Perverted Demon

Chapter 166: Young Boy

When people below him saw the blood raining they quickly ran away and some that had not sealed their cultivation yet formed spirit barrier around them.

The girl that was chained fell on the ground with the headless body of the guy. Her whole body was splattered with blood and brain matter.

"Ahhh..." She yelled and struggled to free herself from the chain to clean her face up.

Her friend ran toward her and helped her free.

"Thanks, Brother for helping me out." She said as she looked at Rowen who was levitating even higher.

Rowen just ignored her and looked up front. Thousands of disciples facing him just waiting to crush him to death. However, none of them dared to move after seeing how brutally Rowen killed the guy before.

And another factor stopped them from taking any action. It was that they can't read his cultivation. He seemed like a mere mortal without any cultivation.

However, he has just killed one of their sects mates without even blinking an eye.

"How dare you!" A red flaming blade flew towards Rowen with the raging voice.

Rowen looked at the flying blade and smiled. And with his smile, the blade stopped just in front of him.

"Blade of Burning Souls!" One of the disciples from the Rubloa sect gasped.

"That is vice sect leader's blade! Even he has to come out to teach this brat a lesson. Now he has no chance to live." A guy with a long nose said with contempt. He looked at Rowen like he was already dead.

However his expression change at the next moment. It was like he has swallowed a bag of insects. The Blade of Burning Souls that was a Heretic Grade treasure started to freeze and getting covered by dense crystalline ice.

Cracks even started to appear on the blade.

"This Guy! He hasn't even touched the blade!" The guy said and almost lost his consciousness. He was not sure even sect leader himself could achieve this feat.

"Don't worry he is just a hoax." A voice reverberated and a man in yellow robe appeared in front of Rowen. He had a long moustache like that of a dragon and his golden eyes sparkled with brilliance and anger.

When people of Rubloa sect looked at him a smile formed on their faces.

"Vice Sect leader BurningWood." All of them bowed towards him with a ray of hope in their eyes.

As Vice Sect Leader himself has come. They would be safe from this demon that has made cracks in the Blade of Burning Souls.

BurningWood looked at Rowen with pride-filled in his eyes. "What is your name disciple? I am impressed by your courage to stand up against thousands of us and to even declare that we would beg for death. You have although threatened us. However, I am magnanimous and forgiving. Join our Rubloa sect and all your mistakes would be forgiven and you will even be given the role of Core Disciple."

To have such daring. A disciple like him was more suited in their Rubloa sect rather than this pathetic WheatHollow sect who don't even have a Heretic. From what the sect leader has divined before their death Sect Leader and Vice Sect Leader have forgotten to call their Ascender.

Which mean that WheatHollow Ascender would not be able to come here anytime soon. If he comes at all. They at least have few years to clean this sect up of its resources and after that even if the Ascender finds out about what happened he would not fight another Ascender for a damaged sect.

They have also divined that the killer of Sect Leader and Vice Sect Leader would not be able to survive and will die just before the death of Sect Leader. That was the reason why they have come to capture this sect.

Previously they were Divining about the WheatHollow sect for the guy that has killed one of the elders in their sect. Sect leader never would have thought they would find such an opportunity while doing so.

Rowen didn't reply to his words. He didn't even look at him like he was not worthy of his attention.

"I was generous enough to give you pieces of shits ten seconds, however, you have ignored my generosity and decided to ideal around instead. Now get ready to suffer the worst fate that has been waiting for you!" Rowen said and then the Blade Of Burning Souls clanked in front of him. Breaking into thousands of pieces.

"He has shattered the Blade!" The guy behind the BurningWood exclaimed. He took a step back and gulped his saliva.

They still remembered when Vice sect Leader previously tied to pull it out of the Dragon Magma Stone. His whole body got charred and bruised from many places however he was unable to pull the sword out. And in the end, only with the effort of both Sect Leader and himself was he able to get his hands on this sword.

Vice sect leader is at peak Martial Synchronisation realm. He was the second most powerful guy in the sect after Sect Leader who is already a Heretic.

"You! What Gal! To break my sword. I have given you the chance of joining our sect even after you threatened us. However, you have forgotten how big heavens are to have such arrogance and only being a disciple of a sect, not even an elder. I have to teach you a lesson by giving you the most brutal death..." Before he could say anything else same thing happened with the Vice sect leader that has happened with the bearded guy.

His head exploded into chunks of flesh and blood and the Ice Spike this time didn't stop at him it even killed ten people that were flying behind him. Making the place as silent as a graveyard.

The blood flew around in the air and the flesh dropped on the ground.

Painting many apartments and roads in red.

Rowen looked ahead and with a proud expression on his face. "Seal all their cultivation!" His voice moved around Ampone who was sitting on his shoulder. Her eyes turned cold and then she started flying above. Her body returned to its original size and then a heavy cold pressure enveloped the whole sect.

Even the people from the WheatHollow sect that had hopes in their eyes as someone capable has come to save them were affected by this pressure. All of the flying disciples and the disciples on the ground slumped.contemporary romance

Their bodies glued to the ground as if someone has placed a mountain on their back.


"Ugh... Cough!"

"What is happening? We are from WheatHollow sect! So why is he hurting us?"

Many voices started resounding in the sect. Some were of pain while others were of sheer confusion.

"Senior Brother... A mistake has occurred. We are from WheatHollow sect! We are on your side." The girl that was previously chained by the bearded guy said, however, next moment what happened to her made everyone in the ground dead silent.

A green coloured slime shot out of Rowen's hand and moved towards the girl. It first burned her clothes down then her skin started to melt. "Ah...ah... Help...!" She started crying for help and even tried to move her cultivation however the pressure above her made her impossible to move even her finger.

She died without even a chance to struggle. Her body that was young and healthy just a few moments ago got completely juiced up in a gooey liquid that started flowing on the ground reaching other disciples.

They tried to avoid the bloody mess, however, as they were completely sealed to the ground, they could do nothing but accept the smelly humiliation.

The only people who remained flying in the air was Rowen, Ampone and the sect leader of Rubloa sect.

Even the carriges and the Beasts they have brought with them were currently sticking to the ground.

As for the blue coloured spirit shield that previously prevented anyone from WheatHollow sect to ask for help started to form cracks on it. And over it formed an Icy shield by Ampone.

The sect leader looked at the two flying over the sect and how every one of his disciples and elders from the sect was completely sealed. Gulping his saliva he slowly moved towards Rowen.

"Young Boy. This old man is deeply regretful. We didn't want to take your territory. We thought that this place was abandoned and no one was here to take care of it. So we decided to do so. If we have known that someone as powerful as you is residing in the sect then this old man never had done this mistake." The sect leader said with a bow.

When the disciples from both the sect looked at how the old man was bowing down in front of Rowen their eyes widened.

Who was he? Sect leader of the great Rubloa sect! A Heretic!

For him to bow down in front of a disciple from WheatHollow sect showed how powerful this guy floating in front of them was.

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