One Night

Chapter One Night 216

Chapter 216


The mirror was clear now, the steam long since dissipated, but the image of that message was burned into my brain.

“Coldclaw awaits you, Silver Wolf…”

“It was right here,” I said, pointing at the glass. “I saw it when I came out of the shower.”



Edwin leaned in close, his brow furrowed as he ran a finger along the mirror. I had called him right away, of course, and he had come running as soon as I had told him what I’d seen. “And you’re absolutely sure you didn’t imagine it?” he asked, turning to me.

I shot him a glare as I slipped my phone out of my sweatpants pocket. “Of course I’m sure. What, you think I would call you over here in the middle of the night for no reason?”

He held up his hands in surrender. “I had to ask. Look, just show me the picture again.”

With a huff, I tapped on the screen a few times and showed him the photo I had managed to snap before the steam had faded away completely. The writing had already begun to disappear by the time I had taken the photo, but most of it was still visible.

“Shit,” my mate muttered as he handed the phone back me. “I guess someone broke into your dorm while you were out today.”

My stomach churned at the thought, a cold feeling spreading through my chest. “But how? The building has fob access only, and there’s a security guard posted at all times in the lobby.”

Edwin shook his head, his eyes dark with anger. “Well, the ‘security’ around here is clearly not good enough. I’ll be having a long chat with the dean about this, that’s for sure. Coldclaw rogues shouldn’t be able to waltz in here whenever they please.”

I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly feeling very exposed in my tiny dorm room. “So what’s what you think it was?” I whispered. “Rogues?”

Edwin shrugged. “I can’t think of anyone else who would do something like that. If Fiona returned here, Peter or Charles would have found her. It had to have been rogues-likely they were sent to try and… collect you again.” Even Edwin, always the stronger out of the two of us, shuddered at the thought. “I’m just glad you weren’t here when they came.”

I let out a rueful chuckle. “It still feels like a violation, even if I wasn’t here when they came,” I whispered.”

“I know.”

“So what do we do now?” I asked, hating how small my voice sounded.

Edwin turned to me, his expression softening slightly. “I want you to move back in with me,” he said, his tone leaving little room for argument. “In fact, I might not take ‘no’ for an answer this time. I’m sure you understand why.”

I paused, biting my lip. Move back in together… The idea was tempting, especially now that I knew Coldclaw had managed to get into my dorm. But still, I hesitated. The memory of feeling suffocated, trapped, was still too fresh.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Edwin said softly, stepping closer. His thumb brushed gently across my cheek. “But the semester is over now anyway. You will be leaving campus soon. And I promise I won’t get too overbearing again.”

Traised an eyebrow at that, unable to keep the skepticism from my voice. “Really? You promise?”

He placed a hand over his heart, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “I swear it. No cooping you up all day or following you around, I just… I need to know you’re safe, Audrey You’re my mate. And… my future Luna.”




Sat, Oct 5

Chapter 216


My cheeks instantly flushed as I was reminded of the ring sitting in the drawer of his bedside table. Maybe that ‘future’ part

wasn’t so far into the future after all. *

“Okay,” I finally said, knowing that it would have been stu*pid of me to refuse given the circumstances. “But I have conditions.”

“Name them,” Edwin said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“First, if you start getting too overprotective again, I’m out,” I said firmly. “I know I’m your mate and you’re just trying to take care of me, but I mean it, Edwin. I can’t go through that again. It nearly tore us apart last time. I want to be included in decisions and treated like an equal, not a piece of fine China.”

He nodded solemnly. “Understood.”

I thought for a moment, thinking, before I continued. “I want to be able to go out on my own sometimes. No escorts, no bodyguards.”

Edwin’s face fell at that. “Audrey, I don’t think-”

“Non-negotiable,” I cut him off, holding up a hand.

He ran a hand over his face, clearly conflicted. I could almost hear the gears whirring behind his eyes. Finally, he suggested, “How about a compromise? I’ll have a bodyguard keep an eye on you when you go out alone, but they’ll stay out of sight. You won’t even know they’re there.”

I narrowed my eyes, considering. “And if I see them even once..’

“Then the deal is off,” Edwin finished. “I swear on my honor as an Alpha. But with Coldclaw after you, I can’t have you being completely unguarded. Besides… When you’re Luna someday, you’ll need guards anyway. Every Luna has guards.”

“My mom doesn’t.”

“She does,” Edwin chuckled. “They’re just really good at going unnoticed.”

I considered it for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. I knew he was right; I’d have to get used to having guards around me eventually. Finally, I nodded reluctantly. “Fine. But I mean it, Edwin. If I spot them…”

Edwin chuckled, then his expression turned serious again. “But there is one more thing I want to suggest,” he said cautiously. “If you’re going to insist on taking care of yourself for the most part, then I think you should consider picking up combat training again. And maybe shifting training too, if you’re up for it. Although Peter’s been busy hunting down Fiona, so he might not be available.”

The mention of shifting training sent a flutter of nerves through my stomach. “You know,” I said slowly, choosing my words carefully, “I have been thinking about that a lot lately. About my shifting training, I mean.”

Edwin’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Oh?”

I nodded, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. “Yeah. I’ve been wondering if maybe I was going about it all wrong before. Trying to force it, you know? Maybe… maybe I’ll shift when it’s time to shift.”

“That’s possible,” Edwin replied. “Werewolf abilities can be unpredictable. Sometimes it’s best to let nature take its course. But the combat training-”

“Don’t worry, Teut him off. “I’ll get back into it. I’ve missed it, actually. More than I thought I would.”

Agrin spread across Edwin’s face at that, lighting up his features “Really? I’ve missed it too. Fighting with you was the first time I got to enjoy combat in years.”

“Well, then. Looks like we’ve got a date in the training room soon. Try not to go easy on me this time.”


10:44 Sat, Oct 5

Chapter 216

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With our agreement settled, we set about packing up my things. The room was a flurry of activity as I folded clothes and Edwin carefully wrapped my more delicate belongings. Thankfully, I didn’t have much; mostly just clothes, books, and a few knick-knacks I’d picked up over the years, as well as my sewing machine.

As I tucked away the last of my sweaters, a thought occurred to me. I glanced over at Edwin, once again remembering the ring I had found in his apartment. My heart fluttered in my chest just at the thought.

My future Luna…

It was almost surreal to think about. Once, I had been a human, with the world of Alphas and Lunas feeling miles away. But now I was really on the path to becoming one of them.

“Hey, Edwin?”

He looked up from the duffle bag he was packing, a strand of dark hair falling across his forehead. “Yeah?”

“Is there anything you want to tell me before I move in?” Despite my attempt at sounding teasing and lighthearted, I couldn’t help but hold my breath as I waited for a response.

Edwin’s brow furrowed in confusion, his head tilting to the side like a puzzled puppy. “Uh… Don’t forget to ji**e the toilet handle if you flush?”

I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing, deep and hearty, despite the tension of the evening. Edwin grinned impishly as I picked up a pillow and chucked it at him.

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