
Chapter 479 Second Curse Hypnosis

Chapter 479 Second Curse Hypnosis

"My lord, please let go of my hand."

However, Pride didn't listen to Sacha and pushed her against the wall instead. "Do you still love that dead human?"

Sacha shook her head at him. "In fact, I only loved Xiao Junyue when I lost my memory, but I have forgotten him since my memory returned."

"Then why do you keep rejecting me?" Pride asked with narrowed eyes. "I am the ruler of this realm, and the other demon lords must submit to me. As for my consort, only you are worthy of being one, so you must stop rejecting me and become one."

Sacha sighed at that. "I'm not interested in accompanying you to rule this realm, and I just want to enjoy my life leisurely."

"Sacha! You better not push my patience!" Pride shouted at her. "I never intended to force you because I want you to accept me willingly, but I will use my power to force you to submit to me if you continue to reject me like this. If necessary, I will go to the human realm to kill your daughter."

"Is that so?" Sacha asked him with a smirk. "You may have complete control in this realm, but you are nothing in the human realm. Moreover, you don't know anything about my daughter; even the Guardian wouldn't dare do anything to her, and you will suffer the consequences if you attack him."

"Hmm?" Pride frowned after hearing that. "Do you want to brag with me? Your daughter is a demon, and the Guardian will kill her if she finds out about her."

"Haha." Sacha laughed at that. "My daughter's bloodline has long been awakened, so the Guardian already knows about her, but she is still alive now."

"I don't believe you!" Pride shouted at Sacha as his red eyes glinted and two large black wings appeared on his back, but he frowned after seeing her mocking smile. 'Is what she said true? But why didn't the Guardian kill her daughter?'

Taking advantage of that, Sacha pushed Pride away, causing him to stumble backwards. "I really don't want to be enemies with you, so you should stop this, and you can look for another demon woman to be your consort. Moreover, I have chosen my heir, and I will leave this realm to live with my daughter."

Pride became furious and changed into his full demon form, and the black aura coming out of his body strangled Sacha. "Since you insist on refusing to be my concort, I will no longer hesitate to make you submit, and you can forget about your desire to live with your daughter because I will kill her after this."

"Hehe." Sacha chuckled at that. "You may be able to make me submit, but you will never succeed in killing my daughter, and you will be the one to die, especially since she has protectors who are much stronger than the Guardian."

"You- Guah!" Before Pride could finish his words, two golden qi bullets had penetrated his black wings, causing black blood to flow out from them, and he went into shock when Sacha disappeared. 'Damn it! Who attacked me just now? How could I not notice it?'

"Are you okay, my queen?"

Hearing that, Pride turned towards the top of the castle, and his eyes widened to see Sacha in Chen Li's arms. 'A human? How could he infiltrate this realm without my knowledge? What kind of attack did he use earlier that he could injure me and make me bleed?'

"You're a meanie, you know?" Sacha asked back as she briefly kissed Chen Li, causing Pride's muscles to bulge out at the sight. "You haven't visited me for over a month, and I would have fallen under his control if you had come late."

"Haha." Chen Li laughed at Sacha's sulking. "Sorry, I was too busy with my training in another realm, so I kept you waiting too long. Anyway, I just heard that you've chosen your successor, which means you can live with me and Xianglin, right?"

Seeing them acting affectionately and ignoring him, Pride's rage became even more overwhelming, and he flew towards them at full speed.

Chen Li glanced at him a moment before he brought Sacha into the void, causing the top of the castle to be destroyed by Pride's attack.


Hearing the explosion, Tierra and Vitta, along with the other succubi, rushed out of the castle, but they trembled in fear after they saw Pride in his demon form.

"Hey! Human coward! Come out and face me!"

'A human?' The succubi below were surprised to hear Pride's words, but Tierra and the others felt relieved, as they knew that the person he was referring to was Chen Li.

"Are you sure you want to fight with me?" Chen Li asked as she and Sacha walked out of the void, and the succubi became excited after seeing him. "You are the mighty fallen angel, Lucifer, but you will never win against me."

"Bastard!" Pride shouted as his body became bigger, but his body was still not as big as Wrath's, and he attacked them again.

"He is a no-brainer." Chen Li muttered as he turned his necklace into a golden cannon, and he fired it at Pride.


'What the hell is that?' Pride, who was shocked to see a golden qi ball shooting towards him, flew away to avoid it.

However, Chen Li wouldn't let Pride escape just like that, and he used his qi to control the golden qi ball.

'Shit!' Pride was even more shocked after seeing that, and he accelerated his flying speed, but it trailed behind him. 'What the hell with that human? How could he do such a thing?'




The succubi who were watching him from below burst into laughter as they saw Pride continue to flee from Chen Li's golden qi ball, and they had never seen a demon lord so terrified, let alone the fact that the person who attacked him was a human who he had always looked down upon.

Tierra then flew towards Chen Li and hugged him as he continued to laugh. "Hahaha! Look at him! Pride is the leader of the demon lords, but he was so scared by your attack!"

"Will he die if that hits him, husband?" Sacha asked him.

"No." Chen Li answered by shaking his head. "Pride's strength is still far above mine, so my attack won't kill him. However, it might injure him quite badly, and he won't be able to recover for quite a long time."contemporary romance

"I don't think so." Chen Li turned to Sacha, and she told him directly. "Pride has incredible regeneration speed, and he can recover quickly as long as his body is not destroyed."

"Oh?" Chen Li was surprised to hear that. "In that case, I will use another one to attack him, and it will slow down his regeneration speed."


Wasting no time, Chen Li fired his golden cannon once again, and this time he didn't use his fire qi, but he used his light qi instead. After all, demons are dark creatures, and light qi is their nemesis.

"Hey, Chen Li! Pride will die if he gets hit by your attack just now!" Tierra shouted at him as her body trembled, and she herself felt frightened by his light qi. "If he really dies, the other demon lords will go to the human realm, and they will go on a rampage there."

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about him; he won't die from my attack." Chen Li replied with a chuckle. "Anyway, I already have a plan for him, and I will make a move immediately after my attack hits him."

"What are you going to do to Pride?" Tierra and Sacha asked at the same time.

Chen Li smiled faintly. "You guys don't need to be impatient, and you two will see it soon."




'Shit! Fire and light! How can a human like him have two elements at once?' Pride continued to wonder as he continued to dodge the two cannon Qi balls. 'I have to think of a way to destroy both of his attacks, or else I will suffer if they hit my body.'


"Guah!" Suddenly, Pride screamed in pain after he crashed on to an invisible wall with a bang, and he tried to fly up, but he was once again blocked by another invisible wall, which was Chen Li's void walls.

"Shit!" Pride cursed as his two black wings moved forward, and he intended to use them as shields, as the two cannon Qi balls were already close to him. "Guah!"

*Boom... Boom...*

Instantly, a huge explosion was seen not only by the succubi; even many demons several miles away could also see it, and it also made the ground beneath them shake quite strongly.

After the explosion dissipated, they could see Pride's black wings shattered, and black blood soaked his body; even his handsome face turned ugly because of Chen Li's two attacks.

Soon, Pride hurtled towards the ground really fast, as he couldn't fly without his wings, and his expression was filled with pain. Just as Chen Li expected, his light qi hindered him from regenerating. "Damn it! I never imagined I would be in such a condition before! I will definitely take revenge on that damn human after I recover."

Just as he was thinking that, Chen Li suddenly appeared behind Pride, and he immediately touched the back of his head while muttering. "Second curse - Hypnosis."

- To Be Continued -


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