Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 142: Test Of Generosity Part Eight

The dress itself matched her eyes very well and brought out Alicia's body's beauty even more. She had a white fur coat and white fur boots on along with a matching pair of white fur gloves. She looked to be a princess of some nation with her current attire. The only issue with Alicia's current outfit was the fact that she held a sword on her hip. Which looked very out of place in such a fancy dress.

Even still, Chris stepped forward and reached out his hand to grab Alicia's, only for her to slowly start unsheathing her sword. Which caused Chris to let out an awkward laugh and retract his hand. "Chris, me and Jane, the maid you assigned to help me, have decided to go to the street food stalls for dinner. So please do not mind us and have a nice dinner." 

Jane as the maid was called, stared blankly at Alicia's blatant lie before turning her head and snickering. She really did not think that Alicia would lie so boldly in front of Prince Chris. She truly found this very humorous. Even Greg who was standing behind Chris was turning red in the face from holding back his laughter. 

Alicia found no issues with what she said so she intertwined her arm with Jane's and dragged the maid off with her right out the Inn's front door. Leaving dumb struck Chris who was still staring at the spot that Alicia was originally standing. It was only after a few minutes after Alicia had left that he came back to his senses and turned to Greg. "Am I really that unwanted?" 

"Your Highness, Miss Alicia seems to be very defensive against men and you have been being rather pushy as of late. You have just met, yet you forced her to sit close to you on your horse and you even grabbed and held her hand while walking into the inn. If you wish to win Miss Alicia over, I would suggest taking things at a snail's pace." Greg gave his honest opinion after watching from the sidelines.

Chris took it all in and processed it before nodding his head. "Then I will do as you say and take things slow. But I wonder… Does Alicia have money?" 

The two men, one young, one old, looked at each other before they both bolted out the door to go and find Alicia.

Time slowly ticked by and a month passed. Alicia was a bit confused as to why her test had not yet ended. She was starting to get a bit worried since the ones inside the Illusion World could not exit on their own unless they died and death was something Alicia did not want to experience again unless it was absolutely necessary. As Alicia thought about it. If something was wrong, with how King Augustus treated her, he would do anything and everything to make sure she was safe. And then there was Blake who seemed that he would be willing to fight the world just for her sake. 

The carriage Alicia was in, rolled up to a large gate to the capital city of Kingdom, Capital City. Anytime the names of this world's places were brought up, Alicia would cringe at the bad naming sense. They entered the hustle and bustle of the main street passing many various shops and people who were browsing wares. Alicia was amazed to see such an elaborate setup with so many people. That was until she started reading the signs. 'Shop, Food Shop, Cooked Food Shop. What the hell is with these names!' Alicia screamed out in her head.

Letting out a sigh Alicia decided to ignore anything with text on it. After about an hour traveling within the city, they arrived at a large palace that belonged to Chris. They exited the carriage and entered the main hall of the palace. Chris turned and smiled at Alicia as he said: "Alicia this is where you will be staying from now on. Please make yourself at home." 

"Oh… Then I will be sure to put five locks on my door then and only give Jane a key." Alicia said seriously. Her words caused the smile on Chris's face to freeze.

'Did this girl think he was some kind of animal that would enter a girl's room in the middle of the night!?' Chris's thoughts actually made him feel even more depressed. Even though he had taken a step back and was trying to give Alicia distance, he was still being treated harshly with a cold shoulder. 

Jane almost fell into a fit of laughter because of Alicia's words. The maids and butlers who had come to greet them all stared wide eyed at Alicia after hearing what she said. Some of the female maids even glared at Alicia with hatred. As if she had committed a great sin for talking down about their idol!contemporary romance

Alicia on the other hand was just trying to clearly make a fine line between her and Chris. She was not here to get close to Chris. He was her benefactor and that was it. They were on friendly terms but not close enough to be actual friends. She did not want to leave any room that would make Chris think that she liked him. 

At Alicia's request, Chris grumbled a bit before turning to one of the butlers saying: "Have some people ready a room for Miss Alicia and… add… five locks to it and hand Alicia all keys to the locks."


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