life began to start anew.

Two and a half years later…

Alicia was now seventeen almost eighteen. It took her almost two years to get the lands of Alastine back to normal. Almost every settlement throughout Alastine was rebuilt. People were now out doing their daily routines from farming to the simplest of tasks, like shopping. Alicia was in her room surrounded by her friends and maids as they busied themselves with getting her ready. After postponing the date for so long, Alicia's long awaited day had finally come. She was to be married to Blake on this day. 

This was not some ordinary wedding. It was to be a grand wedding involving the entire country. The masses of Alastine had all begun showing up at the capital by the millions. There were so many people coming that the small towns below the capital had all their inns and even citizens' homes that had free rooms filled up. There were even a few large camp areas that King Augustus ended up needing to build restrooms for so that the citizens who were camping out had a place to clean and relieve themselves. 

It was a grand event that everyone was looking forward to. All the citizens of Alastine saw Alicia as someone blessed by the gods and some even worshiped her as a goddess. There was even a small cult of worshipers trying to turn it into a religion. This of course was rejected by both Alicia and King Augustus. But King Augustus did not keep the group from going on with their activities since he felt that everyone had the right to believe in their own beliefs. Although he did keep a sharp eye on this group just in case they became fanatical and started doing criminal acts all in the name of their goddess. He did not want Alicia's image to be tarnished by such people.

But it was true that Alicia had become the symbol of Alastine. Her presence outshined King Augustus himself. Not that he cared. With all these things happening it was also a busy time for the knights and soldiers of Alastine. 

In her room, Alicia was looking at the girl in the mirror who was staring back at her in amazement. "What is this!?"

A soft giggle came from her side as Starla stood there looking proud. "You like it right? I brought out all your best features making you even more beautiful than before."

"Starla you're really amazing! I usually never wear any makeup but even with it on, with the way you did it, I don't feel like I am wearing anything." Alicia was truly amazed at Starla's skills. 

"Well, it is your wedding day and I practiced a lot over the past year to get to this point. As one of your bridesmaids, I wanted to make sure you looked your best today. You are marrying the man you love after all. " Starla said as she slowly combed Alicia's hair. 

Alicia couldn't help but smile thinking about how she was finally going to marry Blake. But she also felt a little nervous about intimate things she was going to be doing after the wedding. Just thinking about it was starting to make her sweat slightly. Doing her best to clear her mind she decided to turn the conversation off her and on to Starla. "Starla, when are you going to find a person you love?"

"Me? Hmmm… When there is a day I am not following you around then maybe I will think about settling down. It's not like I have to worry about getting old or dying of old age before meeting someone I love. Including myself, Annelia, Claire, Rose, and everyone else all have reached the immortal realm in their cultivation. So we have all the time in the world to find our true loves. What amazes me though is you and Blake. You both reached the god realm. Blake really worked hard and quickly caught up to you. You can tell he truly wishes to protect you." Starla was truly amazed by Blake's cultivation speed. 

"It is true you girls all do have an eternity to find your true love. I hope you all will find happiness, build a family, and live a life you are happy about. As for Blake. He has really worked hard. There were times where he would do nothing but cultivate for days on end but I think a lot of it has to do with his race as well." Alicia explained.contemporary romance

"That is true but if you spent more time cultivating you would still be of a higher realm than him by a lot. It seems you purposely slowed down your cultivation so he could catch up." Starla said, nudging Alicia with her elbow.

"I was just really busy!" Alicia said slightly blushing. She did not think she would be caught so easily.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say, Your Highness!" Stara rolled her eyes. 'You can't lie about these things when it is so obvious what you are doing!


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