Our Secret Moments (Drayton Hills Series)

Our Secret Moments: Chapter 26

YOU KNOW how every rom-com has that time in the story where the main characters have finally broken that barrier that was keeping them apart and they’re seemingly happy and everything is going right for them until it suddenly isn’t. We all know it. We’ve seen it done a million times and you’re left screaming at the screen because you know that phase is just that, a phase.

A few months ago, that would piss me off. I’d probably stop watching the film or reading the book all together, trying to save myself from the heartbreak. But experiencing that in real life, you can’t do that. You have to follow it through and hope. You have to see where it goes.

And I can see why characters do that now. Why they ignore every single red flag or overthink what could go wrong. Because this stage is glorious. Mostly because Connor is just a green flag waving at me and I don’t feel like it’s even a stage. It already feels like forever.

After the way Connor looked after me the other day, I realised that he would do anything for me. I realised that he’s going to continue to do things for me just because he wants to. Not because I ask him to, or he feels forced to, but just because. 

The only slight, minor, teeny weeny problem is the fact that I’m his sister’s best friend and roommate and I’m also an idiot for inviting him over and Nora is still at home. She’s supposed to be going to rehearsals, but she’s insisting she wants to hang out instead. Out of every day in the week, she wants to choose right now.

Fuck my life.

“Nor,” I press, running my hands down my face as she packs and unpacks her bag on the kitchen counter. “Just go. I’ll be fine.”

“Catherine, we’ve not hung out in days,” she whines. “I feel like a part of me is fading away when you’re not around. It’s like half of my body doesn’t function when we’ve not had an intense gossip session filled with snacks and an episode of New Girl playing in the background. I miss you, Cat.”

A theatre major, this one. An absolute drama queen.

I’ve been trying to subtly hint at her to leave, but she isn’t taking the bait. She’s already late to rehearsal as it is, but this girl loves to talk.

The image that she paints of our hang out sessions does tug at my heart a little. I do miss both of my girls. Especially since Elle went back to her parents house early to help for Thanksgiving this Thursday.

“I miss hanging out with you too, Nora, but I don’t want to pull you away from your rehearsals. ‘Waitress’ is one of your favourites.”

She sighs wistfully at the mention of her favourite musical and the one she is supposed to be rehearsing for right now. “You’re my best friend, Cat. I can miss out on one rehearsal for you.”

I feel the guilt swell in my stomach. That’s the thing about the Bailey’s. They’ll drop everything for their friends and I’m the one lying to her face, withdrawing the fact that I have been hooking up with her brother for the last few weeks.

“Fine,” I say, sighing and her eyes light up.

“Great! I’ll go to Raja’s and get us some snacks,” she suggests, slipping on her coat, referring to the convenience store just across from campus. It’s our go-to for snacks or any emergency essentials and it’s too close not to go to it just for the fun of it. She opens the door, squealing, “I’ll be back in a few.”

I sigh, ready to pull out my phone to text Connor to not bother coming over, but the door opens again. “Did you forget something already, Nor?”

“Yeah, actually.”

I look up, blinking rapidly at the man in front of me. “Connor?”

He shuts the door, shredding the space between us, grabbing my face between his hands and before I can even process it he crushes his lips to mine, making me gasp. His tongue slips into my mouth easily and I almost fall right off the high stool, but it doesn’t matter anyway because the second my hands curl into his shirt, he drags me from the stool, placing me onto the counter, kissing me hard.

I get a second to breathe when he starts to kiss across my neck, his hands finding their way around my back. The skin to skin contact sends a rush of pleasure down to my sex.

“Hi,” he murmurs into my neck, biting me softly. “I missed you.”

“Hi,” I giggle when his stubble tickles my skin, his hands moving higher to the strap of my bra. “It’s been two days since I saw you, Connie.”

“And I’ve been missing you for two whole days,” he whispers. His fingers dance across the seam of my jeans, teasing and retreating as he dips his hands in and then back out again. “Can I take these off?”

I don’t know when I started panting, but I’m suddenly finding it hard to breathe again. “Nora’s going to be back in five minutes.”

“Five minutes?” he asks, pulling my bottom lip into his mouth before releasing it with a pop. My legs go weak at the hungry gaze in his eyes as they roam over my body before he looks up into my eyes again. “Funnily enough, that’s the perfect amount of time I’m going to need to have my way with you.”

I tilt my head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“I mean returning the favour for what you did for me the other day,” he murmurs, catching my chin between his hands as he lowers his mouth to the shell of my ear. “As hot as it was watching you getting off with my dick stuffed down your throat, it’s only fair that I get on my knees for you too, Catherine.”

“You mean– You want to–” I stumble over my words like a fool when my head rolls back as he kisses across the base of my throat.

“I love it when you’re lost for words,” he mutters between kisses on my skin, “I fucking love it. But as you said, we have five minutes, so maybe we can just skip to the part where I eat you out. How does that sound?”

Again, no words come.

“Get on the couch,” he demands.

I don’t waste any time doing exactly as he told me, scrambling over to the couch where the blinds are closed in the living room. I reach for the button of my jeans, lifting my hips to make it easier to take them off. Connor makes his way over to me, shaking his head at me.

“Did I tell you to do that?” he asks, tutting. The way he’s turning me inside out is completely embarrassing.

“You’re wasting time,” I groan, sounding as desperate as I feel. We probably only have four minutes now. Maybe an extra minute or two if she stops to talk with Mr. Raja for a while like she does sometimes.

“Don’t underestimate me, sweetheart. I could make you come in two minutes if I wanted to,” he murmurs. A needy moan leaves my mouth just at his words and he’s not even touched me yet as I look up at him. He chuckles. “Do you want this?”


A satisfied hum comes from the back of his throat as he lowers to his knees in front of me, taking over and pulling my jeans off me until I’m left in nothing but my blue panties. The desire in me only grows when he stares directly at the wet spot and just the heat of his gaze makes me wetter.

He runs his thumb on the inside of my thigh, too close to my heat. The slickness from my pussy coats his finger when he reaches high enough and my thighs tremble. “So fucking pretty and so wet for me, aren’t you?”

My head falls back onto the headrest, unable to look at him. “You’ve got three minutes now, Bailey. Stop with the dirty talk.”

“I’ll stop when I want to stop,” he groans, “Are you going to be good for me and let me do this for you? I know how much you like to be in control, but you don’t have to do that with me.”

He rips down my panties, causing me to gasp as the rush of cold air pushes against my clit when I’m bare in front of him. Just knowing that I’m this wet in front of him, my whole body starts to ache, needing attention.

“Fuck,” he mutters. I’m about to tell him to get on with it, but his thumb presses against my entrance where I’m eagerly waiting for him, soaking wet, causing all rational thoughts to stop. He collects my arousal, pressing his thumb against my clit and I almost come on the spot.

He circles his thumb around me and it feels like my body is betraying me. Just from the simple touch, goosebumps arise across my chest and on my legs. My thighs quake, my hips instantly bucking upwards to gain more from him, but he doesn’t do or even say anything.

“Connor, please,” I beg, sounding as pathetic as I thought I would. “Don’t– Don’t tease me.”

He listens immediately, penetrating me with one finger. A loud moan escapes my throat – so loud and sharp that I don’t even recognise it came from me. He was right. Two of my fingers feel like what one of his fingers feel like inside me. He pushes in deeper and I have to turn my head onto the headrest, gripping aimlessly onto the cushions.

“Oh, God,” I cry out when he pumps into me faster.

“Is this what you wanted, hm? Did you want my fingers deep in your tight pussy for the first time while you try to rush me with this work of art?” he asks, his voice low and annoyingly sexy. I barely mumble an mhm when his thumb starts to pay intense attention to my clit and I almost burst into flames. “I want to hear you say it, Catherine. As pretty as your pussy looks, as good as it’s going to taste, I need you to say this what you want. What you need.”

His words cause my thoughts to fall right out of my head. No one has ever talked to me like this before. The way he switches from his adorable nervous self to this fucking sex God terrifies me as much as it turns me on.

“Connor,” I whine when the pleasure builds in my lower stomach. “I need…”

I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. Connor’s second finger starts to tease at my entrance and my mouth clamps shut, trying not to let out another moan. “I’ll give you whatever you want, pretty girl. I know you’re good with words, so don’t get shy with me now.”

“God,” I groan, my whole body feeling weaker by the second as I try to move my hips along with his fingers, but my brain and my body get confused with wanting to let him do his job or needing to help get myself to the edge quicker. I settle for the former. I relax into the couch as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of me so fast that I forget that he was talking.

“Are you speechless right now? I never thought I would see the day,” he muses, thinking this is the perfect time for jokes as he tries to push his second finger inside me. One of his fingers is already huge as it is, I don’t think I can take another.

I regain my voice. Sort of. “I can-t…” I whimper when he manages to get the tip of two of his fingers into my tight heat. “Connor, I can’t.”

I look down at him finally and he has the smuggest, sexiest look on his face that another shuddery moan leaves my mouth without permission. He still continues to tease his fingers and I open my legs wider, trying to help.

“You can take it, baby. Just breathe for me,” he murmurs, and I do exactly that. I relax so much so that all my senses come alive again and I grow wetter until he manages to fill me with two fingers to the hilt. Fuck. “That’s it,” he encourages and my head spins.

“Stop. Talking,” I bite out.

“Happily,” he murmurs and he finally presses his mouth to my clit, sucking it into his mouth.

I swear I’m dying.

My legs and arms go weak as he continues to move his tongue seamlessly in time with his fingers pushing mercifully in and out of my pussy. My whole body reacts to him, becoming suddenly sensitive. When his teeth graze against my clit, my stomach clenches, my thighs shake and I come all over his tongue, waves of pleasure pulsating throughout my entire body.

When I think I’ve settled, his fingers still deep inside me, he manages to pull out another orgasm from me and my reaction is so immediate I don’t even get to think about how loud I’m being. A huge part of me doesn’t care. I just want to feel good, and that’s exactly what Connor is doing.

He pulls his fingers out of me, sucking them into his mouth and my mouth parts, panting as he tastes me again, keeping his eyes locked with mine. I pull his shirt into me, capturing his lips to taste the saltiness of both of us together and he groans into my mouth.

“That’s my girl,” he murmurs against my lips. “Do you like how good you taste?”

“Yes,” I whisper when his tongue slips into my mouth. When I come back down to earth, my heartbeat doesn’t let up and I realise how long has passed. “You need to—“



He blinks at me. “I probably should, shouldn’t I?”

“Yeah,” I say again, because apparently I can’t form any more words than that.

“What if I don’t want to?” His voice is so desperate and whiny, my thighs start to clench again. He brushes his nose against my neck. “What if I wanted to stay with my head between your legs forever?”

“Then I’d tell you that you’re obsessed with me and you need to get help,” I say, trying to laugh, but I end up moaning when he nips at the skin on my neck.

“Already tried,” he says, “Want to know what the doctor prescribed?”

“Let me guess,” I muse, “Something to do with how the only cure is to get one last taste?”

“Exactly. Now can you put me out of my misery and let me? Doctors orders.”

“As good as that was, I doubt you could make me come in less than a minute,” I say, leaning down to pull on my panties and my jeans. He watches me carefully, not taking his eyes off me for a second. “Time to go, big guy.”

“Fine.” He rises off his knees, towering over me. He leans down, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “You want me to wait? I’ll wait. But it’s you that’s going to suffer because your fingers will never be as good as mine and you’ll constantly be comparing the two.”

He leaves me stunned as he casually walks out the room, throwing a wink over his shoulder.

Even after Connor’s gone and I’m laying in my bed with Nora watching New Girl, I can feel him everywhere. I even consider coming clean for a second when we have a deep and long winded discussion about the last book we read together. When she looks at me and tells me excited she is for me to spend Thanksgiving with her family, I realise how royally fucked I am.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.