Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 120: Test Of Strength Part Eight

Alicia, with the help of the girls and Ro, held a small funeral for Edith. She was currently standing in front of Edith's grave. Alicia really did not know what to say since she did not have the chance to get to know Edith too well. This was the main reason why she had no hesitation in punishing her for her crimes. Alicia knew if she had grown up next to Edith, her split second decision to take her life was not something she would have been able to do. As Alicia thought of this, she thought about Princess Catherine, her new older sister. She wondered if she could come to a quick decision if it was Princess Catherine instead of Edith. But even with all this on Alicia's mind, she still thought it wouldn't be right if she did not say a few words.

"Edith… As a sister before the war, you were someone who treated me kindly and lovingly. But when the war struck you changed without me even knowing it. It saddens me that you turned your back on your homeland and your family. If you had just escaped when I asked you to, you would have lived a life without regrets… But now it is too late… Edith, I hope in the afterlife, that you are doing fine. As your sister, I will always love you... No matter what sins you have committed." Alicia, felt a little awkward saying some of these words but with how real the Illusion World was. She still felt that they needed to be said.

All the girls had basically fully recovered, only Alicia was still in a lot of pain. But she had no choice but to make her move now. If she did not her time limit would be up before she could even finish the test. With this in mind with the support of two of the girls, they slowly made their way back towards the empire camp. At this time the entire camp should be devoid of soldiers except for the other commanders. Alicia's plan was simple, she wanted to kill the commanders who were running the show and then make her way to the front lines to get rid of any other leaders. Once she was able to get rid of their chain of command the soldiers would be in a mess with no one ordering them.

Ro had gathered up enough swords for all the girls which was very helpful. Since these girls had already fought on the battlefield for a few months they were no strangers when it came to combat. Ro had explained to Alicia there the four commanders, now three since one was already dead, never actually entered the battlefield and left it up to the squad leaders to run the show there. There were nine squad leaders in total. So they only needed to get rid of twelve people in order to deal a huge blow to the Empire's forces. 

Alicia grit her teeth as she dealt with the pain. They moved quickly and quietly as they made their way towards the new command tents. They walked past the burnt down supply area and noticed that it had been basically cleaned up and a few new boxes of supplies were now present. But nowhere near enough to supply the entirety of the Empire Forces. 

As they got closer to the new command tents you could hear conversation coming from inside the tents. "We need more supplies! If we do not have supplies our soldiers will end up starving to death before this battle ends!" 

"Our hands are tied! The empire is fighting on all fronts. Supplies are now thin!" 

"Why the hell is the Emperor so hell bent on domination! Even the people of our homeland are now starving because all the food reserves are being sent out of the country to feed the soldiers!"

"We will need to finish this battle within three days. By that point, our soldiers will be dead men walking..."

"Then we will hold off until nightfall and then charge into the enemy camp while they sleep. If we do not take over the Dorian Kingdom it will not just be the lives of our soldiers that are on the line."contemporary romance

Hearing plans of the commanders Alicia motioned for her group to surround the tent. These three old men did not even have a chance as Alicia and her group stormed the tent. After the enemy fell, Alicia and the rest went to work setting fire to the whole camp. After it was fully ablaze they began the trip towards the enemy line. The squad leaders all sat on horseback behind the group. They were all sons of high ranking nobles who were only out here to gain merits for their family. Most of them had no actual combat training. Knowing these things made their job even easier.

After a few hours, Alicia was dripping in sweat. All the moving around had reopened one of her wounds. The girls did their best to redress the wound and bound it as tightly as possible. But the pain Alicia was enduring was at least worth it as she saw nine figures sitting on horseback not too far away. Alicia quickly came up with a plan when she saw all huddled together the group of young nobles were. "We will do it like this. Three to the right. Three to the left, and three from the back. This will encircle them enough to kill them off. Their only option for escape is to rush into the battlefield and it seems they would do anything to avoid that."

Everyone shook their heads and slowly crept on to the group of nobles who were not even paying attention to their surroundings. When they were only a few meters away Alicia nodded her head to signal to begin and all nine of them pounced on to the unexpecting nobles.

"Who!" One yelled out before his head was cut off by one of the girls. That was all it took to send the nobles into a panic, some of which even pushed their comrades off their horses in order to block an incoming strike. The only issue was that their numbers were even so each person took one out. In no time at all, the nine squad leaders were dead. And because of the hectic battle, the Empire soldiers were dealing with not a single one of them noticed this.

Alicia held her side as she looked at the battlefield in front of her. She knew now was the time to finish this completely but she still had to settle one thing that she had promised before charging into the battle ahead. "Ro I will need you and the girls' help. I need to bury one more person… Before we finish things, once and for all."


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