Perverted Demon

Chapter 206: Thousands of Deaths

Yangie was kneeling outside the room, her body powerless. She was frustrated by how she can't protect her mother. She could hear her screams and beggings, however, she can't seem to go into the room and help her because she was so powerless.

It was the first time in her life that she regretted not taking her martial arts training seriously. Only if she has trained more and be more powerful she wouldn't have to suffer such humiliation. Her father wouldn't have to die and her mother would not be raped by a demon.

She could have even saved her sect. 'It is all because of me... Why I am so powerless?' She started crying while her body hurt everywhere. She started feeling pain in her pelvis and stomach. Previously when she had sex with Rowen, she was so afraid and in a hurry that all the hormones took her pain away. However, now she was feeling all of it and it just broke her spirit.

"Open the door, please! Let her go!" She yelled and punched at the spirit barrier with listless hands.

To her surprise this time the barrier disappeared and she fell due to the momentum. However, that didn't stop her from quickly standing up and moving towards the wooden door. Revolving the knob around she pushed it open.


More tears started falling from her eyes. She could see Rowen laying on the sofa while his servant cleaning his dick with her tongue, while her mother was laying on the floor, with her right leg bent at an awkward angle. Blue and black spots were covering her entire body. Especially her chest and crotch.

Her whole body was covered in sweat. Semen and blood were flowing out of both her vagina and ass and her lips were cut from many places because of force full kissing.

"Mother wake up!" Yangie quickly moved towards Veil and placed her head in her lap.

"What have you done to my mother, you beast!" She shook Veil's head trying to wake her up, however, she failed.

Standing up in anger she moved towards Rowen and tried to kick Fin away. "You slut, you move away! I have to teach this monster a lesson." She completely lost her mind in her rage and kicked Fin, who was still sucking Rowen's dick.

Fin moved her head and looked fiercely at Yangie. Her Heretic aura covered the whole room, and two sharp blood-sucking teeth elongated in her upper jaw. Her vampire nature prevailed. A sharp black colour tail popped behind her back and she moved towards Yangie to tear her down. However, before she could move any further, Rowen grabbed her tail and pulled her back.

"Who told you to stop sucking my dick?" He asked looking Fin in the eyes.

Gulping her saliva she quickly nodded and kneeled in his legs again. "Sorry master." Her vampire form returned to human and she started sucking his dick. However, her Heretic aura remained in the room, which stopped Yangie at her place. Making her completely immovable.

Rowen didn't say anything and enjoyed the blowjob form Fin as he looked at Yangie with a disdainful face. He was mocking her.

"Ahh..." He came in Fin's mouth and stood up.contemporary romance

"Throw this bitch and her mother in the dungeons, I am done playing with her," Rowen said and picked up his Robe.

Fin stood up and wanted to help Rowen dress, first, however, she has just broken one of his order before and she didn't want to do it again. Bowing down she quickly disappeared with Yangie and Veil.

After they were gone, Rowen placed his clothes back on his body and started moving out of his apartment. An Idea suddenly struck in his mind. "I wonder if the Ascender from the WheatHollow sect would come down for revenge. I think I need to absorb some emotions form Ascenders before stepping into the pit of Ascendence."

He contemplated and nodded. "I have to stay low key and absorb the ascenders of both Wheat Hollow sect and Rubloa sect to increase my power." He decided to wait for them to come down. So he can increase his powers and only then would he take the risk to enter the pit of ascendence to get his hands on the pearl of Darkness.

He was sure that Ampone would be able to handle both the Ascenders as she was more powerful. She is even training with the gauntlet for the time being in my Hellish Dimension. Although the Green Gem in the Gauntlet was a holy Item and it would be hard for a demon like her to use it, however with enough practice she may be able to control it.

And she doesn't even need a Gauntlet to run away from an Ascender if things go wrong. As she has devils wings, escaping away would be very easy.

Nodding, he moved towards his cultivation chamber and sat down. He ordered all of his demons out, to go and hurt people by his name so he could absorb their emotions. He even let Felicia and Ampone out to hasten the process.

Sitting in his chamber, he closed his eyes. This time he wanted to cultivate diligently and increase his cultivation as much as he could. Taking in a deep breath he started collecting all the negative emotions in his Demonic Technique slowly.

"I will use it all at once for spontaneous breakthroughs." Although it will make his foundations weak. It will strengthen his sensitivity to negative emotions in a short period that will make him very susceptible to the negative energies around him making his future breakthroughs easy.

And in future, he can always strengthen his foundations by slowing down his cultivation. When he gets his hands on the Dao of Darkness and he defeats Dao of Love and Light, he would have all the time in the world for his Foundations. No one would be there to stop him. At that time I would be the strongest.

After a week past, he started getting a constant and big supply of negative emotions from all around him. Both his demons and Felicia and Ampone got a grip on all the lives around them. Not only they terrorised the area around the wheat hollow sect, even the Stiya Dynasty was not spared. As Felicia has already become a demon she has shed her kindness for humanity.

And if it's the order given by Rowen then she would not even hesitate to kill her father for him, moreover, these were just the normal citizens.

After two months Rowen collected enough negative emotions to break through to the next realm. In the martial manipulation realm, however, he saved the energy for his spontaneous breakthrough.

He then called back both Felicia and Ampone and looked at them with anger on his face. When they saw him angry both of them broke down. Even Ampone started crying.

"Master, what happened? Did we do something wrong? Please punish me..." Felicia kneeled in his legs and begged for punishment. And Ampone stood at her place, tears dropping from her eyes.

"Master please don't abandon me. You are the only one I have, I will not be able to survive without you." Ampone said and looked down. Clenching her fists she decided she would do more than she can to please her master.

Both of them looked at Rowen, who just sat there silently with an angry expression. They didn't know what their fault was. They were doing what Rowen had ordered them previously. He told them to torture and terrorise people in his name and that was what they were doing.

"It's not enough! You guys are so lacklustre. I am disappointed, should I give this task to someone else?" Rowen looked them in the eyes.

After listening to him, both of them understood, he was angry because they were not fast enough. Nodding, Ampone kneeled in front of Rowen. "Master, I am extremely sorry for our lacking performance. I promise you that I will give my all, Just give me one more chance." She said with a determined expression.

Felicia also nodded and tried to kiss Rowen, "I will do my best," She said and moved towards his lips. Rowen didn't resist and kissed her. "Now go and don't disappoint me this time. Be more brutal and Fast. Keep all of them on the brink of insanity and death. Make sure they piss their pants, as soon as they hear my name."

Ampone and Felicia stood up and nodded, "Yes master." Both of them then disappeared with a bow. And soon enough massive amounts of negative emotions started pouring in towards Rowen, which made him smile.

The hundreds of thousands of kilometres of Areas around the WheatHollow sect became a death zone soon enough. No one was spared, every animal, even plants were tortured under the power of two demonesses.

No one was allowed to die and, every breathing second for them became, thousands of deaths.

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