Pack Council

Chapter Chapter One

Kurt had the latest reports spread out in front of him, covering every inch of his desk. The Council had provided the information he needed, but it was up to him and Clint to sort through what would help them shut down Dan Carter and his churches once and for all.

"Five chapters," Clint murmured.

Kurt glanced up at him before darting a look over to the map they'd placed on one wall. The five locations of the Church for Humanity were marked with big red Xs.

Kurt was certain the entire Church was still up to no good, and with law enforcement's hands being tied, Kurt had to watch out for his own people. The police couldn't go after anyone without proof, but Kurt didn't have the same restrictions. His entire mission was to end the Church's threat to the shifters by any means necessary.

"California, Arizona, Texas, Missouri and Louisiana." Clint stood to pace in front of the map. "Why those states? What are they up to?"

Kurt knew his friend was frustrated. Hell, they all were. He leaned back in his chair. "Those are the states with the biggest public Packs," he supplied.

Clint shook his head. "Even so... There's something..."

The shifters around the world had worked with their governments and leaders to announce their existence. The purpose for this was to ensure that even in their animal forms, they were protected. Too many shifters lost their lives each year after being hunted.

No Pack was made to go public. Each Alpha had the choice become public or stay hidden. About sixty-five percent had chosen to become public.

The Council had known there would be some outside resistance. But Dan Carter and the Church he'd started were more than just the usual threat. They were organized and wanted the shifters gone.

Clint snapped his fingers. "Those five states are the ones that had the most opposition from their state representatives on shifters! I remember watching a special on it with Sara."

Kurt jerked in his seat and looked back at the map. He thought back to when they'd first come out. Damn, Clint's right. "You watch stuff like that with Sara?"

"She wants to know everything she can," Clint said. "She told me it's now her fight, too."

Kurt smiled. Clint had chosen the perfect woman for him. "So, what's this mean? Carter has the backing of some powerful people? That would not be good for us."

"I don't know, but I think it's a possibility. A scary one."

When the government had gone to the Senate and House about the reveal of the shifters, several members of those five states had opposed shifter protection laws. A few had even wanted the shifters gathered up and imprisoned. Kurt stood beside Clint. "They're getting help from somewhere, so this makes sense," he stated in disbelief. "The Church does have more powerful people behind them than we first thought."

Clint nodded.

"Which means that if word gets out that Colt is there undercover, he could be in even more danger," Kurt said.

"Shit, I didn't think about that. We need to look at who knows about Colt's work."

"We need to call Tony and set up a meeting with the Council."

Clint nodded. "You call Alpha Babcock and I'll try to get hold of Tony."

Kurt laughed. Clint had the hardest time around the Alpha Council members. Clint's instincts were in constant battle, having to work for an entire Council full of Alphas. Most shifters only had to answer to the Alpha in charge of their Pack. The instincts that drove them were as different as their personalities. Kurt had a knack for dealing with the Council while Clint was pure hunter. It was what made them such a great team.

He walked over to the phone on his desk and dialed Council Alpha Babcock's number. Alpha Babcock was Kurt's immediate boss-a good older Alpha, a man Kurt had really come to respect and admire. Thirty years ago, he'd overseen a Pack in the wide plains of Oklahoma but had given his Pack over to his younger brother in order to join the Council.


"Alpha Babcock," Kurt greeted.

"How many times have I told you to call me Tim?" Alpha Babcock asked with a laugh.

"Sorry, sir." It was ingrained in him to show respect to any Alpha. He just couldn't help it.

Alpha Babcock just sighed. "Fine. What have you got?"

"I think Clint and I have found something. Is there any way you and Alpha Conrad could swing by my office?"

"We were just breaking for dinner. Give us fifteen minutes and we'll be there."

"That would be great," he responded.

"See you soon."

The Alpha hung up the phone and Kurt glanced at Clint. "Tony will be here too," Clint said.

"The Alphas are on their way," Kurt told his friend.

Clint snorted. "Great."

"Just Babcock and Conrad. I'm glad Tony is still staying here. I'd hate to have to tell him this over the phone."

Tony, the face of the Packs, had been instrumental in the shifters coming out. He'd been staying at the Council compound since the issues had come up with the Church. Tony was also the contact between several shifter species and the Council. Kurt, Clint and Tony had become fast friends. It wasn't well known, either, that the undercover shifter inside Carter's church was in some sort of relationship with Tony as well.

"Yeah," Clint said. "You need me to stay?"

"You connected the dots," Kurt praised. "I think you can handle two Alphas."

Clint grunted. "Fine."

"I'll owe you," Kurt said.

"After, I want to go into town and see Sara," Clint demanded. There was a lightness in his eyes when he spoke about Sara. Kurt couldn't deny him.

"We can do that," Kurt agreed.

"Great!" Clint said before he smirked. "I think Deputy Conley was going to stop by."

Kurt flinched. He couldn't control the action and Clint's chuckle told him his friend hadn't missed it. He'd sort of been avoiding Savannah... Okay, he was avoiding her. They'd connected the night they'd met, but afterward he'd been spooked by such an intense link. She'd been receptive. Hell, they'd been ready for more than just the passionate kiss they'd almost shared.

It was only after he'd left that night that his brain had caught up with his hard dick. He'd been feeling sorry for himself.

He'd been the one to cancel the date.

Everyone around him had started to settle down and he'd been panicking. That did not mean he was ready to give up his freedoms as a single man. Sure, every time he thought about the sexy blonde Savannah Conley, his cock filled and his wolf wanted to claim her.

But, damn it, he wasn't ready! So, he'd been avoiding the woman for several weeks. Clint took way too much pleasure in teasing him. Clint had every reason to mess with him about it, since Kurt had been kind of mean when it came to Clint's courting of Sara. Or lack of courting....

"I'm not interested in her," Kurt told his friend.

"That's not what Sara said she witnessed," Clint taunted.

"Sara needs a hobby."

"Oh, I keep her plenty busy," Clint responded.

"I think I need to assign you more work," Kurt griped. It was too late to try to get out of going into town. He was going to have to buck up and see Savannah.

"You have to come with me. Sara wants to talk to you about Thanksgiving dinner." Clint just grinned, rocking back on the heels of his feet.

"Thanksgiving," Kurt repeated. He'd already promised to not only attend but to bring something. It was the first holiday that Sara was hosting with Clint. She was so excited and he couldn't let her down. "I don't like you anymore."

Clint laughed. Luckily, a knock on the door interrupted any further taunts Clint had in store for him.

Kurt motioned to Clint. "Get the damn door."

Clint winked, but he did stroll to the door and pulled it open. Both Alphas stood on the threshold, along with Tony.

"Come in, please," Kurt called out.

When the Alphas and Tony entered his office, Kurt realized that he should have cleaned up a little. His papers were still scattered around and it looked like a hurricane had come through.

"I see you've been busy," Alpha Babcock commented.

"Yes, and you're not going to like what we found."

"That's what we suspected," Alpha Conrad said.

"Please sit down." Kurt motioned toward the small sitting area. "Does anyone want coffee?"

"No, thank you," Babcock answered.

The small area set to the side had a couch and a couple of chairs. Kurt sat in one chair and Tony took the other. The Alphas settled onto the couch.

"What's going on?" Tony asked.

Clint leaned against the counter behind Tony's shoulder. Kurt could see the compassion on his best friend's face.

"Who knows about Colt?" Kurt asked. It was the question that had the most serious consequences.

"Why?" Tony demanded.

Clint stepped forward and placed his palm on Tony's shoulder.

"We linked Dan Carter's churches to the states that had the most opposition on the shifters coming out," Kurt said. "I think, with a little more digging, we'll learn that some of government is aiding Carter." Tony paled.

"Would anyone know about Colt's undercover work?" Kurt asked.

"No," Tony said. "The Council and my Pack. No one in the government."

"That's good. We need to keep it that way," Kurt said.

"Tell us what you know and how we can help," Babcock said.


Savannah pushed open the door to the Blend and Brew coffee shop. The aroma of the strong beans that Sara used was mouthwatering. Her friend glanced up from behind the counter and smiled wide. Savannah nodded and greeted other customers as she made her way to the counter. Sara was wiping down the work surface when Savannah finally reached her.

"Surprise me," she told her friend.

Sara's entire face lit up. Savannah knew that Sara continually worked on blends and loved experimenting with flavors. The pleasure Sara showed at Savannah's simple request was worth a pot of gold.

Savannah had really missed her friend. She made it a point of stopping by every day so that she could reconnect with Sara. She was thrilled to see how happy Sara was. Sara had found the love of her life and owned the business she'd always wanted.

Thinking of Sara's boyfriend brought Savannah's thoughts to Kurt Moore. The handsome man she'd met at Sara's house haunted her dreams. Okay, maybe not just at night. She found herself constantly looking for him when she was out on patrol, hoping to get another glance at him.

Since that day, he'd avoided all contact. He was running from her. She'd asked Sara about it, but her friend had been just confused as she was. If Clint knew anything, he was keeping it to himself.

He just told Savannah that Kurt was interested and would come around.

Sara was humming as she worked the espresso machine. Before long she handed Savannah a paper cup of the most tantalizing brew.

Savannah blew on the hot drink before taking a sip. Cinnamon exploded on her tongue and she moaned.

Sara beamed at her.

"This is amazing," Savannah told her sincerely.

"Thanks!" Sara responded happily. "It's my holiday special blend."

Thanksgiving was less than a week away and Savannah thought Sara's new coffee blend would go perfectly with a nice traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

"You're still coming to our house Thursday, right?" Sara asked.

Savannah nodded. "I'll be there with my green bean casserole and cranberry sauce," she promised.

Savannah's family had moved away after she had gone to college in Arizona. Her parents now lived in Florida and her brother in New York. She was grateful that Sara had thought to invite her to spend Thanksgiving Day with them. The front door of the shop opened and Savannah stepped away from the counter to give the new customers room. She sat at one of the tables to enjoy her hot drink. Her shift didn't start for another thirty minutes so she would easily be able to make it to the station in time.

A slight frost clung to the trees and sidewalks. Winter had arrived but the weather was still considered mild. Savannah knew that wouldn't last long. The entire sheriff's department was working these next few days to make sure that the residents and town were prepared for the winter storm headed their way from Canada. Since she was scheduled to drive to the outskirts of town to make sure the residents knew about the storm and had everything they needed, she knew she would be feeling the chill all day. She'd have to take some of Sara's new blend with her.

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She was still sipping her coffee, just enjoying the cozy interior of the shop, when the door opened once again. She lifted her gaze and locked on Kurt as he stepped through. He darted a look around the room before landing on her. She smiled and lifted her cup to him in greeting. He nodded even as he took a step away. Clint, who was at Kurt's back, kept him from moving more than a foot. Clint said something into Kurt's ear before pushing Kurt in her direction. Savannah lifted an eyebrow, amused by their interaction. Kurt shuffled toward her. If Savannah didn't truly believe he was interested in her she would have been insulted. Instead she trusted her gut when it came to Kurt Moore. Attraction and interest showed plainly in the depth of his gaze. Whether he was relationship-shy or something else was yet to be seen.

However, Savannah was not going to give up on him.

"Hi," he said when he reached her.

She smiled up at him. "Hey, Kurt, it's good to see you."

He nodded and shifted his feet.

"Will you join me?" she asked.

He glanced over his shoulder toward the counter. Clint and Sara were both leaning over the wide barrier, kissing. "Clint's supposed to be grabbing me a cup," he said before sitting across from her.

Savannah laughed. "It might be a few minutes then."

Kurt snorted and rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it. They're already kissing, aren't they?"


He leaned back in his chair before stretching his legs out. To Savannah, it appeared he was trying too hard to act casual. She was more than a little amused by the performance.

"So how have you been? I haven't seen you much."

Kurt pressed his lips together. "Yeah, I meant... I wanted to... I've been busy at work."

Savannah was intrigued by the man stumbling over his words. He had been so confident before.

Kurt shook his head and cursed. "I've been busy with a project."

"You're still looking into the Church?" she questioned, keeping her voice low so they wouldn't be overheard. She hadn't been there when the Church had first arrived in town, but since she'd started working, they got weekly updates about it. Sheriff Webb wanted to make sure that all his deputies were on constant guard against trouble.

Not only was his daughter involved with the shifter the Church had kidnapped, but one of his own deputies had been implicated in the crime. It had hit Sheriff Webb hard. He wasn't going to allow any more trouble in his town.

"Yeah." Kurt leaned back in his chair and seemed more relaxed discussing the threat than anything personal between them.

If that helped Kurt open up to her, she was all for that.

"I think we might have a connection as to why the chapters are popping up where they are," Kurt told her.

"That's great."

"I hope we can get to the bottom of this before there is any more danger to the Packs."

"We will," Clint said confidently as he joined them. He passed Kurt a cup of coffee before he sat down.

"That's good news. I know Sheriff Webb has been uneasy not knowing what the church is truly up to."

"After we know more, I'll need to set up another meeting with him," Kurt continued. "We have a few people gathering more intel, but I think we're on the right track."

Savannah's watch beeped and she glanced at it. She sighed, hating to have to leave in the middle of her conversation with Kurt when he'd finally settled.

"I have to get to the station," she told the guys before standing.

Kurt looked disappointed for a minute before clearing his features.

"Oh! Kurt, Sara wanted me to make sure you were still bringing the salad on Thursday," Clint said as if he had just remembered.

"I said I would," Kurt replied with a frown.

Clint winked discreetly at Savannah. She had to press her lips firmly together to keep from smiling. Clint had just to make sure she knew that she would see Kurt in a few days.

"I'm going to get a refill and I'll catch up with you boys later," she told them.

Kurt grunted suddenly right after she heard a sound under the table. She was pretty sure Clint had just kicked him. Kurt moved his coffee from one hand to the other before standing. "I'll walk you out.” Pleased, she nodded.

She passed the counter and Sara gave her another cup while taking the empty one from her hand. Sara must have been watching since she had one ready for her. Savannah thanked her friend, glad they wouldn't have to wait and Kurt couldn't sneak off again.

Kurt placed his hand on the small of her back as they walked across the floor. Even through her uniform and the thickness of her coat, she could still feel the warmth of his touch.

She'd begun to crave him, thinking about how his hands would feel caressing her body while they made love. Her face heated and she had to clear her suddenly dry throat.

She thanked him softly when he opened the door for her, letting her slip out first. The cold blast of wind shocked her and her eyes began to water. Kurt wrapped his arm around her waist as he escorted her to the SUV she'd parked in front of the shop.

"It was good to see you," she said to him when they reached her vehicle.

Kurt moved in front of her. "I'm sorry I've been acting so weird. I just didn't expect..." He waved his hand between the two of them.

Savannah wrapped her free hand around the lapel of Kurt's jacket. "What's changed? I don't want to force you into anything."

Kurt grinned. "You're not. A buddy of mine said some things that made sense. I realized that if I kept my head up my ass, I might lose the chance to get to know you better," he admitted. Savannah lifted to her toes and pressed her lips gently against his. "Tell this buddy I said thank you."

"Yeah, I'll have to do that," he replied before kissing her more deeply.

Their tongues met in desperation and she moaned. Kurt tasted so good-coffee and something manly and wild. She had wondered about the kiss she'd not gotten before. And now she knew.

Oh boy, did she know. His hold was firm but gentle. His mouth moved slowly, his tongue talented as he lapped at her. Her shiver was not from the cold.

He licked at her lips before pulling back. "You better get to work."

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She dropped her head back and groaned. "Damn it."

Kurt took a step back. "I'm guessing from Clint's so obvious mention of Thanksgiving that I'll see you at Sara and Clint's on Thursday?"

She laughed. "Caught that, did you? Yes, I'll be there."

"Good." He reached over, opened the car door and held on to it while she climbed inside. "See you soon."


Kurt rubbed his eyes, growing more and more tired. It was after two in the morning and he'd finally stepped away from looking into Dan Carter and his Church's connection to the politicians of the five key states. They had to have proof of wrongdoing and conspiracy against the shifters to take to the authorities. They couldn't accuse high members of Congress without absolute evidence.

He had pictures of the congressmen from Texas and Missouri meeting with Dan Carter. That might be explained away, but the fact that their meeting had been just days before the kidnapping in Riverwood was suspicious.

The shifter who was currently undercover with the Church had also confirmed that he'd seen the Governor of Arizona at one of the gatherings before the Church had invaded Lovington.

The pieces were starting to come together, but Kurt still worried about what plans Dan Carter and the others had. Dan Carter hadn't been seen since the kidnapping in Riverwood had been foiled. Riverwood, Kurt's home Pack, had been plagued with devastating fires that had almost destroyed the town. He and Clint and a few of their closest friends had gone to help.

While rescuing his brother's mate Todd, Kurt had gotten his first and only look at Dan Carter, when the man had visited the house where Todd had been held. Right after that, Dan Carter had disappeared.

Even with everything Kurt had managed to put together, there was just no information on Dan Carter. Carter had sent his second-in-command, Perry Costa, up to Lovington but had never appeared himself. And Perry had been the person responsible for Clint's kidnapping.

When the shifters had announced their presence, the Council, through Tony, had also shared details with the public. Myths had been debunked for the protection of the shifters. A bite for a scratch from a shifter didn't turn a person into one. Shifters did not transform during the full moon. Shifters did not hunt down humans to eat them.

Still, there were many people who did not understand, didn't want to get to know the shifters. Friends he'd known for years had turned their backs on him and Clint as soon as they'd found out what they truly were.

They'd been born different. And Kurt loved the ability to shift. He wouldn't change one thing about being able to transform. He didn't know any shifter who would.

Tony had been dealing with the questions longer than anyone. Tony had even confessed to Kurt that some of the more common questions were just foolish beliefs that had been passed down over the years. Tony's main job back then had been to represent the wolves so that humans who were afraid could have someone to look at and understand that they were just humans with a unique gift.

Kurt still remembered watching Tony standing proud in front of the cameras answering one foolish question after another. If it had been him, he would have told the stupid reporters exactly what he thought of them and their inquiries. Tony, however, had handled it with class.

Thinking about the man brought to mind the conversation the two of them had shared days ago. Clint had been teasing him once again about Savannah, and when his friend had gone to check on a few things, Tony had brought the subject


Kurt had suspected that Tony was regretting Colt taking the undercover assignment. Tony walked around in misery until he got a rare call from Colt. Whenever Colt called in information or Tony spoke about the other man, Tony's entire demeanor changed. His face lit up and came alive at the mention of Colt.

So, when Tony had cornered Kurt and asked why he was running from his possible mate, Kurt had confided in the man. He wasn't sure if the instant longing for Savannah was because of her, or if it was a product of the people closest to him finding their own mates.

He'd tried to convince himself he liked being a bachelor, but it had been a lie. He didn't-he wanted someone to come home to every night. He'd spent weeks talking himself into fighting what deep down he really knew. He wanted Savannah.

He just wasn't sure why.

And that was what had really been bothering him.

Tony had given him some sage advice. There was only one way to find out-man up and spend some time getting to know Savannah. If what he felt so strongly was still there, then he needed to step up and decide what to do.

One look at Savannah that day in the coffee shop and Kurt had known that Tony was right. He'd been flustered at first and that initial reaction had shocked him. He'd never been tongue-tied before in his life. Luckily, she hadn't called him an idiot and taken off. He'd gotten his act together and they had managed a decent conversation before she'd had to go into work.

The kiss they'd shared in the cold morning air had heated him plenty. His cock hardened at just the memory of her lips against his, her soft body wrapped tight in his arms.

He dropped his hand to his lap and rubbed. Oh yeah, he couldn't wait to see her in a few days at Clint and Sara's Thanksgiving dinner.

Now that he'd decided to wrap his head around starting a relationship with Savannah, his body and the wolf part of him wanted to hurry.

Kurt unsnapped his jeans and fished his erection out. He was already hard and leaking just thinking about Savannah. He stroked himself firmly, thinking about what he wanted to do with her. He wondered what her mouth would feel like wrapped around his shaft. He ran his thumb over the head of his hardon, gathering up the liquid. He craved the feel of her hand on him just like this. He pumped faster, longing to bury himself deep inside her wet pussy. He moaned at that thought, his cock straining in his hold. He wanted to lose himself inside her.

Savannah's soft skin under his hands would feel nice.

Kurt closed his eyes.

Would she cry out softly or scream for him? God, Kurt wanted to know the answer to that.

His hips snapped up and finally, with the picture of Savannah under his hard body, he came. He milked his cock until he was completely spent then relaxed back into his office chair and grinned. If he could come so hard from just fantasizing about being with Savannah, the actual act might just bring him to his knees.

He couldn't wait.

Kurt stood up before walking over to the small sink by the sitting area. He needed to go home. He had a nice big house that he should be in. Not stuck in his office inside the Council compound.

He cleaned up before fixing his pants. Once he was presentable, he headed toward the door. Kurt hoped he could avoid seeing anyone around the place for the moment. All he wanted to do was sit in his new leather recliner and kick back with a beer, maybe fantasize about Savannah a little more.

The hall was quiet as he made his way to the front door. He passed one guard and nodded to the young shifter before opening the front door. He'd parked his truck close to the building so he ran to his vehicle. It was colder that he'd expected. If Kurt had to guess, he'd have said that the cold front was moving in faster than the weatherman had claimed.

Damn. He hit the key fob to unlock the door.

Savannah was out working in this weather.

After climbing inside, Kurt turned on the truck before moving the heater to full blast. He sat and rubbed his hands together to ward off the cold.

If he knew where Savannah was, he'd take her a hot coffee or something.

Instead he put his truck in gear and backed out of his parking spot. There was a little moisture on the ground but luckily no ice. Still, he drove carefully the entire way home.

When he pulled up in front of his house, he was glad that he'd left the front porch and living room light on. At least he wasn't coming home to darkness. He parked under the cover he and Clint had built and turned off the truck.

Maybe one day he would be coming home after a long day and be greeted by someone who loved him. It might not be Savannah, but it could be. Kurt just needed to be open to the possibility. Maybe Savannah wasn't the one. But what if she was...

He had to find out. Kurt was tired of being alone, but he wouldn't settle for anything less than true love.

Kurt turned off his truck. The cold immediately filled the cab.

He hated winter.

It was going to be a cold, lonely night. Maybe I should get a dog.

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