Perverted Demon

Chapter 162: Demon's Fury

Rowen listened to her words and a smile formed on his face. He has the perfect thing to solve this problem. That thing is more of a technique. If what Ampone said is true then they just need to stall time for ten minutes after that the sect leader would die and the WheatHollow sect would be his. Demon's Fury is one of the two techniques he got from his Demonic Dao when his power increased at the kingdom of stiya.

Only after he came back to his apartment did he studied both of the techniques. One was the flaw and another one was Demon's fury. At that time he rejected the technique as useless as he really didn't have any use for it at that time. As this technique needed ten days of cooldown for just half an hour use. However, currently, it could be a lifesaver for all of them. Demon's fury can increase the user's power to double for half an hour and doesn't even have a side effect like the death pin. It just needed ten days to be used again.

Previously when Rowen gave flaw to Ampone he didn't give her Demon's fury as he still didn't trust her fully. However, currently, he needed her help.

He looked at Ampone. "Come here." His voice reverberated in her mind through the mental message technique. His humane hand started turning demonic red. Long claws formed on his fingers. He was planning to give the demonic technique to Ampone right now. He wanted to first absorb emotions from the sect leader however he had left no choice to him. Now he has to kill him.

Sect leader looked at Rowen and anger flashed in his eyes. "You! What are you doing? I will kill you first and after you, I will kill this bitch. And you Tassos's girl you will become the slave of my son. He will use you just as a toy!" He yelled and then pierced his chest with the red coloured pin. "Ahhhh..." He yelled loudly and then his aura started to change rapidly.

"Mostink that was half-unconscious on the floor looked at his father and clenched his jaw. His fist landed on the floor with a bang. " Father no! What have you done!" He could tell that the pin his father used was a Death Treasure and it takes one's life in exchange of power. Even the soul of the user is taken by the treasure. He released his Qi and moved on his uninjured leg and hugged Sect Leader to pull the pin. However, it was too late the treasure had already entered his heart.

Rowen's claw finger was also already pierced into Ampone's forehead and Demon's fury started moving in her brain. Now it was a race against time. Rowen also tried to move his Qi towards Sect leader to stop him from completely using the Pin while he was in the middle of it. However, he soon finds out that the treasure sect leader used was no ordinary treasure. Just as he pushed the pin in his chest a power field surrounded him to protect him while he is gaining power.

"Hahaha... Now no one can save you! This Death pin would be your demise. You dare hurt my son. I will make sure to bring your death in as painful way as possible!" Sect Leader said and pushed Mostink aside there was a crazed look on his face. Too much power had completely messed with his brain and on top of that, the power came to him through a demonic source by giving away his soul in exchange.

His fist clenched and veins formed on it. He saw Rowen trying to do something to Ampone and how he had a demonic arm and his fury increased even more. The temperature in the room raised to extreme levels that made sweat pour down of Rowen, Dana and even Ampone. Mostink was also not spared by it. His face contorted in pain even more due to the heat.

"So you are a Demon after all! To think that a Demon would be able to break into my WheatHollow sect and such a weak one at that. Looks like the sect has started to deteriorate. First, a Low-level demon comes and then it even succeed in making a prisoner escape!" He said and then jumped towards them, blood was flowing out of his mouth because of the Demonic power in his body. "Now face this punch!"

Rowen looked at him coming towards him and clenched his jaws. He could feel the extreme heat coming from the Sect leader and if his punch landed then he was sure that not even his bones would remain today. He looked at Ampone and poured out all the information in her brain with all his power. He also felt Dana tightly hugging his body in terror. "Ahhh...!" He yelled and roiled his Demonic Technique.

"Die!" The sect leader said and almost punched Rowen, however, before his fist could land a claw came in between and stopped his projectile. A purple claw. He looked at its owner who dared to stop him and his eyes widened. And then blood flew out of his mouth. His eyes moved down and he looked at his stomach, the purple coloured wolf has punched him in the stomach.

His body flung across the room and crashed into the wooden wall. After a few seconds, his figure raised from the dust and debris. His eyes flashing red and he looked more dangerous and angry than before. "You slut! You have turned into a demon? To think that you will stoop so low? To be a righteous cultivator and turning into a demon! There would be no place for you even in hell!" He said and spat out blood on the floor in contempt.

"Says the one that himself had sold his soul to devil just for revenge," Ampone said and her wolf body made a jump towards him. Her claws raised sharp and with a grunt, she swiped down her hand to pierce the Sect Leader's flesh.

Sect leader dodged her claw by quickly squatting. Then his leg sprung up and hit Ampone in the stomach which made her fall ten steps back. They were equally matched now.

Rowen looked at the sect leader and snorted. Now all Ampone has to do is to stall time. The Death pin can only be used for Ten minutes after that they will be safe. "Don't take any risks and stay defensive. You only need to stall time for about seven more minutes and this will all be over after that." Rowen said mentally.

Ampone's furry ears perked up and she then moved back. Her form changed again and she turned into her human form. Her hands raised against her chest and then two swords formed in them. She got these swords from her space ring. There was a calm look in her eyes and she was taking in deep breaths to prepare herself for the battle to come.

Mostink was laying on the side and was currently unconscious. Mostly because of the Icy Qi that had entered his body and also because his father pushing him away. Blood had stopped flowing out of his wound. Turns out Sect leader has formed a barrier in his skin through his Qi. However, his face was completely pale because of all the blood he has already lost. And because of the Icy Qi in his body, his healing powers have also been slowed down by a margin.

Dana, on the other hand, was still hugging Rowen. Tears were flowing out of her eyes. She was scared of Sect Leader. Looking at how his aura was roiling out dangerously. However, there was a strange comfort in her heart when she is in contact with Rowen. She felt safe and happy and that was something that strengthened her love for him even more.contemporary romance

The sect leader looked at her katanas and joined his hands together a Buddha formed behind his back with its eyes closed. "Now taste the power of my soul shattering buddha!" He said and then moved one of his hands and placed it in front, showing his palm towards Ampone. And following his actions the giant orange coloured buddha behind him also did the same.

"Buddha's Palm!" His hand then fell towards Ampone and so did Buddha's.

Rowen looked at the Buddha and narrowed his eyes. This guy has managed to use a Righteous technique with the help of Demonic Power that was impressive.

Ampone gritted her teeth and then placed both of her katanas over her head in a crossed formation. A barrier formed around her body by the icy sword Qi. This barrier was not a normal one if someone weak touched this barrier then their whole body would be freeze and sliced into many pieces by the sword Qi embedded in the barrier.

"Your pathetic barrier can't do anything in front of my Buddha's palm." Sect Leader said in a hoarse voice his expression even crazy then before. Hairs from his head have already started falling showing that he was exhausting his life.

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