One Night

Chapter One Night 214

Chapter 214

The sam had barely risen over the horizon by the time I burst into the judge’s office, half-crazed on a night of fitful sleep and too much caffeine. The aging judge sat unsuspecting behind his desk, a cup of coffee in front of him as he typed on his


sudden entrance nearly had him spilling that coffee all over his keyboard.

1-What-Miss Klein!” he exclaimed, leaping up from his seat. “What are you-”

“You need to see this.” I slammed the flash drive containing the security footage down on Fuller’s desk without preamble and pointed to it with a trembling finger. “Mr. Black altered those images he showed you. I think this is pretty good proof.” The judge stared down at the little black flash drive on his desk, processing for several long moments.

Then, without so much as a warning, he ripped his phone off the receiver and dialed security.

My stomach dropped, a cold feeling spreading through my chest. “No, please, you don’t understand-

“Security, Fuller said into the phone, his eyes fixed on me like I was a predator waiting to pounce, “there’s an incident in my office. Please hurry.”


But Fuller was already slamming the phone back on the receiver and backing away from me until his back hit the bookshelf behind him. “Miss Klein, after your behavior yesterday, I’m afraid I can’t trust your actions. Please wait outside until security


“But the flash drive-” I pleaded, my voice cracking as I took a step forward.

“I said, wait outside!” Fuller practically yelled, pressing himself more firmly against the wall.

“No.” I stood my ground, my legs trembling but refusing to move. I had to make him understand, make him realize that I wasn’t the villain here. My words tumbled out in a rush as I said, “Mr. Fuller, please, if you would just look at the footage on the flash drive-

Before I could finish, the door burst open again. Two burly security guards entered, and Fuller pointed at me with a shaking hand. “She is not welcome here!” he barked. “Escort her outside.

With matching nods, the security guards advanced on me and began to crowd me toward the door. “Right this way, Miss,” one of them grunted. “Before we have to call the police.”

“No! I’m not going!” I cried, trying to sidestep around them. One of them grabbed me by the arm, trying to force me back, but I dug my heels into the carpet. “Please, Mr. Fuller, it’s not what you think!”

“Get her out of here!”

“Come along, kid,” the security guard holding me growled, beginning to drag me back toward the door. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”


Suddenly, Edwin was there, pushing past the guards and wrapping his arms around me protectively. The guards staggered



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Ich stunned is the guten gloss in my mate’s eyes.

Alpha Brate.


Touch iny male again” Lidwin growled, eyes flashing as his armil tightened around me, “and you’ll wish you never took jobs in low level security guards?

The quands besteed unsure of what to do obey a man behind a desk or an Alpha. Finally, they seemed to settle on the latter, and took a step back.

“Oh, Goddess, Fuller groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose aggravatedly.

Edwin turned to Fuller then and jabbed his finger at the flash drive. “You need to look at that footage. Audrey would never do something like this without good reason.”\

Fuller’s lips thinned into a hard line as he took his seat again. “Alpha Brooks, I understand she is your mate, but that doesn’t excuse her behavior. She tried to grab me yesterday, and now she’s barging into my office like a madwoman before I’ve even had my morning coffee! You can’t come to her rescue this time.

1 felt a flash of anger at his words, hot and sharp in my chest. Pulling away from Edwin, I stepped forward, my fists clenched at my sides. “This isn’t about Edwin rescuing me. This is about the truth.”

Fuller raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical.

“Mr. Fuller,” I continued, “I would never intentionally copy an old piece of mine and try to pass it off as new. That goes against everything I believe in as a designer.”

The judge’s expression softened slightly, but I could see he was still unconvinced. He leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. “Perhaps. But it does not negate the fact that you tried to lay hands on me yesterday.”

I swallowed hard before answering. “I realize now how wrong it was of me to try and grab your wrist. As the Silver Star, I have the ability to show people my memories through touch, and that was all I was trying to do. But that doesn’t give me the right to use that ability without consent. I’m sorry for that.”

Fuller’s eyes widened at the mention of my abilities, a flicker of curiosity passing over his face. But he remained silent, his jaw clenched tight.

“I know I can’t always rely on my special abilities to get what I want, same as how I can’t always rely on my mate to my rescue.”

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I paused, shooting Edwin a withering glare; he had promised to wait outside in the car. I supposed he had felt my panic down the bond and come running, but… still. He’d be getting an earful about that later, and if the reddened tips to his were any indication, then he knew he would.


Shaking my head, I turned back to Fuller. “So please, Mr. Fuller, at least hear me out. Not Alpha Brooks’ mate, not the Silver Star, but me. Audrey Klein-a diligent Grayspring student who just wants to graduate with her friends. Just look at the footage.”

Fuller was silent for what felt like an eternity, but I didn’t dare speak, didn’t dare move.

Finally, he picked up the flash drive, turning it over in his hand. With a heavy sigh, he stuck it into the USB port on his computer. “Very well. I hope this isn’t going to be a waste of my time.”

Edwin stepped forward, placing a warm hand on my shoulder. It you have my word.”

Won’t be. As a professor and an Alpha,

Fuller glanced between us for a few moments, his


sion unreadable. Finally, he nodded and hit play.


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