Only vampire can love you forever (book 2)

Chapter 29 : SCHOOL (PART 2)

Loukas took Alyssa to the class as she suddenly stood still while she took deep breaths to calm herself down. Loukas stared at her as he smiled while he held her hand startling her. "You okay sweetheart?" Loukas questioned as he worriedly stared at Alyssa who played with her thumb all nervous.

"Kind of" Alyssa nervously laughed as Loukas pulled her in for a hug while she hugged him back.

"You sure?" Loukas whispered in Alyssa's ear who shook her head all sad while she whispered out "Um...I don't know" that made Loukas sigh as he had no clue what Alyssa was feeling. "Hey what's wrong? You can tell me❞ Loukas whispered as he helped Alyssa sit on the chair that was placed outside of the class since it wasn't needed.

"I just feel nervous and terrified" Alyssa sadly spoke as Loukas sat on his knees sighing as he now knew how nervous and terrified, she was.

"Okay, it's because it's your first day, right?" Loukas tried calming Alyssa down who kept on nervously tapping her foot on the floor.

"No, and yes" Alyssa squeaked out making Loukas chuckle.

"Please explain sweetheart or else I won't be able to help you" Loukas gently spoke as he brushed Alyssa's hair and tugged it behind her ear while she smiled at him.

"Well yes I am nervous cause it's my first day but I am terrified because no one is a human over here and I just don't want my family getting hurt," Alyssa spoke the truth which made Loukas sigh since he knew it was hard for a human to adjust in a supernatural world.

"I understand but you are not alone in this. I am here for you and even Draco, Jace, Alex, and Ronin are here so don't be afraid" Loukas tried calming Alyssa down as she sighed nodding her head and agreeing because she knew that no matter what happens Loukas will always protect her.

"Okay but any tips to not be nervous right now?" Alyssa giggled out as Loukas smiled shaking his head.

"Nope just go in and while introducing yourself say my name and my family name because people will stay away from you and they won't mess with you that much" Loukas chuckled out as Alyssa frowned but shrugged her shoulders since she preferred staying out of troubles.

"Good because I don't like troubles and fights," Alyssa said as Loukas sighed in relief as he spoke, "That's great news because I am not into it as well but I will fight those who hurt you or my family" which made Alyssa smile since she knew how caring and lovable Loukas was.

"I love you" Alyssa kissed Loukas's cheek as he kissed her cheek back while he stood up and gestured his hand towards Alyssa.

"I love you too now let's go in" He spoke as Alyssa kept her hand on top of Loukas's while she stood up and walked inside the classroom hand in hand with Loukas.

"Mr. William" Loukas spoke as Mr. William glanced up from his textbook and smiled at Loukas while he stood up. Mr. William was a wolf and a beta to be exact. He was mated with Jade and was 42-years-old. "Oh, my Prince Loukas what a pleasant surprise, and here I thought you won't be joining my class this year" Mr. William spoke happily as he hugged Loukas.

"No sir, my mate agreed and she would be joining this class" Loukas spoke as he remembered sharing with Mr. William that he would be going to the human world not knowing when he would return but he would not return till he brings his mate with him.

"Is this your mate?" Mr. William questioned pointing at Alyssa who was nervously hiding behind Loukas.

"Yes, sir and this is Alyssa" Loukas spoke as he gently pulled Alyssa a bit forward while she smiled at Mr. William.

"Welcome to my class Princess Alyssa and I hope you enjoy" Mr. William spoke as he patted Alyssa's head who smiled knowing how nice Mr. William was.

"Thank you, sir, for your kind words" Alyssa spoke in a low voice as she smiled at Mr. William who smiled back at her.

"If you have any trouble and Prince Loukas is not around, just come to me or my wife Jade" Mr. William

"Okay, sir I will keep that in mind" Alyssa spoke as she glanced at Loukas who held her hand and squeezed it telling her that he is here for her which made her feel calm.

"Ready to introduce yourself?" Mr. William questioned as Alyssa nervously giggled while she squeezed Loukas's hand back as she stuttered out "Yes...I guess" while Mr. William nodded his head and walked up to the front and made Alyssa stand in the middle.

"Okay great Prince Loukas you can go to your seat and tell Nathan to keep quiet" Mr. William laughed out seeing how loudly Nathan was chatting with Isabella and few other students.

"Okay sir" Loukas spoke as he let go of Alyssa's hand while he smiled at her and went to his seat while he poked Nathan and gestured him to be quiet.

"Class today we have a new student. Come on introduce yourself princess" Mr. William spoke loudly as all eyes were on him which suddenly shifted to Alyssa that made her all nervous so she started playing with her thumb again.

"Um...Hi, my name is Alyssa Loukas Allan and I am Loukas's mate as you all know. I love reading, baking and shopping. I hope we all get along well" Alyssa introduced herself as she smiled at everyone while she glanced at Mr. William who nodded.

"Thank you, very nice princess. You can go and sit next to your mate" Mr. William pointed at the empty seat next to Loukas as Alyssa walked up to him and sat on the empty seat.

"H-How did I do?" Alyssa stuttered out as she kept her hand on her chest while she felt her heart beating very fast.

"You did amazing so now relax" Loukas relaxed as he could tell she was still nervous as Alyssa breathed out "Great" while Loukas chuckled.

"Hi I am Isabella and this is Nathan. You remember us, right?" Isabella spoke as she turned out and shook Alyssa's hand while she smiled.

"Yeah, I do, thank you for attending our mating ceremony" Alyssa spoke as she remembered Isabella and Nathan quite well since Loukas did introduce them.

"You're welcome also I am sorry that my mate annoys Luna so much" Nathan shook his head remembering how because of his mate Luna got angry.

"Your mate? Adrian?" Alyssa questioned as she wasn't sure that Adrian was his mate or not.

"Yeah, at the ceremony as well because of him Luna and Draco fought" Nathan spoke as he was genuinely sorry since he saw how Luna was sad and got scolded even though it was Adrian's fault. "No, it's okay even though Luna looks extremely mean but she is seriously kind so once he earns her trust, everything would be okay" Alyssa explained knowing that Luna loved and cared a lot just like how she cared and loved Alex.

"I will make sure to tell him to behave" Nathan spoke as he shook his head chuckling while Loukas chuckled with him knowing very well that Adrian won't listen.

"No, it's fine because, in the end, both are at fault" Alyssa spoke knowing that Luna was at fault too.

"Everyone sit straight and take out your English textbook and get ready because the class is about to begin" Mr. William spoke as he closed his storybook and took out the English book while he stood up next to the whiteboard.

Alyssa took out her notebook while Loukas shared his textbook with Alyssa since she didn't buy hers yet. Alyssa got everything out as she got ready for the class.

Draco, Jace, Luna, and Alex were walking to their class as Draco noticed how Alex was clinging onto Luna's arm who didn't mind at all.

"Your mate is taking my place" Jace poked Draco who groaned as he nodded his head.

"And your mate is taking mine" Draco whispered back as he saw Alex's hand wrapped around Luna's arm while he was telling her about the school which was way different compared to the school Luna went in the human world.

"I will do something so take your mate inside the class first or else he will introduce my mate to the teacher" Draco whispered as Jace hummed happily.

"Sure, I will do that" Jace cheered as Draco winked at him and suddenly wobbled while he fell on him.

"H-Hey Draco" Jace stuttered out loud enough for Luna to hear as she turned around to see Jace helping Draco stand.

"What's wrong?" Luna questioned as she helped Draco to sit on the chair while she brushed his hair away from his eyes and kept her hand on his cheek worried. "What's wrong with brother Draco?" Alex questioned all worried as he held Draco's arm who held his forehead while he acted.

"I don't know he suddenly felt dizzy" Jace shrugged his shoulder when suddenly Luna smacked Draco's arm confusing Jace.

"You asshole, I should be feeling dizzy with you sucking my blood early in the morning" Luna scolded Draco which made Jace chuckle.

"Hey calm down Luna and do something" Jace spoke as he held Luna back who kept on punching and smacking Draco.

"What can I do?" Luna now questioned all curious as Alex stood up as he remembered what he once read.

"I once read that a mate can cure their other half" Alex spoke not sure but he still said that knowing it was important for a mate to take care of the other.

"Yeah, do that while I take Alex inside the class" Jace grabbed Alex's arm as he pulled him because Jace knew Draco wasn't actually feeling dizzy. Draco just did that so Jace could be with Alex while he could be with Luna.

"Why? You both can stay and help me" Luna spoke as she gently pushed Draco's head and made him rest his head on her chest while she hugged him. Luna was way short compared to Draco so while Draco was sitting, his head reached Luna's chest.

"No, you are Draco's mate so you will be excused for being late but we both won't be" Jace spoke as he gently pulled Alex who whined and pulled his arm back.

"You are his cousin so they would let you stay as well and I can stay because I am your mate" Alex spoke as he quickly held Luna's arm who didn't mind at all but she could tell something was up and Alex was being with her to get away from Jace.

"Alie baby, I wanna be with you alone for a bit can't you see that?" Jace whispered as he stared right into Alex's crystal eyes while he averted his gaze and stared at the wall.

"I wanna be here and you can go alone" Alex whispered as Jace raised his eyebrow at his mate while Draco let go of Luna.

"But Alex-" Jace started as Alex cut him off and said "I don't care" which made Jace angry.

"Fine stay here" Jace spoke angrily as his eyes changed colors telling Alex that Jace was seriously pissed off and angry which scared the little boy.

"I-" Alex started when Jace cut him off and spoke "You what? I tried to get your attention since morning but you wanted to get out of the house first and didn't even give me a morning kiss that you never forgot no matter what" while he squeezed his arm which made Alex whine and whimper all scared.

"I am sorry Jace. You are hurting me and she is my first friend so I got carried away" Alex whispered as tears streamed down his cheek because he was now very scared seeing Jace's eyes that completely turned golden.

"It's ok why don't you mate with her as well" Jace spoke through greeted teeth while he pushed Alex who stumbled back.

"Jace-" Luna spoke as Draco pushed her behind him as he spoke "Hey Jace, that's too much I pretended to do this so we can be with our mates not you fight with him" while Luna calmed Alex down by hugging him while he was shaking in her arms all scared.

"No, he can do whatever the hell he want with you guys. I am not blaming Luna so don't worry because it isn't her fault or Alex's or yours. It's my fault for being a hybrid" Jace spoke as he walked away from the empty classroom in which he made Draco sit while he went to his class leaving Draco, Alex, and Luna behind.

"Hey, Jace listen" Alex held Jace's hand while Jace yanked his hand away as he spoke "I am done with you" while he walked away leaving Alex who was a crying mess.

"I am sorry" Luna whispered as she felt as if it was her fault while Alex hugged Draco and he cried in his arms.

"Hey don't be sorry it's neither or your fault. Being a hybrid is tough because his inner vampire and wolf got extremely possessive and he lost it" Draco explained it to Luna who acted tough and held back her tears for Alex.

"Alex, what were you doing yesterday to get him so angry?" Draco questioned as he made Alex sit on the table.

"I-I didn't do anything. I just told him that I hate him because he wasn't listening to me so I planned on ignoring him and I was distracting myself by being with Luna" Alex sniffed out which made Luna sigh. "Babe, why did you do that?" Luna questioned as she hugged Alex who hugged her back.

"I love him but all he does is work work and work so I got angry" Alex whispered which made Draco chuckle as he ruffled Alex's hair.

"That's okay so he went inside the class now you go and sit with him and talk to him. Tell him whatever you are feeling" Draco spoke as he pinched his nose remembering how Jace always complained that he wants a better and happy life for Alex.

"I am embarrassed" Alex whispered as Draco smiled shaking his head.

"But keeping it in won't help and it will make everything worse. Trust me I have suffered it" Luna now spoke as she smiled and held Alex's hand while he nodded his head.

"Okay but what if he is still angry?" Alex questioned all worried as Draco gently pulled him and made him stand.

"If he stays angry, I will deal with him my style so go on little one" Draco spoke as he poked Alex's nose as Alex nodded his head and quickly jogged to his class where Jace was.

Alex entered the class as he saw Jace reading a book when Jace heard a voice in his head so he concentrated 'Jace, just listen to Alex, he had his reasons so just hear him out okay' which made Jace sigh as he knew very well that Draco would take Alex's side no matter what. 'If you say so' Jace replied telepathically as he groaned knowing his cousin was equally stubborn as he is.

"Jace" Alex whispered as Jace glanced up at him and raised his eyebrow while Alex spoke softly "I am sorry" while Jace rolled his eyes.

"Okay, so is that it?" Jace questioned as Alex shook his head and sat on his chair while he held Jace's hand as he whispered out "No, I just wanna say that I am sorry for ignoring you. I was doing that because yesterday night I called you many times but you ignored me saying work first even though I just called you for cuddles" which made Jace all curious since Alex never asked him for cuddles yesterday night. "Babe you know I have so many responsibilities on my shoulder" Jace spoke as he caressed Alex's cheek.

"I know but that didn't mean that you scold me" Alex now said as Jace got all suspicious because no matter what he never scolded him when his mate wanted cuddles.

"Did I scold you last night?" Jace questioned as Alex nodded his head as he answered "Yeah, I went back to bed when I thought that you were working so hard so you must be hungry that's why I went to the kitchen and brought juice with snacks and you smacked it while they all fell and the plate and glass broke while you even yelled at me to clean the mess up" which now worried Jace even more after hearing what Alex said.

"What are you talking about Babyboy? I would never do that even if I was working. No one came to the study room" Jace spoke all worried as he pulled Alex's chair towards himself and rested Alex's head on his chest worried.

"You were at the study room? But I gave you things at the library in our house. See you even held my hand so tight that I have a bruise" Alex whispered as he showed Jace a bruise which made Jace all angry again as his eyes turned golden.

"Alexander, stay close to me because that guy wasn't me. I was in the study room and you can ask dad because he was there with me" Jace spoke as Alex's eyes widened knowing there was an intruder in the house who disguised at Jace and got in.

Jace stared at the bruise on Alex's arm as he rubbed it when he saw Luna and Draco enter the class. Jace sighed as he made up his mind that he will discuss this with Draco, Loukas, and Ronin to get to the bottom of this mess.

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