Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 138: Test Of Generosity Part Four

Alicia looked at the young man who was smiling at her, with great suspicion. She did not lower her weapon as she said: "If you have a question then ask. I may not be all that strong, but if you make any funny moves, I know for a fact that I can at least take you with me." 

The young man looked at Alicia's unwavering eyes and was a bit surprised but at the same time, a flash of interest could be seen in his eyes. "Little Miss, worry not, we will not harm you in any way. My name is Prince Christophe, normally everyone calls me Prince Chris. You may just call me Chris. No need for honorifics."

"Your highness!" The bearded man yelled out in dismay. It seemed to Alicia that the bearded man was not happy how the Prince was being so friendly with me.

"Greg, stop being such a stick. The girl is already cautious enough as it is. With you yelling she might not even be willing to talk to us." Chris calmly reprimanded. "Little Miss, I apologize for my guard. He can be a bit naggy sometimes."

Chris's guard Greg frowned at Chris's words. But he did not say anything. Alicia looked at the two and sensing they really meant her no harm she lowered her attack stance. "Give me a minute to get a fire going again. It's cold just standing here." 

Alicia then turned around and put a bit of tinder and then a few short logs on to the fire before bending down and blowing on the smoldering charcoal. The charcoal turned red as she blew on it causing the tinder to catch fire once more and soon the flames spread to the logs. The fire was once again brought to life allowing Alicia to place a few more logs on top to keep it going for a while. 

As she got up from the ground she felt a warm coat being placed over her frozen body. She turned to see Chris staring back at her with a warm smile on his face and a pair of boots in his hands. "I must apologize I didn't realize that you were wearing so little. Not even wearing anything on your feet. Wear this so that you can stay warm." 

Alicia was in a daze as Chris pushed the pair of boots into her hands and then turned to sit down on the ground. Seeing how kind he was being Alicia gave a faint smile as she bowed her head to him. "Thank you, Chris." 

"It's the least I can do. Is it okay if I ask my questions now?" Chris asked.

"Of course." Alicia said as she went and sat down on the other side of the fire. She had purposely moved away from Chris to distance herself from him. She had also made sure to pick up her basket and spear. 

Chris noticed this movement but did not say anything. He found it interesting that a girl would actually willingly distance herself from him instead of trying to get closer to him once they found out his status. 'She really is different.' Chris thought to himself.

"Then I will ask, you seem pretty young maybe around thirteen years old? Where are your parents and where are you from?" Chris was wondering why such a young girl was out in this forest in the dead of winter.

"I do not know how old I am or even what day or year it is. I have been living as best as I can on the brink of starvation in an old hut in the snowy field not too far from here. Since winter set in I had to leave my home in order to find food or I would have starved to death… As for parents… I do not even know if I had any or not." Alicia answered these questions this way because she really had no idea of anything. It was good that she was not in some small village and was alone out by herself otherwise this could have been awkward.

"I see…" Chris put on a grim face. He had no idea what kind of hardships this poor girl had to deal with all alone out here by herself. "You see these grounds are the royal families hunting grounds. When I was out on my usual hunt this morning I noticed the smoke and came to investigate. And here I found you. This must be fate of some kind. So... Umm… I am sorry I did not catch your name."contemporary romance

"Alicia… At least that is what I call myself." Alicia replied.

"Then Alicia, would you like to come with us? I just so happened to need an assistant to help keep track of my day to day activities. You will be paid and will get room and board." Chris offered what was like a golden egg to Alicia. But she did not accept right away because she was not sure if this young man in front of her was completely telling the truth. Until she had one hundred percent certain she would keep her guard up no matter what. 

"Your offer is very nice but I am not sure if the person you say you are is truly you… If I accept would you allow me to keep my weapon? This way if you are not who you say you are I can at least take my own life before you can do anything to me?" Alicia looked at Chris, her eyes showing her determination. If she can at least keep her weapon then she would follow otherwise she would rather kill herself and end the test than let anything else happen to her. 


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