Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)

Chapter 3 : SAVE ME PLEASE (PART2)

Luna knew very well that she had to save her sisters and baby so she went to meet the gang alone. Luna knew very well that it was a stupid idea to go alone but she had no option because of the blackmail she was given.

Luna sat in a cab as she sighed closing her eyes while she spoke in a shaking voice "T-take me to the empty 12 street fast" Luna didn't tell the driver the full address because she didn't want him to feel suspicious as to why is she going to an empty subway at night.

Luna gave the driver the money after some time as she got out of it and saw the cab go away making her sigh all sad. "Mommy will fix everything little one" Luna spoke as she patted her belly.

Luna walked to the empty subway as she looked around but no one was there until she heard loud claps which made her turn around and look right into Eliot's eyes when she noticed the whole gang behind him smirking.

"Where are your sisters?" Leonardo questioned as Luna shrugged smiling mischievously. "Not home got a problem?" Luna clicked her tongue in annoyance when she noticed Eliot roll his eyes at her. "Keep rolling your eyes like that and maybe someday you will find a brain back there...if it exists" Luna roared back as Eliot took a step forward glaring at her so Luna did him a favor and glared back. "Oh! so that is why you are here..." Elijah snickered out as Luna stared at him confused. "...yeah, I agree cause if her sisters were at home...they would never let her go in this state" Eric laughed out as Luna stared at them all weirdly.

"Who knows and I am perfectly fine," Luna grumbled out while she crossed her arms around her chest angrily. "yeah, right we know you are pregnant and one of us is the dad," Leonardo said as she looked at him shocked.

"Me? Pregnant? Argh, you are mistaking, "Luna spoke trying her best to hide her dear as she knew she was pregnant. She didn't want them to find out because they were already after Luna so she feared who might now be after her poor baby.

"Stop hiding you bitch. We know because we heard you discussing it with your step-sisters one day" Elijah yelled which made Luna flinch and back away.

"So? What if I am. It's not your's mine" Luna yelled scared as Eliot glared at her and barked back "Keep your fucking voice down" which made Luna angrier.

"Make me" Luna glared at the boys as she saw Leonardo, Elijah, Eric, and Mike go down the stairs leaving her with Eliot.

"If you just agreed to be my slut when I asked you too then none of this would have happened" Eliot tsked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"If I knew you were this crazy, I would have never dated you back at that time" Luna spoke as she pushed Eliot a little as she started to walk away from him.

"YOU BITCH" Eliot yelled as he grabbed her arm while Luna pulled it back but he just slapped her and pushed her making her fall from the stairs.

Luna's forehead hit the stairs hard as she landed flat on the stomach which made her groan in pain. Luna looked up the 8 or more flights of stairs with tears in her eyes while she noticed Eliot walking down the stairs laughing at Luna's state.

Eliot bent near Luna as he held her by her hair and made her face himself. "If only you listen to my desires and let me play with you with no feelings maybe then none of this would have happened. I feel sorry for myself and my friends that they had to go through you...heart breaker bitch" Eliot yelled in the end as he let Luna's hair go while her breathing became uneven.

Elijah took out a knife as Luna's eyes got filled with fear. "We will kill that baby that you have been trying so hard to protect" Eric laughed out as Eliot suddenly stabbed but Luna quickly moved away as the knife dug into her leg making her scream in pain but Eliot kept his hand on her mouth to make her screams muffled. 'D-D-Draco' was the last name Luna thought as she started to breathe heavily again.


Luna held her necklace as she smiled while everything around her was getting blurry. 'I am going to die maybe that's my destiny... I was never loved by anyone anyway except the fact that my heart belongs to him now' Luna thought as her breathing was getting uneven not knowing Draco was just above the subway trying to find her with his step-brothers and Luna's step-sisters.


Draco was running around the near the empty 12 street as he felt sad knowing the fact that his mate needed him but he was too sick and never noticed it. He believed that he was so busy making her jealous that he didn't notice her breaking which honestly wasn't true because even if he wanted to feel...he couldn't because the mate bond wasn't strong.

Draco felt as if part of him was missing and that made him all weak. He coughed as he fell on his knees while he looked up at the clear sky to see the red moon which was known as the eclipse to the human world but it gave powers to the vampire but drove a rejected mate mad because they couldn't control their powers under the gaze of the moon.

Draco coughed as he held his head when his eyes started to shift colors. He couldn't control his vampire self anymore. His powers were all drained as he was turning into a normal human and after that, he knew he would go crazy and die.

Draco took a deep breath as he saw Luna in front of him making him smile. "I will always love you even if I disappear one day from your head...I will always stay in your heart somewhere" Draco whispered as he let himself drift away into insanity when he heard a yell that belonged to Juliet.

"LUNAAAA" Draco suddenly pushed everything away and with every last breath left in him, he stood up and ran in the direction with sweat dripping off his hair. "Not now...I can't die now...not until I save my girl' Draco spoke as he saw Juliet starring at something.

Juliet stared at her sister who looked up as tears prickled her eyes while she gestured her to go away but Juliet was way too shocked to even move.

"LUNA" a very familiar voice was heard as Luna weakly smiled at Draco who quickly pushed everyone and got down the stairs while the boys backed away angrily.

Draco pulled Luna in his arms as he tugged her hair behind her ears while he noticed her breathing heavily.

" are here" Luna spoke as Draco chuckled and used the last bit of his powers to keep Eliot and his gang away.

"Yeah, doll face ... now get up and don't leave me or anyone just wait we wi-" Draco's stopped in mid-sentence as his eyes widened in shock as he saw Luna up and down.

"ALYSSA...JULIET...DON'T LET LOUKAS AND RONIN DOWN HERE BECAUSE LUNA IS BLEEDING SO STAY AWAY" Draco screamed with everything he got as he noticed his brothers trying their best to control themselves because they were still not mated and unmated vampires couldn't hold it in when exposed to human blood.

Luna pulled Draco's black shirt as he stared into her orbs and caressed her cheek. "I-I can't Draco...before I go a-away...I just want to t-tell-" "Shh baby girl. Shut up and rest. I am here now so everything will be ok" Draco cut Luna off as he knew that she was pushing herself to speak which saddened him.

Luna saw the hurtful look in his eyes so she smiled and hugged him lightly which stiffened him. “I-I love you" Luna whispered as Draco's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from his mate who was covered in blood as she laid in his arms.

Luna's eyes started to close as Draco shook his head and whispered "Say it again baby doll" which made Luna smile weakly. She pushed herself up as she pecked his lips lightly.

Luna pulled back as she smiled at Draco and whispered "I ... Love... you" again but this time slowly so he could process when Draco suddenly glowed green making Luna close her eyes all shocked. "What the fuck...get them," Eliot said as Draco's power broke for few minutes while he got them back but more powerful this time as he went back to how he originally was. His eyes getting his color and shine back as it looked lively again.

Draco smiled as he pecked Luna's lips and smiled "I love you too always have and always will. You are my mate only" Draco spoke as Luna hummed smiling as she closed her eyes letting the darkness consume her so Draco picked her up bridal style.

"Draco, we can't hold them any longer" Alyssa yelled again as Draco made a force field around them letting Ronin's head bumped into it making him groan and rub it while he saw his brother in his vampire form with Luna in his arms.

"YES, HE GOT HIS POWERS BACK" Draco heard Ronin shout as he smiled at his brother when Loukas slapped Ronin's head making him yelp annoyed.

"How do you fucking know?" Loukas now questioned who was annoyed at the fact that his head hit something and it was now throbbing in pain.

"Well, I can tell this air wall anywhere cause Draco used to do this when we were little and trap me inside while he laughed at me bumping into it every time so since he is doing that again that means he has his power back," Ronin said as Draco chuckled shaking his head while he gently placed his mate on the corner of the floor. He kissed her forehead as he caressed her cheek smiling.

"Also, Luna confessed" Juliet chirped in happily as Alyssa hummed hugging Loukas's arm who smiled at his brother.

Draco tore his sleeves as he tied one around Luna's head and the other on her leg to prevent it from further bleeding.

Draco stood up as he turned around and glared at the boys while he smirked. "It's about to get dirty" Draco laughed evilly as he cracked his knuckles making Eliot and his gang back away.

Eliot suddenly glared at Draco with an equal amount of hatred as his friends. They charged at Draco who yawned waiting for them to attack since his powers were back...humans were the easiest to fight for him.

He saw Eliot's punch inches away from his face as Draco blinked making the air stronger as it blew Eliot away. The only people who Draco kept safe were Alyssa, Juliet, Loukas, and Ronin who were behind the force field while Luna who laid in the corner with a force field around her as well.

Eliot, Leonardo, Mike, Eric, and Elijah fell back as Mike hit the stairs while he groaned in pain. Draco's eyes shifted into his original one as he tried to calm down but it was hard so his eyes fully turned into his vampire ones while his fangs grew.

"I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU ALL SUFFER LIKE HOW YOU MADE MY MATE SUFFER. I WILL KILL YOU ALL AND IT WILL BE SLOW AND PAINFUL. BE PREPARED TO DIE YOU FUCKERS" Draco yelled cursing as the air around him got stronger as his hair moved because of the air.

The tension was way too much, Loukas and Ronin tried to break free from the shield which was hard because Draco got his powers back on the red moon which meant his powers were stronger than before. Draco smirked at the boys as he took a step forward while he spoke "Prepare to face death's best mate" while he made sure nothing happens to the ones he cared for.

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