Perverted Demon

Chapter 133: Strange Mark

The Old Man didn't show any expression even after hearing that Rowen could help him trace Felicia. It was like he didn't even care about her. However, Rowen can tell by how fast he came to protect his daughter, He would do anything for her. The Old man was just like his Daughter. Dignified. In every situation. No matter what happens he always kept a normal expression on his face, preserving that dignity.

Rowen's Qi was still in little chaos and his head was spinning due to the intense voice that just penetrated his consciousness. The old man almost killed him. Winona was just by his side trying to clean up the wounds from his body quickly. Her tears just couldn't stop. First, it was Felicia and now even her love was hurt. Kas was still unconscious and no one was paying any attention to him.

"Let's go." The old man said and waved his hand. A strong wind circled Rowen, Winona and Unconcious Kas. Levitating them all up in the sky. After reaching a certain height above the ground. The old man swiped his two fingers and all of them dissolved in the wind.

Soon enough all of them again appeared in a cold room. The whole room was dimly lit by strange green lanterns. That was floating around in the air. There was a large glass window in the front that gave clear outside view. The walls were made of of a strange grey stone with green hints to it. And there was an altar placed in the middle of the room.

Rowen and the team summoned in front of the altar while the old man floated on the other side of it. The Big Glass window was behind old man. From which Rowen could peek the scenery outside. He could tell that they were currently over clouds and many little buildings were floating over the black clouds here. In those black clouds, there was even thunder at some places giving the whole place a mystical look.

The room was cold, however, Rowen could feel the warmth coming from the God-like man in front of him. On the altar was placed a body wrapped in a white cloth from head to toe. Rowen didn't dare use his spiritual sense to see who was under the cloth. In case he offends the Old Man.

Even though Rowen has not seen who was under the cloth. He could guess that it should be Felicia's dead mom. The reason those demons kidnapped Felicia is that her mom was not able to nurture the Mother Olgralleth in her body. She died before fully developing it. Now those demons have chosen Felicia in place of her mother to use her as a cauldron.

They were going to plant her with a demonic seed of Olgralleth and summon her in this plane. Rowen could guess that this Olgralleth Demon was not so simple. It may very well destroy this whole plane if it gets to born here. 'That should be the case with it. The Demons must be planning to rule this plane with that Demon mother.' Rowen thought.

Rowen guessed the most of it. 'That Demon mother must be more powerful than an ascender that both WheatHollow sect and Stiya Dynasty have.' The plans of demons could only be completed if they can somehow summon a more powerful demon than an Ascender.

'What would happen If I got hold of that Mother Demon. It would then be easy for me to gain a huge amount of power in one fell swoop. I can then terrorise this whole plane with that Demon without anyone to stop me.' He thought. He first has to check if he can even harvest the power of that Demonic mother. He then again looked at the old man. Rowen wondered why this old man has summoned them in front of this dead body?

"His Majesty we should hurry. Brother Rowen here can trace Sister Felicia down till they have not gone too far. We may be able to save her." Winona said with a pleading tone. The more time they spend in this chamber the more danger Felicia would be in. If those demons run away from Rowen's detection range than it would almost be impossible to get hold of them.

The old man looked at Rowen. "You are Rowen?" He asked. It was like he knew him from before. Felicia must have told her father about him before. 'Then why did he attack me? He must not have known that I will come here today. After all, I said yes to the trip at the final moment.' Rowen thought and nodded at the old man.

He then bowed down. "Yes your majesty, this one is called Rowen."

"You are the one that can tame demons higher level than yourself. And wanted to help my wife to cure her disease?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Good. Felicia should be here anytime. You have to treat her. My dear is already dead. And I don't think you can do much about her." The old man said and looked at the body wrapped in a white cloth again. Finally, a little saddened look appeared in his eyes, which disappeared in just few moments. He then swiped his fingers in the air and the dead body disappeared from the altar.

'Felicia would be here in a few moments?' Both Rowen and Winona had a confused expression on their faces. They have just witnessed the Demons capturing her in front of their eyes. What did this old man mean by Felicia would be here in a few moments? 'I have to treat her?' This Old man can already tell that Demons would implant Felicia with Olgralleth seed and leave her in this place.

"Don't be confused. This has happened before. They have previously kidnapped my wife about ten years ago and left her body on this altar to die. It must be same with Felicia. She could be here at any time and I need your help to cure her." The old man said as he pointed at Rowen. This has already happened before. However, what were the chances of those demons leaving Felicia again on this altar. They may very well be waiting for nothing.

"Felicia has told me that she wanted to marry you. I never thought that she would choose someone at such an early age. She is a driven girl and always focused on being powerful and treating her mother. However, from the moment she met you, she wanted to be with you more than anything. You must be special and she believes in you. If you can treat her then you can ask for anything from me."

"Power, money or any rare herb. I can provide you with everything you need. After all, you are gonna be my future son in law." The old man said. He also seemed to believe in Rowen. It may be due to Felicia's believe in him. 'This old man really loves his daughter. However, is not showing it on his face.

'If I am really able to save Felicia then finding something about Dao of Darkness would not be very hard.' To have a Heretic realm expert helping him. It was only a matter of time before he finds Dao of Darkness. Rowen can even ask for power. However, Rowen had something else in his mind.contemporary romance

Just as Rowen was thinking about Replying to the Old man a bright blue blob of light suddenly formed on the altar. It's intensity enough to cover the whole room with a blinding blue light. Winona and Rowen even had to close their eyes and activate their spiritual sense to see anything.

In the middle of Bright Blue Light, a Black coloured silhouette started forming. It was a figure of a girl. "Felicia." The old man said and moved towards the altar to catch her unconscious body from falling down on the hard stone altar.

Rowen stood at his place not wanting to move. He knew that Felicia's father was more worried about her than he himself. And it would be better for him to leave her to the old man for a few minutes. In the end, he would be the one that has any chance to treat Felicia. He has demonic Dao in his body and he may have a chance to absorb the demonic seed in her body.

However, he had to be careful before he does that. There were two problems with him solving the matter of Felicia. First, if he did it in front of this powerful old man. Then he may be able to sense some of his demonic aurae. And secondly, if he destroyed or absorbed the demonic seed in Felicia's body then those demons may come for him next.

He has to take the seed out of her body in such a way that those demons did not get to know about Felicia being free from the seed. They must have put some sort of tracker on the seed. That was the reason why when Felicia's mom died they instantly came for Felicia next. Rowen has to resolve that issue too. Making sure that the tracker on the seed is not destroyed and gets transferred to another object in place of it.

Soon enough the whole room cooled down. The blue light died down slowly and Felicia's body was visible in the Old man's arms. Rowen slowly cancelled his spirit sense and opened his eyes. Winona also opened her eyes and tears started to fall from them when she saw Felicia unconscious.

Rowen came near Felicia and looked at her body. There was a strange mark on her head. That was glowing with a black light. It was strange and had purple particles constantly surrounding it. Rowen quickly understood what this mark does.

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