Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)

Chapter 64 : MEMORIES

Jace sat on the chair while eating breakfast with Alexander, Juliet, Alyssa, and Luna.

Juliet, Alyssa, and Luna were perplexed as to why their mates were so lazy so early in the morning, even though they were always the first to wake up.

While the previous night's events replayed in his mind, Jace ate his bread with butter spread on it.

The room was quiet as Jace sighed, remembering how his cousins had returned and said Nathanial hadn't said anything, but Jace knew something else had happened inside, which worried him even more. "Alexander and I will be going out in the garden for a while," Jace said, looking up at Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna, who nodded, knowing Alexander and Jace needed time alone.

Alexander looked at Jace, perplexed, as he could tell something was wrong, whereas Jace remained silent while eating his breakfast.

Jace knew his cousins had never mentioned him to Nathanial, but he also knew something else had happened because Draco, Loukas, and Ronin looked exhausted when they returned.

It was as if all of their energy had been drained from them, and they had no powers left in their bodies, which worried Jace.

"Alexander, let's go," Jace said as he stood up, while Alexander nodded and quickly bid his goodbyes before standing up.

"If anything is wrong, or if you need us, just let us know," Jace said as Juliet hummed and nodded her head.

Alyssa said, "We'll call you if we need you," as Alexander nodded and quickly took Jace's hand as they walked out of the castle.

"They're so cute," Juliet exclaimed as she noticed Alexander clinging to Jace's arm and laughing.

Alyssa stated, "I agree, but I'm sorry for separating them for three weeks." As Luna hummed and added, "Yeah, Alex looked so sad and worried for three weeks."

Juliet said, "Agreed, but look at him now, all happy and shy." Alyssa hummed and added, "He's just so adorable."

"I'm glad he's Jace's mate because no one can love him as he does," Juliet said as Luna laughed nodding her head.

Luna spoke up. "Yeah, Alexander's past was a mess, but Jace was there to support him and make him happy later on," Juliet and Alyssa agreed.

"Their challenges remain, but Jace always takes Alexander's side and listens to him," Luna said as Alyssa frowned and added, "Our mates never listen to us." "Ronin listens to us, but he always takes his brother's side," Juliet sighed, giggling as she shook her head.

As she drank her tea, Luna said, "Draco believes when I say something, but later he changes his mind."

"Loukas never listens and believes he is the boss," Alyssa groaned, irritated.

"He is stubborn," Luna said, as Alyssa agreed with a nod of her head.

Juliet spoke up. "Our mates haven't arrived yet, so let's wait for them in the hall," Alyssa said, "Yeah sure, let's go," Luna hummed.

Alyssa, Juliet, and Luna stood up as they walked towards the hall together and sat on the sofa while they waited for their mates and friends.

"I am so worried about what is going on," Alyssa said as Juliet rubbed her back and added, "Don't worry, everything will be fine soon," as Alyssa nodded.

"I just hope everything gets resolved as soon as possible," Luna sighed as she stared at the hall door, waiting for her mate.

"I just love Ron so much that I want everything to go back to the way it was," Juliet said, smiling at Luna and Alyssa, who returned her smile.

Alyssa spoke up. "Everything has been turned upside down since the day these problems began," Juliet nodded.

"I'm just glad that Loukas, Draco, and Ronin are finally on our side," Luna said as Alyssa and Juliet hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, sending Jace on this investigation was a good decision," Alyssa said, as Juliet added, "and now, we are just so close to ending everything."

Juliet said, "Our lives will finally be normal again." As Alyssa and Luna nodded happily.

"I just don't want to go to the doctor again," Luna sighed, making Alyssa and Juliet laugh.

"Draco will not let this happen to you again." Luna rolled her eyes as Alyssa spoke.

"Yeah, but with him lazing around, anything can happen," Luna said as she sighed and rubbed her brow.

"Though what is the matter with them?" Alyssa inquired, concerned, as Juliet responded, "They have never slept so much."

Luna spoke up, "I agree, and even though Draco has the worst sleeping schedule, he would still wake up just to have breakfast with me and sleep later," she sighed, rubbing her face.

"Something happened yesterday after we fell asleep," Juliet said, as Luna hummed and responded, "Yeah, and to top it off, they were sleeping not with us."

"Something happened yesterday after we fell asleep," Juliet said, as Luna hummed and responded, "Yeah, and to top it off, they were sleeping not with us."

"Exactly, something is up," Juliet said, as Luna replied, "Even Jace was feeling out of it," and Alyssa hummed and added, "We need to ask Jace because maybe he knows something we don't." "Nice idea," Luna said as she stood up to call Jace and Alexander when her gaze was drawn to Loukas, Ronin, and Draco.

"Hey girls," Loukas said, and Alyssa responded, "Oh Lou," standing up and walking over to hug him.

"Great to see you, Ron." Juliet exclaimed as she quickly hugged Ronin, who smiled and hugged her back.

Luna said, "Draco, I missed you," to which Draco replied, "I missed you even more" as he hugged her back.

"Let's go to our room because I need to tell you something," Draco said as Luna nodded and looked at Alyssa and Juliet, who were heading to their respective rooms.

Luna said, "Let's go," as she walked to her room with Draco by her side.

"Ah, even though I am a king, I want to live in a small house in the middle of a forest with you," Jace said as he sighed and kissed Alexander's knuckles.

While they sat on the bench, Alexander said, "Yes, that would be lovely, but wherever we are together, that's home." Jace hummed in agreement.

The cold breeze made Alexander shiver as Jace removed his jacket and made Alexander wear it.

While they gazed at the beautiful garden in front of them, Alexander rested his head on Jace's shoulder.

"What's the matter, Jace?" Alexander inquired, as Jace chuckled and responded, "Why do you ask that? Nothing is wrong," while Alexander giggled at his lover.

"Something is wrong because you never zone out like this," Alexander said as Jace sighed and nodded his head, knowing his mate was correct.

"You are correct," Jace said. It's just that I have so many questions running through my head that I can't seem to solve," Alexander sat up straight and made Jace face himself.

"Tell me, and maybe I can help," Alexander said as Jace hummed and nodded while holding Alexander's hand and playing with his fingers.

"I tried to stop my cousins from going inside the dungeon to meet Nathanial yesterday, but they didn't listen. They seemed so tired when they returned," Jace said as Alexander laughed and shook his head. Alexander said, "They might have tortured Nathanial, and whenever they returned, they looked tired." As Jace nodded.

"I believe there is a problem. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I think something's wrong," Jace said as he stood up, while Alexander shook his head and pulled Jace's hand and gestured him to sit back down. Alexander quickly sat on Jace's lap and pecked Jace's lips, causing Jace to smile.

"Stop overthinking," Alexander said as Jace laughed and hugged him.

"I know I'm overthinking it, but no one can be trusted right now," Jace said, as Alexander hummed in agreement.

"I agree with you, Jace, but you must trust your cousins," Alexander said as he kissed Jace's cheek.

"I trust them, but Nathanial is the one who bothers me," Jace said, resting his head on Alexander's shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Alexander inquired as Jace replied. "He is a witch, He changed and looked so much like Juliet, and Luna said he knew everything, but I'm glad he didn't know about the baby she lost."

"I agree with you, but what does that have to do with your cousins being exhausted?" Alexander inquired as Jace replied, "I don't know it felt as if someone sucked their energy from them." Alexander played with Jace's hair as he inquired, "Was it that bad?" as Jace hummed nodding his head.

As Alexander kissed the crown of Jace's head, Jace replied, "Yeah, it was, last night when they walked out of the dungeon they weren't smiling and they were so tired after that they suddenly said let's go sleep."

"I woke up when you guys returned, and it took you all 3 to 4 hours, so obviously, they're tired," Alexander said as Jace hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, but they were so tired that they couldn't take their mates to their room," Jace said, as Alexander sighed, seeing how concerned his mate was right now.

"Oh, that's why we were all sleeping in the grand room?" Alexander inquired as Jace replied, "Yeah, Lou said they are tired and just went to bed next to their mates, so I just laid next to you as well." "What are you going to do now?" Alexander inquired, concerned, as Jace shrugged his shoulders.

Jace replied, "Well, they're investigating in their way, and I'll investigate in mine," Alexander hummed while cupping Jace's cheek and pecking Jace's forehead who smiled.

"Just be careful," Alexander said as Jace hummed and pecked Alexander's nose while Alexander giggled.

Alexander had no idea how to make Jace smile and forget about his problems, so he kept trying to think of a solution.

"I will be there, but I need people on my team, so I thought I'd ask for Maya, Ruby, and your help." Jace said as Alexander smiled.

Alexander bent down slightly and whispered in Jace's ear, "Babe, I'll always be on your team," which made Jace smirk as he replied, "That's my mate," as Alexander giggled at the mischievous spark in Jace's eyes.

Alexander's gaze settled on the garden as he smiled, knowing how much Jace enjoyed walking with him.

"Let's go for a walk," Alexander said quietly as Jace hummed and nodded.

Alexander stood up as Jace held his hand, and Alexander pulled Jace up to make him stand while laughing.

Jace gripped Alexander's hand tightly as they walked, smiling as they enjoyed each other's company.

"I really missed you" Alexander laughed as Jace looked at him and smiled as he said, "I missed you too, my love."

When Jace went on the mission to investigate Kim, Amy, and Sam, he really missed Alexander, but he made sure to finish it as soon as possible so he could be with Alexander again.

"Remember how scared I was when I woke up the next day after you took me from my pack to yours?" Alexander inquired as Jace laughed and replied, "How can I forget? You were so terrified that you curled up in a corner with a blanket."

"That was so embarrassing," Alexander mumbled as Jace laughed, ruffling his hair.

"I told you to calm down and you got up and went inside my cupboard to hide with the blanket," Jace said, smiling at Alexander and wrapping his arm around Alexander's shoulder.

"I am so sorry that I always bother you with everything." Alexander said as he frowned.

"No, I really liked and thought that side of you was adorable. As he kissed the crown of Alexander's head, he said, "I love how you always need me and want to be with me."

Alexander said, "I remember the first time I saw your wolf, I was so stunned," as Jace nodded and added, "I remember how surprised I was after I saw your wolf" as an idea flashed through Alexander's mind. "Babe, it's been a long time, so let's transform into our wolf form," Alexander suggested, hoping Jace would agree. Jace smiled and said, "Sure, whatever you say, my love," as Alexander kissed Jace on the cheek happily.

Jace grabbed his jacket to cover Alexander as Alexander stripped down to his boxers and jeans and transformed into a wolf, while Jace kept all of Alexander's clothes on the bench as well as his own. Jace removed his boxers and jeans as he transformed into his big werewolf form and licked Alexander's small werewolf form.

Alexander used his mouth to pick up Jace's clothes and place them on the bench.

Jace licked Alexander's nose, and Alexander licked Jace's nose back as a sign of affection, causing Jace to growl with delight. Alexander snuggled closer to Jace's furry neck as Jace growled louder, making Alexander want to tease him even more. Jace licked Alexander's ear as he lightly bit it, and Alexander fled as Jace chased him in his werewolf form.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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