Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 124: Test Of No Mercy Part One

When Alicia opened her eyes she was greeted by a luxurious room. She was lying in a large canopy bed adorned with jewels and expensive looking pink cloth. The room itself was about ten times the size of the room she had in her own house. But one thing she noticed was that everything seemed to be embedded with jewels. With one look Alicia knew she was now in the body of some rich person. She got out of bed and walked to the far wall that had a large makeup table with a mirror. The person staring back at her had long black hair, green eyes, and a white complexion, she seemed to be around fourteen to sixteen years of age. She was very pretty but Alicia had seen prettier girls. 

While Alicia was examining her new body a knock came on the door before it slowly opened. "Princess It's time to… Princess!" A young maid looked at Alicia with a startled expression. 

Alicia turned to look at the young maid and tilted her head wondering why this person was looking at her like she had three heads. "Yes?"

"Huh? Ahh! Sorry! Princess, it was just because you were awake at such an earlier hour normally…. You need to be woken up..." The Maid replied to Alicia's one word question.

"Mmmm… I couldn't sleep. " Alicia answered with the first thing that popped in her mind. If she had any complaint it was the lack of not knowing who the people were around her or who she was.

"Princess are you okay? Are you sick!?" The young maid who was around twelve years old started to panic. Her overreaction caused Alicia to be confused. 

"Ummm… What was your name again?" Alicia had no way to ask this young maid her name discreetly so she decided to just ask directly. Plus this way she could get more information about her surroundings. contemporary romance

"Princess? Are you sure you are not sick!? You even asked me for my name! Which is something you have never done before!" But the reaction she got from the young maid was completely not what she was expecting. 

"Is it bad to want to know the name of the one serving them?" Alicia asked with a smile.

"No! Not at all Princess! It was just that it was the first time you actually acknowledged my existence." The young maid lowered her head as she said these words.

"Well, I think you have been doing an excellent job and would like someone who is as hardworking as you at my side at all times." Alicia gave a gentle smile and held the young maid's hands. 

The young maid looked up at Alicia with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Princess! I am honored by your words! My name is Nora!" 

Alicia smiled and wiped the young maid's tears. "Then Nora, from now on, you will stay by my side at all times. As such I want to hear what you know about this place. Any and all details you know." 

One question was all it took, the young maid happily chatted away telling Alicia everything she wanted to know. What she learned was that she was in the Kingdom of Pordlia. Her name was Venessa and was the crown princess of the kingdom the sole heir to the throne. Her mother had died while giving birth to her and her father never remarried or took in any concubines. Because of this she was able to do or have whatever she wanted. In simpler terms she was a spoiled brat. She was feared by everyone in the castle because one word from her could end their life.

Alicia was quite shocked that the person she was, was actually a tyrant. This the main reason they would send Nora to her, was because the Princess would not treat her as badly. But now that she had an understanding of what was going on she was a bit confused. Mainly because the kingdom was peaceful. There were no wars going on and there was no drought or famine. Alicia tried her best to rack her brain on why the test of No Mercy was set in such a setting. No matter how much she thought about it there seemed to be nothing out of place. 'Seems I got my work cut out for me this time.

Alica had Nora help her get changed since she had no idea how to wear half the clothes that were in her closet. She wanted to wander around the castle for a little while and maybe find something out by snooping around. 

When she exited her room she made her way down to the second floor. But when she went to turn to walk down the hallway someone popped out in front of her causing her to crash into them and fall back on to her butt. "Oh! Princess I am so sorry! I did not know you were coming down the hall, please excuse my rudeness." 

A young man around her age smiled and reached down to help Alicia up. But when Alicia looked into this young man's eyes she did not see a smile but more of one of lust and malice. Alicia did not take the young man's hand and instead got help from Nora. Alicia had an idea that this was not an accident and was planned by this young man. Since she did not hear any footsteps when this young man came out of nowhere. She looked at the young man and gave a smirk. "You must think I am blind? Do you really think I don't know that you planned this?" 


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