Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 140: Test Of Generosity Part Six

Earlier outside the Illusion World, King Augustus was frowning a bit as he tuned into Alicia's test. Quickened footsteps could be heard coming up from behind him. "Your Majesty! Your dau…. Princess Alicia has somehow pulled the hardest test within the Illusion World. This test alone can take up to a year within the Illusion. Should we forcefully eject her?" 

"No, it's fine. She will have people watching over her in shifts." King Augustus paused for a minute before turning to the figure standing behind him. "Blake, will Frey eat the magicule that you make for her?" 

"Yes, there is no issue. Are you really going to have Alicia take this test? There has not been a single person who has ever passed it except for you." Blake asked.contemporary romance

"If anyone can pass this test it is her. Because it will likely take her a long time to take this test. I will need you to watch over her until the others finish their test and help keep an eye on her new little sisters and Frey." King Augustus let out a sigh as he looked up into the sky. 

"I will make sure anyone important to Alicia is safe and happy. But is it okay if I zap that fake prince for trying to hit on my wife to be?" Blake's eyes were locked on to Prince Chris who was currently holding on to Alicia's side saddle.

King Augustus looked at the scene and furrowed his brow. "Yeah, it's fine zap away." Illusion or not, no man he had not approved of was allowed to touch Alicia!


Back to the present inside the Illusion World Alicia was sitting by the window of the carriage as it rocked back and forth towards the capital. Their first destination was to be the town of Ice. Alicia felt this name was a bit generic but she came to find out that the kingdom that she was in was called Kingdom and to make it worse the capital city of the Kingdom of Kingdom was called Capital City. Alicia decided she would complain to whoever was the one who named these stupid places for this test. She knew someone was slacking on the job when it came to naming places. There was even a town called dirt…

The entire way to the town of Ice, any time Chris tried to talk to Alicia intimately he kept feeling like he was being zapped by something. But if he kept his conversation on world events or other subjects he would not be zapped. It was like the gods were telling him to stay clear of the girl in front of you or you will be zapped to death.

In actual fact, this was both Blakes and King Augustus's doing. They would send an electrical charge made of Magicules into the Illusion World to charge the Magicules that built up Chris's body. Chris would then be lightly shocked just enough to keep from getting too close to Alicia. 

Chris was having a hard time trying to figure out what was happening. He couldn't help but look at Alicia wondering if it was her doing or not. But as he talked with her about other subjects he had noticed that Alicia did not once turn her head his way to speak to him. The entire time she was busy looking out the window.

This greatly depressed Chris, it was a huge hit to his ego where any girl would fall for his good looks he was sixteen and still not engaged yet. He had been looking for the girl he found interesting. Now that he had found her he was a little deflated by her lack of interest in him.

Alicia was oblivious to Chris's wounded ego as she only cared for Blake and only Blake. She did not mind talking with Chris in a friendly manner, but she never thought of him as anything except as a new friend in an Illusion World. Alicia also had no idea her time in this Illusion world was nowhere near being over any time soon.

It was around dusk when the carriage finally made its way through the gates of the Town of Ice. True to its name everything in this town was basically frozen. Large icicles hung down from roofs and ice even covered the surface of many of the buildings. The town itself was actually fairly large for how desolate the area was around it. But from what Alicia learned from Chris, this area is a vast fertile land during the warmer months. So the townspeople always had a huge stockpile of food for the winter.

"Your highness we are here." Greg called out from the carriages driver's seat.

"Alicia this is the best inn in the town that comes with its own private bath per room. I will get you your own room so you may clean up. I will also send one of my maids to take your measurements to get you a new set of clothes as well. We can not have you running around in the clothes you have on now." Chris gave Alicia a bright smile as he got out of the carriage only to turn around and hold out his hand towards Alicia.

Alicia looked at the outstretched hand in front of her and sighed. She knew he was only doing this out of courtesy so she thanked him for his help before taking his hand. But what she did not expect was that after placing her hand in his he would not let go even after she was already out of the carriage! Alicia wanted to scream! Blake had not even held her hand yet and here this Illusion World prince was holding on tightly to hers as if his life depended on it!


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