Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 109: Princess Catherine

After a few minutes of bullying Prince Philip, Princess Catherine finally let him go and put her hands on her hips. "So you already knew about our Third Sister?" 

"Yes… I found out a while ago. I had originally met Third Sister in Parith where she kind of taught me a lesson. After which I searched for her high and low. When I found her I was in for a shock because the Alicia I met was not actually Third Sister but Royal Father!" Prince Philip frowned when he remembered finding out Alicia was actually his sister. His poor first love went down the drain just like that! 

"Hahahahahaha! Wow! This is rich! To think you actually fell in love with our Third Sister! Hahahaha! Ow, my stomach!" Princess Catherine was laughing so hard she had tears rolling down her cheek and she was having stomach cramps. she could tell from Prince Philips's expression that he had had feelings for this new sister of theirs!

"Will you stop laughing! It is not what you think! I wanted revenge! That's right revenge!" Prince Philip's face was bright red. He couldn't believe his second sister was able to tell that he originally had fallen in love with his Third Sister! 

Catching her breath Princess Catherine grabbed Prince Philip's hand and said: "Come on, let's go meet our Third Sister!" Princess Catherine really wanted to know what kind of person this Third Sister of hers was.


Twenty minutes later…

"Royal Father I have come!" Princess Catherine ran over to King Augustus. 

Seeing his daughter running in a dress caused King Augustus to frown. "Why are you running? What if you fall?" 

"Hehe! It's fine, it's fine! So where is my Third Sister?" Princess Catherine looked around completely ignoring King Augustus. Her eyes stopped on a young girl dressed in light leather armor with metal plating. This girl had golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Princess Catherine could help but mumble: "Pretty..." 

Letting out a sigh King Augustus walked over to Alicia and grabbed her hand bringing her forward. "Alicia, this is your second sister Catherine." His gaze then fell on to Prince Philip who was not too far away and continued: "And that brat over there is your fourth brother Philip."

Alicia looked at both Princess Catherine and Prince Philip and gave a slight bow: "It's nice to meet you Big Sister Catherine and Brat." 

"Pfft!" Once again Princess Catherine burst out into laughter while Princess Philip's face turned bright red. "Why are you calling me brat!? But you call Second Sister, Big Sister Catherine?" 

"What's wrong with calling a brat a brat? If you were not such a brat I would not call you a brat. But even Royal Father calls you a brat so you must be a brat through and through. So just get used to it brat!" Alicia snorted and turned back to Princess Catherine with a bright smile and said: "Big Sister Catherine, I hope we can get along." contemporary romance

Seeing Alicia smile caused Princess Catherine to freeze. Alicia's smile was like a warm sun shining down on a chilly day. It actually took Princess Catherine a few seconds before she came back to her senses. "Yes of course!" Princess Catherine said happily. She grabbed Alicia's hand and pulled her to the side. "Now tell me when did you become my sister?" 

"To be honest I am not sure. I only found out recently that Royal Father had adopted me..." Alicia answered. 

"So Royal Father adopted you. I had thought he had brought in another concubine." Princess Catherine said. 

Hearing the word concubine made Alicia frown, but she did not say anything. She knew this world's standards were different from Earth's. This meant it was really not her place to say anything about such a thing. But she did make a note to make sure whoever she marries in this world does not ever take in another woman! Alicia and Princess Catherine continued to chat while they waited for the others to finish the first test. 

Alicia had found out that the time in the Illusion World was much faster than outside. One hour in the real world represented one day in the Illusion World. Because of how fast time moved in the Illusion World it also made the Illusion world a very dangerous tool. If once were to get caught in the Illusion they would grow old and die in a few months. This was due to the body reacting to being within the Illusion and it would think that time there is the normal time. This also meant that when your body adjusted to the Illusion world that coming out of the Illusion world, time would seem very slow until your body readjusted to normal time. 

The next to come out was Rose who immediately spotted Alicia and called: "Young Miss!"

This caused Princess Catherine to become angry as she yelled out. "You dare call Princess Alicia disrespectfully!? Guards seize her!" 

Rose stopped in her tracks. She was confused as to what was going on. She looked over at Alicia with a questioning look. The guards at the side did not dare to ignore Princess Catherine's words and quickly moved towards Rose.

"Stop! Don't touch her! Rose is my personal maid." Seeing what was happening Alicia disappeared from where she stood and reappeared in front of Rose. Alicia's arms were stretched out blocking anyone from touching Rose. Alicia only turned back and smiled at Rose before looking at Princess Catherine saying: "Big Sister Catherine although I respect you as one of my older siblings, I will say that you need to not act hastily before shouting to have someone arrested. If you do not ask questions first before arresting someone, it does not make you or the royal family look good in front of the citizens who look up to you. Although I do thank you for being protective of me. I must ask you to please ask before acting." 

Princess Catherine blushed. She knew she acted out of turn but she wanted to act cool in front of her new little sister. But now she was being scolded by this same little sister she was trying to act cool in front of, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Princess Catherine looked at Rose and said: "I apologize for my actions. I was being hasty."

"No, No! Your Highness, I should have read the situation better before calling out." Rose shook her head. She did not want to make Princess Catherine look bad in front of so many. 

Princess Catherine smiled at Rose and said: "You're a very kind person. It's good to know my little sister has good people around her."


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