Perverted Demon

Chapter 180: Don't Cry

"Yes, master." Felicia stood up and moved towards Ayil, who was laying on the floor half-naked.

Her limbs bent backwards as curses were flying out of her mouth. Sweat was covering her whole body and she couldn't believe what was happening to her.

He only wishes right now to somehow get her cultivation back and to kill this fucking vampire.

She had even taken an oath in her head that once she gets out of this situation she would go and exterminate every vampire she ever sees.

Many blue veins started moving under Felicia's skin as small bugs started flying out of her hands and moved around her body in a circle.

They were infernum inpids. When she turned into her demonic form she gained control over all these bugs inside her body.

The bugs that at a time wanted to kill her now support her in cultivation and even attacking others.

They have become one with her body and soul. It was more like they were part of her body.

"You...!" Anaphile's eyes widened again as she caught sight of blue bugs that were flying around Felicia's body.

The curses coming out of her mouth stopped because of how dumbfounded she was. She has heard about these bugs before and has even seen them.

She didn't know that these bugs could exist in this lower plane too. She remembered how one other angel from hell got infected by these bugs when her husband died.

Even the best healers and alchemists were unable to cure her.

She still remembered how these bugs crawled out of that angel's body after finishing her insides and leaving only bones and skin.

Many tried to capture these bugs, however, they quickly dissipated the moment they come in contact with anything.

"Infernum Inpids..." Her shocked voice responded throughout the room and for a few seconds, she forgot what kind of peril she was in.

Only after the bugs started to move around her body and started carrying her she realised what was happening again.

"Stop this!!! I am no food source! I, Anaphile is an angle from hell and I can help you in many ways. I can even be your slave if you want. Just don't do this to me. If other angels find out, they will kill you!!!"

Her neck turned completely red as she yelled with all her power.

Rowen smiled at her desperation. He could feel strong negative emotions coming out of her. She just wanted to kill him, however, as she was bonded she was helpless.

Thousands of Bugs collected under her body and lifted her up in the air. "You girl! You have controlled the Legendary Creatures! Just kill this man and come with me. I can show you many powerful places and you can even rule some of them!" Ayil said as she looked at Felicia.

She wanted to incite her. If this girl turned on her side than she would be of great help. All she had to do is open her cultivation ones and she will handle the rest.

And on top of all this Felicia could also control Infernum Inpids. If she became her slave then she could rule this world.

However, Felicia had no reactions to her words, like she was a zombie. She only did what Rowen has told her.

Rowen moved in front of Ayil's face and smiled. "You think that my girls would betray me? If I tell her to die she would do it without hesitation." Rowen said while pointing at Felicia.

He knew that most of the girls in his harem would die for him without any hesitation.

Ayil looked at him and then looked at Felicia. Seeing no change in her expression she gulped her saliva.

This monster in front of him has somehow managed to manipulate this strong and talented girl to the point where she could give her life up for him.

To think that a demon that could control some legendary creatures could be manipulated to this extant by a mere vampire. This was completely unheard of.

"Hahaha...! Don't worry. Soon you would be with them. You will also love me to death." His voice sent chills down her spine.

Ayil gritted her teeth. "Never..." Her hushed voice moved through her lips. There was a determined look on her face.

"What?" Rowen raised his brows with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Never..." She hushed again.

"Loud! I can't hear you at all." Rowen placed his hand over his left ear pretending to not hear what she was saying.

Finally, her face turned red and tears formed in her eyes. She has never felt this helpless in her life. "Never... Never... Never... Never! I will never follow a pathetic demon like you!"

She started crying as tears continuously started to drip down her eyes.

Although she has faced many brutal situations in her past, however, she has never been this emotional.

This was the first time she has cried in millions of years.

Maybe it was because of the huge amount of Rowen's black qi that entered her body when she tried to kill him the first time. Or maybe it was the fact that it was the first time she ever felt this helpless.

She doesn't even have control over her own body.

Rowen moved towards her and kissed her lips. "Don't cry, soon enough you will start loving me. You will become completely mine. And it would be only then you will be thankful that you didn't have the power so you could kill me." He whispered near her left ear.

Ayil looked at him with her eyes moist and turned silent she stopped struggling and cursing and accepted her destiny.

She decided to stop trying and make this cunning guy even angrier. Her new strategy was to wait patiently, till the moment comes and he makes a mistake.

And that would be her chance to kill this guy off. She would take her revenge then.

She has already waited three million years for someone to revive her and she was ready to wait another three million years if it means for her to be completely free.

Rowen looked at her defeated expression and kissed her again on the lips. He then moved away and cast a gaze at Felicia.

"Go." He nodded with a smile.

Felicia also nodded at him and bowed down. "Yes, master." After the beating, she has previously received from Rowen. She started calling him 'master' instead of 'brother'.contemporary romance

Rowen moved away and sat on the chair again to wait for Ampone to show up with the guys and girls he demanded.

Felicia disappeared from the committee room with both Ayil and her Infernum Bugs. She then appeared again in the Hellish dimension. Outside the mansion created by Lilias.

She stood outside of the big mansion as Ayil floated silently beside her. She had tears falling from her eyes continuously.

"You shouldn't have made him angry," Felicia said as she started to move slowly towards a wooden door that was below the walls of the mansion.

Many demonic slaves that we're created by Rowen were walking around the mansion doing all kind of chores. Some of them were even guarding and scouting the place.

However, none of them dared to stop or talk to Felicia. They just bowed whenever she came in front of her respectfully.

Ayil on the side kept her silence. She was in no mood of replying or arguing with Felicia. She was preparing her consciousness for the torment that was about to descend on her.

Felicia when saw that she was not replying turned silent and gently moved towards the wooden door.

There were no guards outside the Prison gates only a wolf girl was present that bowed in front of Felicia as she saw her.

"Mistress." The wolf girl said.

Felicia nodded at her with a graceful smile. "Open the door." She said. Even after becoming a demon, she has not forgotten her dignity that she has cultivated from childhood.

She treated all the servant and guards gently. Never showing arrogance to anyone of them.

The wolf girl also smiled back at her and nodded. Her furry hand moved and clasped the black metallic ring knob on the door and she pulled it.

With clanking of wood and metal. The thick wooden door parted revealing a staircase leading underground.

On both side of the stairs were torches lit up illuminating it clearly. Felicia first stepped down the stairs and behind her body of Ayil floated on Blue bugs.

The wolf girl noticed Ayil and her weird posture. However, she didn't dare say anything. She even looked aside when came face to face with Ayil pretending that she didn't see her.

Soon enough both Felicia and Ayil reached a cold and brightly lit corridor. That was illuminated by the formations crafted on its ceiling.

The door above the staircase closed with a clank again by the wolf girl.

On the one side of the corridor was a flat yellowish wall and on the other side were five cells. In one of them was locked up Silver haired girl that was Rowen's sister and the Blue Haired girl Asariel, she was Aurora's sister. She was currently eating her food with a depressed look on her face.

Aurora was kept in the cell at the innermost corner keeping her away from her sister.

In the other cell was two-man one was vice sect leader of WheatHollow sect and another one was Leader of Rubloa sect who was thoroughly ravaged by Herculean apes. Both of them were unconscious.

Finally, they reached in front of an empty cell and both of them entered the jail and Felicia pulled out metallic chains from her space ring.

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