Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)


It had been a week since the girls had become homeless, and they had done their best to remain strong.

The days flew by as Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna tried to adjust to their new surroundings.

Alexander and Jace tried their hardest to make the girls feel at ease and relaxed because they were worried about them.

Juliet had not given up on Ronin completely, as she tried her hardest every day to smile and pretend that she was fine, even though she felt weak and sick. Juliet struggled to control her emotions for Ronin because she was transforming into a vampire and already experiencing vampire symptoms.

When Juliet wasn't with someone, the only thing that ran through her mind was Ronin.

Juliet felt a void inside her as she wished Ronin would stay by her side, hoping it was all a game.

Unlike Juliet, Alyssa was unconcerned because she knew Loukas would be difficult to please.

Alyssa was certain that the mastermind was always Loukas, and that if this was all a trick, he would just laugh and apologize, unconcerned about how she felt.

It was difficult for Alyssa because she was sick and puked three times in the morning, but she tried her hardest to stay strong while not telling anyone about it.

Alyssa was obstinate because she was prepared to face everything on her own and to find another mate in case anything didn't go as planned.

Alyssa was ready to be mated with someone else if Loukas didn't want her back, and she kept asking Jace who was against it because, for him, this was just a plan to see how his cousins reacted. Juliet and Alyssa were doing their best to keep themselves busy, in contrast to Luna, who stayed inside the room or on the sofa.

Luna was never in a good mood because she stayed in one place and stopped talking to everyone.

The only thing that ran through Luna's mind was how to be Draco's mate again because she was madly in love with him.

Luna wished to confront Draco and ask him why he was acting in this manner, even if it meant that he would attack and kill her.

Draco's laughter and gestures of love for Luna flashed through her mind, and she hoped he would say it again.

Luna recalled how Draco used to tease her while picking her up and carrying her bridal style just so he could have a bubble bath with her. Luna's favorite times were those deep conversations they had around midnight with snacks, and she wished those days could return to her.

Luna sniffed as she tried to hold back her tears when she heard a knock on the door.

"C-COME IN," Luna yelled while her voice cracked as the door opened, revealing Alexander, Juliet, and Alyssa.

Alexander smiled at Luna and said, "We wanted to know if you want to join us in the grand room," hoping Luna would agree.

"Um...maybe next time," Luna said quietly as she smiled at Alyssa, Juliet, and Alexander, who were all frowning.

Alyssa said, "Come on Luna, you've been locked in here since morning," to which Juliet nodded and added, "Jace said we can use the grand room and have fun just the four of us," as Luna sighed. "You guys can go," Luna said, hugging her knees and feeling bad for always pushing her friends away.

"No way you're coming with us," Alexander said as he took Luna's hand in his and pulled her to her feet.

Luna stood up as Alexander laughed, pushing her out of the room as Luna groaned irritably as they made their way to the grand room.

"TA-DA," Juliet, Alexander, and Alyssa said in unison as Luna entered the grand room to find a purple-colored room filled with pillows, plushies, and blankets, as well as chips, cold drinks, water, and chocolates in the center.

Luna giggled as she sat down and quickly selected a cat plushie, while Alexander, Juliet, and Alyssa did the same.

"How did you find out I like plushies?" Luna wondered as she played with the cat plushie, and Alyssa replied, "Well, I once saw Draco buying it for you," as Luna sighed, recalling how Draco once surprised her with a bunny plushie.

Luna said quietly, "Yeah, he used to buy a lot of things for me," as she smiled at Alyssa, who felt bad for bringing up Draco.

Alexander, Juliet, and Alyssa were aware of Luna's traumatic breakup with Leonardo while confessing to Draco despite being severely injured and bleeding.

They all knew how much Luna adored Draco and wished to be with him forever, but then this happened, and it completely shocked her.

Alexander said, "Forget about him," while keeping his hand on top of Luna's hand and continuing, "More like, let's forget about everything and have some fun."

Juliet said, "That is perfect, besides it's us for anyway." as Alyssa and Luna agreed.

"Yeah, Alex, forget about us and tell us about you and Jace," Alyssa smirked as Luna and Juliet laughed at Alexander's red embarrassed face.

"What about Jace and me?" Alexander inquired, to which Luna replied, "You know, tell us something about you two," to which Juliet replied, "We already know how you met, so something else."

"Tell us about how you felt after waking up next to Jace after he brought you to his pack." Alyssa said as Luna and Juliet agreed.

Alexander asked, "You mean the first day at the packhouse?" Juliet nodded and said, "Yes, he must have been so romantic," as Alexander shook his head.

"No, he would have been serious and asked many questions," Alyssa replied as Luna laughed, adding, "He could have worried a lot because worrying is his middle name," which made Alexander laugh.

"All three of you are incorrect; when I was first brought to the pack, I was terrified. I couldn't move and my breath was stuck in my throat, but Ronin gently tried to help me and take me to Jace's room" the girls listened attentively.

"Oh, Jace lived in the packhouse at that time?" Luna inquired as Alexander shook his head and replied, "No, he lived in the castle, but he knew I'd be uncomfortable, so he took me to the packhouse instead," as Alyssa smiled and added, "That's so sweet of him."

"Yeah, he's really sweet, but I was so scared that I was trembling in fear when he and I were alone in his room," Alexander said as Juliet ate the jellies and asked, "Oh, what happened next?"

"Jace gave me his pajamas and extra small boxers while I rushed inside the washroom to do what he said, but the pajamas were so big on me that the shirt touched my knees, so I wore it only with boxers," Alexander said, his face flushed. When I came out of the restroom, I saw Jace sitting on the bed, worried, and I slowly approached him," as Juliet abruptly stood up and yelled, "AND YOU GUYS KISSED," while Luna and Alyssa laughed.

Alexander yelled, "NO, WE DIDN'T," as Juliet scowled and sat down.

Alexander smiled as he said "Um, I was so scared that I thought he would reject me, but he just patted the space next to him as I sat with him while he tugged me inside kissing my forehead while he told me to sleep" as Alexander's face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Aww, how thoughtful and sweet of him," Alyssa said as Luna and Juliet nodded and ate the jellies while Alexander drank his juice.

Alexander said, "Yeah, he is very caring, and that is why I started trusting him." As he sighed and took a bite of the biscuit, he continued, "In the middle, I thought he would cheat on me and leave me, but the way he expressed his love and said I am his mate in front of everyone surprised me, so since that day, he is mine while I am his forever."

Juliet sighed as she said, "So romantic, just like something in novels" which made Alexander smile.

Luna had finally forgotten about the pain she was experiencing as she began to enjoy her time with Alexander, Alyssa, and Juliet.

The laughter echoed around the room as they chatted while eating the junk food in the center.

They had all forgotten about their problems while they were entertained by Alexander's stories about himself and Jace.


It had been 3 hours, and the time had flown by as all of the food and drinks were finished.

Alexander, Juliet, Luna, and Alyssa were laughing mess because they couldn't stop themselves from laughing at each other. Alexander grabbed Luna's hand and said, "N-No way, you can't run away so easily," as he struggled to control his laughter.

Juliet was laying on the floor, clutching her stomach, laughing as she saw Luna flee as Alyssa and Alexander quickly stood up to catch her. Alyssa drew Juliet up as Juliet laughed, chasing after Luna, who was running as fast as she could as they approached the hall. Alexander picked up a cushion and threw it at Luna, who gasped and turned around, picking up another cushion and throwing it at Alexander. Laughter and yelling filled the room as they threw cushions at each other while laughing and trying to hide from each other.

Luna laughed as she threw a cushion at Juliet, who stumbled back after colliding with someone, causing her to gasp.

Juliet turned around, laughing, and bowed down, saying, "I am so sorry." She looked up, only to see Ronin, and she abruptly stopped laughing.

Luna's smile was replaced with a sad expression while Alyssa frowned as she stared at Loukas, Ronin, and Draco.

"What exactly are you doing over here?" Alexander questioned as he noticed the sad expressions on Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna's faces, which made him sigh because it took him a long time to make the girls smile.

"We've come to meet Jace," Draco explained as he picked up the cushion and handed it to Luna, as he continued, "He didn't reply to any of my messages." Alexander hummed understandingly.

"He is in his study room," Alexander said as Draco nodded and began to walk towards the study room, followed by Loukas and Ronin.

"By the way, w-" Loukas couldn't finish his sentence because he saw Alexander throw a cushion at Alyssa, who playfully glared at Alexander while she attacked him.

Loukas, Draco, and Ronin stood there, staring at Alyssa, Juliet, Luna, and Alexander as they messed around.

Draco chuckled as he saw Luna attack Alexander while she yelled "RAWR" as Juliet and Alyssa attacked her.

Jace said, "Cub and my queens-" but couldn't finish his sentence because he saw the mess that Alyssa, Juliet, Alexander, and Luna had made in the hall.

Alexander picked up a cushion and threw it at Jace's face, yelling back "DON'T CALL ME THAT IN FRONT OF OTHERS" as Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna laughed.

"Aww, how adorable, say rawr for Jace," Luna teased, while Jace tried hard not to laugh.

Luna wiggled her brows at Alexander, who pushed her down while tickling her and she laughed as she tried her best to free herself.

As Alexander let Luna go, Jace said, "I have some business with my cousins, so if you three can go inside the grand room or any other room," as they all sat on the floor staring at Jace. "We made a mess in the grand room," Juliet chuckled, as Alyssa added, "and I saw one of the butlers go in there to clean it up," to which Alexander nodded.

"Is there another room?" Jace inquired as Alexander stood up and Jace motioned the butler to clean as he quickly started to clean the hall.

Alyssa, Juliet, Alexander, and Luna continued to laugh as they stumbled while they walked towards the other room.

"We need to tell you all something." Ronin said as Jace looked at Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna, who had stopped laughing, while Jace sighed and nodded.

"All right, come on sit." Jace said as they all sat on the sofa, the room that had been filled with laughter just moments before now filled with silence and tension. Alyssa sat next to Jace with Juliet who sat on the other side while Luna sat with Alexander.

Draco, Ronin, and Loukas sat on the opposite sofa, while the girls remained silent as Alexander quickly held Luna's hand.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Jace inquired as Loukas smiled and handed him an envelope, which he opened and read as his eyes widened in surprise.

Jace couldn't bring himself to say anything as Alyssa and Juliet leaned in to read.

After reading, Alyssa and Juliet felt terrible as they looked at Luna, who looked at them puzzledly.

Jace handed the paper to Alexander, who read it while Luna leaned over and joined him.

Juliet and Alyssa continued to stare at Luna, who sighed and smiled at Draco before averting her gaze and saying, "Congratulations."

As Jace sighed, Alexander held Luna's hand and squeezed it.

Jace rolled his eyes as he rubbed his irritated face and glared at Loukas, Draco, and Ronin.

Jace said, "You mated with Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna, but now you want to abandon them instead of treating them nicely?" Draco said, "I don't even know why we did that." which irritated Jace.

"You fucking woke up one day so

happily and entered my castle without warning while you suddenly entered inside my room waking me and Alex as you said 'I have a mate and her name is Luna' as I was surprised seeing how happy you suddenly were," Jace said as Draco glared at him.

"Think twice, guys, because if you mate with those bitches, I will make sure that Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna are mated to some mate-less wolf or vampire," Jace warned, as Loukas replied, "They can do whatever they want." Jace nodded.

"Remember your words," Alexander said as Juliet and Alyssa held Jace's hand.

Jace didn't mind because he knew how hard it was for Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna who had been brought here and told about wolves, witches, and vampires only to be pushed away. "You must attend this mating ceremony where Kim, Amy, and Sam will be mated with us," Loukas said, as Ronin added, "We will be waiting so you have no other choice," as Jace rolled his eyes.

"I won't be attending any ceremony," Jace said as he glared at his cousins, continuing, "Those girls killed my baby and nearly killed my mate," as Alexander remained silent because he felt terrible as well. "Alexander is trying to deceive you" Ronin abruptly said as Alexander's eyes widened, seeing how Ronin had always agreed with Alexander, saying how honest Alexander is, and now was suddenly against him.

Jace questioned "How can you say that?" while he was very angry at his cousins who kept on accusing his mate.

"Do you have any evidence that Kim, Amy, and Sam did that?" Loukas inquired. "You are listening to what your mate said and ignoring everyone else," he sighed, shaking his head.

"You know Alex, and he would never lie about something as important as this." Jace said he was doing his best to defend his mate because he knew Alexander wouldn't lie about something so important.

Draco questioned, "If he isn't lying,

why didn't he say this before?" Jace glared at Draco while he answered, "He told me; and I chose not to tell you because you were dating them


at the time, but when you announced that you have human mates, I knew I had to tell you one

day" as Draco sighed while ignoring


"You all are lying just so Kim, Sam, and Amy don't mate with us," Draco said angrily as Luna stood up and said, "Mate with them," while smiling at Draco and continuing, "Who is stopping you?" while Draco stared at her.

"Luna," Alexander said as he held her hand, while Luna turned around and said, "No, Alex, they can mate with whoever they want, but we won't be attending that ceremony no matter what," to which Jace


"I agree with Luna," Jace said, as Alyssa, Alexander, and Juliet all nodded in agreement.

"We're going back because we need to do some preparation, but think about it and do attend," Ronin said as he stood up, followed by Loukas and Draco.

Jace saw his cousins walk away as he quickly followed them to make sure he walks out of the castle.

Draco, Loukas, and Ronin walked out of the main castle gate as Jace rolled his eyes walking back inside where his mate was sitting with Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna. They were all taken aback by Loukas, Draco, and Ronin's sudden decision, but they were certain that despite being invited, they would not attend the ceremony.

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