Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 367: Sometimes War Can Change Quickly

"There are three skels incoming with one hundred phants." A voice came over Alicia's magi radio. Skels was the new codename they gave the skeleton monsters that Bergath had summoned and phants was the codename for the Phantasiams.

"Alright once they come into view, A team, flank and fire at will at the skels." Alicia sent out her command. They had moved from guerrilla warfare to more tactical maneuvers. "B team, you will take out the phants, move out!" 

Very quickly the group of two hundred soldiers split up into two groups of one hundred each. Alicia was not to be left behind as she was playing the most crucial role in this battle. She was the bait. She flew out at her top speed. She waved her hand creating dozens of cone shaped magic circles. She had them follow her as she closed in on the enemies in front of her. Only when she was sure everyone was in range did she begin firing at will. This served as a signal to her comrades as they joined in as well. In a mere thirty seconds, the enemy group was killed instantly. contemporary romance

These types of skirmishes had been happening all over Alastine and of course, had not gone unnoticed by Bergath. "Great! Since they wish to be like this I will have no choice but to act! It's just that..." 

Bergath looked off into the distance he could feel the watchful eyes of some very powerful figures gazing in their direction. It was because of these watchful eyes that he had stayed submissive so far not wanting to be detected by those old monsters. But Bergath finally couldn't take it anymore. "Sorry lad looks like you will not be around any longer." 

"What do you mean!? Huh? Ahhh! Ugah!" Adrian let out all kinds of horrible screams until he finally went silent. 

"Humph! Trying to fight me. You should be happy that someone as great as I was willing to take over this out of shape body." Bergath moved Adrian's, well now Bergath's arms, and clenched his fist. "Since you wish to ruin my plans then I will just have to face you with everything I have, little girl." Bergath disappeared leaving behind his army that was still attacking the shield to the capital. 

On Alicia's side, she was checking on her people to see if anyone had gotten hurt. Luckily, since they were equipped with these new weapons that the people of Farlan had manufactured at a hurried pace, they were able to make cheap versions of the weapons that were on the ships. Alone they could not do much but when you used one hundred of them together it was at least half the power of one of the evangelines' attacks. 

As Alicia was gathering her soldiers so they could move on to the next target, she suddenly felt a heavy pressure weighing down on her. "Everyone, scatter!" She yelled out in an attempt to keep her soldiers from harm.

"Haha! Little girl, you have really outdone yourself. Not even my monsters from another dimension are a match for you anymore." Bergath's voice filled the air as Alicia looked skyward to see Adrian's standing in the air. Although she knew that was Adrian's body she could tell the person controlling it was not Adrian. 

"So you finally decided to take full control of his body?" Alicia asked.

"Yes, all he did was whine because I did not kill you outright. But because you are giving me much more trouble than I had hoped for, I have decided to deal with you myself. Although this may bring disaster upon me, I have no choice. I can not let my plans get ruined because of you. I will now kill you and end this war once and for all!" Bergath let out a cackle of a laugh as he raised his hand to the sky. Dark clouds formed overhead as a large magic circle formed covering almost the entirety of Alastine. 

Alicia looked on in horror. She felt a large surge of power way beyond her own fill the air. "Wait! If you cast that Alastine itself will be wiped off the map!" 

"Hahaha! You forced my hand! I will go back to what I do best and destroy everything!" As he yelled out the clouds parted and began to swirl in a circular motion. In the center, a bright red light that looked like flames began to form. The trees swayed and bent halfway over due to the wind being generated by the magic power. 

Alicia's hair fluttered in the wind as she looked up at the sky. Her only thought at this time was to Protect the capital at all costs! She waved her hand creating a time and space distortion in front of her that led to the capital. She quickly stepped through it not wasting any time. She knew she would need to prepare for what was to come next. Bergath did not care that Alicia left. He knew she would not leave Alastine with the threat of destruction at hand. Instead, he flew up into the sky making even more adjustments to his spell, making it as strong as he could. 

Alicia stood in the sky above the capital and waved her hand, creating a multilayered shield stacking it over and over again in front of her. The barrier was the size of the capital itself which was a huge drain on her body. All she heard was Bergath's laughter as his spell came to completion. Like a waterfall, a firey red liquid rained down from the sky. It was accompanied by large meteors flying in every direction. Alicia braced herself as the attack slammed into her shield. She gritted her teeth as she did her best to hold on as she watched her barrier one after the other shatter into nothing. " I just need to hold on a little longer!!!"


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