Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)

Chapter 69 : A NEW PLAN

Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna stared out the window silently as their mates' words repeated in their heads.

Luna felt terrible; all she wanted to do was go back and ask Draco why he said all that.

Anger and sadness washed over Luna with each passing second, but she had no idea what she should do.

Luna's heart was aching as she wished she could grab Draco by the shirt and scold him, but she saw no love in his eyes for her.

Luna sighed as she remembered Draco holding her in his arms and telling her that he would never let go of her even if the entire world was against them.

All of Draco's mean words suddenly reverberated in Luna's head as she stared out the window, emotionless, unlike Juliet.

Juliet's face was filled with emotion as she struggled to hold back her tears.

Juliet's eyes welled up with tears as she shook her head and tried to remember all the promises Ronin had made to her. Juliet's thoughts wandered back to Ronin's words as she sighed, closing her eyes and holding Luna's hand sadly.

Juliet wished to forget everything that had happened, but her insatiable curiosity was killing her from within.

Ronin's broken promises to Juliet made her even sadder, even as she tried her hardest to forget them and move on. Moving on wasn't easy, and Juliet as well as Luna were well aware of this, unlike Alyssa, who was attempting to forget everything. Alyssa was sad, but she knew Loukas wasn't as interested in her as he once was.

All of Alyssa's memories of Loukas made her feel weak, so she knew she had to forget him completely.

Alyssa felt unwanted, and Loukas's expression made her feel as if she was someone he had never met or cared about.

The decision Alyssa had made in her head had been confirmed, but she needed Luna and Juliet's approval to proceed.

Alyssa took a deep breath as she stared out the window, feeling both weaker and stronger for having taken the step of finally forgetting Loukas.

Unlike Alyssa, Luna, or Juliet, Jace and Alexander were perplexed by what had occurred previously.

Jace knew that no matter what happened, Draco would never discard anyone's feelings and would always want to have a mate.

The happiness that Draco once felt for having Luna made Jace very happy for his best friend, but what happened half an hour ago confused Jace.

Jace was well aware that Draco would never do such a thing even if forced to.

This matter perplexed Jace because he knew his cousins weren't like this and would never do something like this, after all, they knew and believed that only vampires could love you forever. Jace sighed, knowing that Loukas was the most understanding and would never hurt his mate in this manner, which was why he was perplexed because this was a mystery to Jace.

Alexander, like Jace, was perplexed and had no idea what had happened.

Alexander was puzzled as to how Ronin, who had previously been so kind and caring, could have become so cruel to them all.

Alexander was saddened by Ronin's glare because he remembered how Ronin was the first to stand at Alexander's eye level, the first to speak to him in hushed tones, and the first to extend his hand for Alexander to take.

Alexander's eyes welled up with tears as Jace noticed it while he kept his hand on top of Alexander's.

Alexander cast a glance at Jace, who quickly returned his gaze and smiled.

"I promise I will solve everything," Jace said quietly to Alexander, who nodded and whispered back. "I know you will," Jace hummed as he drove carefully.

Jace stopped the car in front of the castle as he got out of his car right in front of his house, and Alexander did the same. Alexander, Luna, and Juliet stepped out of the car, gazing at the castle, and sighed, remembering their home and parents.

They didn't say anything as they followed Jace and Alexander into the castle and saw Jace hand over his car keys to the butler. "Park my car," Jace said as he walked towards the hall, followed by Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna, who looked around in awe.

Alexander sat on the sofa with Jace next to him, motioning for Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet to join them.

The girls sat quickly as Jace looked at them, trying to figure out what he should say to them because he knew how troubled and sad, they were.

Even after thinking, Jace had no idea what to say, so he looked at Alexander, who nodded understandingly.

"We have a guest room, and we will tell our maids to prepare it for you three, so stay with us," Alexander said as Jace hummed, adding, "We will go get your clothes tomorrow, but Alex can lend you his pajamas today because mine won't fit you."

"Thank you for looking after us," Juliet said as she smiled at Alexander and Jace, who smiled.

"I am sorry that we have caused you so much trouble," Luna said, as Jace shook his head and replied, "You haven't caused us any trouble at all, besides I feel sad because my cousins made you girls cry," which caused Luna to sigh.

"Thank you, Jace, but I have one more request." As Jace hummed for her to continue, Alyssa abruptly said, "I want to go back to the human world," as Luna's eyes widened and she quickly looked at Juliet to see her surprised as well.

"What exactly do you mean?" Alexander inquired sadly, as Alyssa responded, "When I was accepted by Loukas, I was very happy to be with him and I was ready to follow him anywhere, but what he did broke me, so I want to go back to where it all happened and forget as if he ever existed in my life," as she flashed a fake smile.

"No, Alyssa, you must stay." Alexander cried out in fear because he didn't want Alyssa to leave just because she had been pushed away by Loukas.

Alyssa said, "I don't want to stay, and I'm going back, so if Luna and Juliet want to come with me, they can, otherwise they can stay here." As she stared sadly at Alexander and Jace.

"I understand that what happened hurt you, but you can't leave like this." Jace tried to explain, but Alyssa just shook her head.

"I have no other choice," Alyssa stated. While rubbing her face, she added, "I see no love in his eyes. Even though I was his mate, he still kicked me out, and he always treated Luna and Juliet as his younger sisters."

Juliet and Luna sighed, knowing Alyssa was telling the truth, and knowing they had to either stay or leave.

"I know what happened made you sad and confused, but returning will not solve anything," Alexander said as he tried not to cry just because his best friend wanted to leave. Alyssa stated, "It will give me a fresh start. I'm going to start over and forget Loukas as if he never existed." Alexander shook his head in disapproval as she sadly smiled at him. Jace spoke sternly, "You can't forget him," he groaned, adding, "None of you can forget your mates because they are your husbands in the human world. You guys are married."

"I don't care any longer, so I'd like to ask Luna and Juliet whether they want to join me or not?" Alyssa said as she shifted her gaze to Luna and Juliet, who were deliberating for a moment before making a decision.

"I... I'm not sure Alyssa, should I go or should I stay. Everything is troubling me," Juliet said as she shrugged her shoulder, knowing that she wanted to stay and figure out why her mate was suddenly acting this way toward her.

"I want to accompany you," Luna said. Draco had broken me, and I now want to leave," she sighed, knowing she had no reason to stay.

Juliet sighed and said, "Okay, if you both are going..." She paused for a moment before adding, "I will go as well," as she sadly smiled at Luna and Alyssa.

"Now that we've decided to leave, ask Ruby how we can return to our world." Alyssa said as Jace shook his head and said "I won't ask. I don't want you three to leave like that," Alyssa sighed.

"You guys can't leave them," Alexander said as Jace hummed, adding, "They're your mates, and you can't leave them like this."

Jace and Alexander understood the bond of mates better than anyone else because they had experienced many ups and downs in their lives, but this was the most difficult challenge they were about to face. Alexander knew he had Jace to help him face this challenge, but his friends had no one since their mates had rejected them.

"Draco promised that no one would be able to separate us. He said he'd fight the whole world to be with me, so where is he now? "Where has that love gone?" Luna said as she sighed, resting her face on her hands and trying not to cry.

"Luna, he's not in his right mind," Alexander said as Luna yelled, "HE WAS IN HIS RIGHT MIND!" While she sadly whispered at the end, "...he hates me now."

"No, he doesn't," Alexander said as he smiled at Luna, knowing exactly how she felt because he had always assumed that his mate would end up hating him after meeting Jace for about a month and that made him cry at night but Jace always comforted him in the end.

Luna sighed, rubbed her brow, and looked up at Alexander, who had a sad expression on his face, causing Luna to sigh once more.

"Look at me, Alex, I am a vampire, yet he kicked me out and told me I should go back," Luna said, staring at her hands, unsure what to do now since she knew she was a vampire now.

"So, you should," Jace said abruptly, jolting Luna out of her thoughts as she stared at him not knowing why he had the change of hearts all of a sudden.

"What?" said Alexander. They can't leave, Jace" as Jace smiled and shook his head and said, "No, they should because they're just doing what their mates told them to do."

Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet looked at Jace, perplexed as to what he meant by what he said, hoping he would explain.

"Something big is about to happen, something we don't know about, and this could be something big," Jace explained. If you leave your mates, they may suffer and die,"

Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet were now perplexed about their decision to leave after hearing Jace's explanation.

"H-How can you be so certain?" Juliet stammered out, a little scared, as Jace smiled at her and said, "Only a vampire can love you forever," causing Juliet's eyes to widen in surprise.

Juliet recalled how she was the first person in the human world to admit and understand that only Ronin could love her and that only vampires could love you forever, which made her smile as she nodded.

"Even if they push you away, they still need your love to live or else they will go insane," Jace said as he stared at the girls as Alyssa replied stubbornly. "They don't need us, and they said so," Jace groaned irritated.

"I don't know what's going on, but all I know is that my cousins need your love to live, so you have to stay," Jace said, hoping Alyssa would agree.

"How can we possibly stay? We have no reason to stay," Luna said as Jace sighed, knowing he had to persuade Luna as well.

“Luna, Alyssa, remember how they came back for us because they couldn't live without us? so this time we have to stay and bring them back" Juliet said, smiling at Alyssa and Luna.

Jace sighed, relieved that at least Juliet was on their side, which made Alexander feel more at ease.

"You said Kim, Amy, and Sam were onto something big, so I looked into it. What if this was something big?" Jace spoke curiously as he looked at Alexander, who nodded and asked, "You mean the plan they never discussed in front of anyone?" as Jace hummed.

Jace said "Could be" as he shifted his gaze to Luna and Alyssa while he pleaded "so let me say this once, please stay so my cousins can stay alive and not die because of insanity."

Alyssa sighed and said, "Okay, we'll stay," while Jace smiled and said, "Thank you so much," and Alexander sighed relieved.

"It's us who need to thank you for always being there for us, even though we do nothing but cause you both troubles," Alyssa said, smiling at Alexander and Jace, who returned her smile. "You girls are Draco, Loukas, and Ronin's mates, so you are family to us," Alexander said, looking at Jace, who nodded in agreement.

Juliet inquired, "What is our next step now?" Alexander responded, "Right now, it's best that you three rest because you've been through a lot," while holding Jace's hand.

"We want to figure out what's wrong with our mates." Luna spoke up, hoping that they would figure out what was wrong with Draco because she desperately wanted to be with him.

As he stared at Juliet, Alyssa, and Luna, Jace said, "I know that, and I will go to Ruby and Maya with Alex to see if they found any leads towards the 'negativity' in the castle."

"I know that, but for now, it's best that you three rest," Jace said as Alexander hummed. "Yes, I agree with Jace, and we will go back to your home tomorrow to bring your luggage, and that is when we will try to talk to uncle and aunt,"

"I will try to find out about the negative aura," Jace said as Luna paused for a moment and asked, "What should we do tomorrow?" while staring at Jace and Alexander.

Jace knew the girls were correct and that something had to be done, but he didn't want to assign anything large and difficult to them because two of them weren't vampires and one of them was an unstable vampire who could die if she used her powers by mistake.

"While packing, just try to have a decent conversation with your mates and get their attention so they don't realize Alex and I are here with you." Jace hummed, knowing it wouldn't be a difficult task. Juliet looked at Alyssa and Luna, who nodded, as Juliet quickly nodded as well in agreement.

Luna said, "We can do that." As Jace nodded, knowing it would be perfect because if his cousins were acting, they would tell everything if they were alone with their mates.

"Yes, by the time you three do that, I will go to the dungeon while Alex will meet uncle and aunt," Jace said, as Alexander smiled and replied, "Sounds like a plan," and they all nodded, knowing this was the bes plan for now.

"You three should rest now, while I go to Ruby for the discussion and to make a protection against negative energy and spells ring," Jace said, as Alexander smiled and hummed, saying, "I am in this plan." Juliet said, "I am in this plan as well," while Luna hummed and said, "Me too," and Alyssa sighed and added, "Count me in as well," which made Jace relieved.

"Great, so I'll show you to your rooms while Alex brings his pajamas for you," Jace said as Alexander stood up and nodded.

Alexander dashed to his room to retrieve three pairs of pajamas for Luna, Alyssa, and Juliet.

"Luna, please try to return to your human form because your vampire form is unstable and your eyes keep shifting, which is dangerous," Jace said, to which Luna replied, "I don't know how to do that." causing Jace to sigh.

Jace said, "Try to calm down and relax." After a brief moment of thought, he added, "Try to think about your human form while you relax." As Luna hummed understandingly.

"I'll do my best," Luna said as Jace hummed and stood up, followed by Alyssa, Luna, and Juliet.

Jace led the girls to their respective guest rooms, while Alexander brought them pajamas as they pondered what could have happened with Loukas, Draco, and Ronin all of a sudden.

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