Once Upon A Rejection

Part 3 Chapter 5

Grayson Ward’s POV

That creep was dead. I might have to remain calm right now but sooner or later we wouldn’t be under their control and then I would end his life. Nobody had the right to treat my mate as though she wasn’t good enough.

‘She was perfect just as she was and anyone who didn’t see that was a fool.

Molly was doing everything that she could to put distance between herself and alpha Lancaster but he wasn’t taking a hint. He kept trying to pull her closer to his body and every time she tried to shrug him off his fingers would grip her shoulder tighter. He was gipping so tight that he was probably hurting her, not that she let it show on her face. Bran growled loudly in my head, he wanted to be let out so he could force alpha Lancaster to let her go.

‘You need to stop tensing so much, you are going to get us in trouble.’ Talen told me over mindlink.

‘How can you see this and remain calm? I want to kill all of them.’ I growled at him over our mindlink. Bran was angry at both Talen and I, he thought that we were doing a poor job at protecting our mate. He was probably right.

‘I’m not calm, I am imagining all the ways I can make them pay.’ Talen replied.

“I have somewhere else I need to be.” Molly had clearly had enough. She had placed her cutlery on the table and was trying to push her chair back, but alpha Lancaster wasn’t letting go of her shoulder.

“Please stay with me, I enjoy your company.” Alpha Lansater pleaded. Molly just shook her head and pulled away from him with enough force to remove his hand and make the whole table in front of us shake. I was proud of her for standing up to him.

The council members around the table weren’t so impressed however, they started mumbling amongst themselves as Molly stormed out of the room. They weren’t happy with her behaviour, not that I gave a damn what they thought. Talen had gone after Molly to make sure that she wasn’t too badly shaken up. I was only staying here for long enough to make sure they weren’t planning to do anything to retaliate.

“I’m not sure that this one is capable of being taught.

” One of the other council members told alpha Lancaster who responded by giving him a smug smile.

«You know I like a challenge.” Alpha Lancaster replied.

That was enough, I couldn’t listen to them any longer. I stood up quietly and followed my mates. As soon as I left the room the conversation moved onto economics. They weren’t really bothered by Molly’s reaction, they were just trying to goad Talen and I into retaliating so they could use it against us.

They were so good at hiding their true motives, perhaps everything they said was a lie. It made me wonder how many packs they had pulled similar tricks on and how many times those tricks had worked in their favour.

Molly and Talen were in our room by the time that I caught up with them. Talen was holding Molly tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder, I could feel her anger and frustration flowing through our bond. I came up behind them and wrapped my arms around both of them.

«You need to ignore them, they are just trying to manipulate us.” I told her.

“I know, that is why I need to leave.” She replied, her voice was solemn.

My heart felt as though it was breaking in half at her words. I had to live without her in my life for months when she left for college, I couldn’t cope with something like that again. I needed her here so I could hold her in my arms and know that she was always safe.

“I don’t like the idea any more than you do but if I stay here they will keep pushing you until you reast. Then they will use that as an excuse to punish our pack. I can’t let that happen.” Molly said.

She turned to me and I could see the tears falling down her face. Seeing her like this made me want to hurt the council members even more than before. She was right. There was only so long that I would be able to cope with seeing what they were doing to her without reacting.

“Fine, but I am coming with you.” I stated.

“Do vou really think that is a good idea? I can go with her but I think it would look too suspicious if you left the pack right now.”

As much as I hated to admit it, Talen was right. The council wasn’t going to let the alpha of the pack walk away while they were doing their investigation. They seemed to enjoy control and they would want me to watch as they dismantled our pack around us. They would enjoy the distress it would cause me too much to let me


“Where are you going to go?” I asked, trying to keep the pain out of my voice so I wouldn’t upset her


“I have no idea,” she replied.

“It is a good job that I do then.” Talen interjected.

He told us how they could use it to try to get more information to use against the council. The two of them could travel around a few packs who had problems with them in the past while I kept the council members distracted. We could even arrange for Leyton to give them a list of packs to visit. It sounded like a great plan but there was one thing that bothered me.

. “What do we say if the council starts asking where you are? Alpha Lancaster seems to be intent on following you around, I don’t think he will like it if you suddenly go missing.” Molly reacted to my words by shuddering and making a strangled groaning noise.

“Surely one of our allies would cover for us. If they were asked they could say that they had an emergency and asked for our help.” Talen suggested.

“It could work. They can’t complain about us helping other packs unless they want to reveal just how corrupt they are.” Molly and Talen nodded their heads in agreement.

«We should probably leave first thing tomorrow, before they can do anything to stop us.” Molly suggested.

“If that is the case then we will have to make the most of this evening.” I told Molly before leaning over to k**s her neck. Talen didn’t hesitate to claim her lips, while I ran my hands over her curves.

“I really hate seeing you dressed like this, it just isn’t you.” Talen complained. He elongated one of his claws and used it to rip the clothes off her body. Leaving her standing in just her underwear. I had to agree, she looked much better that way.

Talen led her over to our bed but I stayed in place so that I could watch them together for a while. He was kissing one of her breasts while reaching down to rub her clit. Molly’s eyes were drifting between Talen and I slowly as she m****d and her back arched in pleasure. After a few more seconds he stopped kissing her and looked over in my direction.

“I think she would like you to join us.” He said, biting his lower l*p seductively.

That was all the encouragement I needed. Stripping off my clothes as I moved, I made my way over to her and kneeled down beside her. Talen went back to kissing her breasts while I started licking her clit.

“Oh, f**k” she m****d, I licked her harder and deeper. I could tell she was getting close to the first of many o*****s that I was going to give her tonight. I thrust my tongue deep inside of her until I felt her muscles contracting around my tongue.

“How should we take her?” Talen asked me once her o****m had subsided.

“I think you should be beneath her while I take her from behind.”

Molly purred in approval before moving to straddle

Talen. She sank down slowly on his e******n then started rocking her h**s slowly against him. I got into position behind her and rubbed my e******n down her back slowly until i was pressing the tip against her a*s.

I kissed the place where my mark was on her neck as I slowly penetrated her. She moved her h**s backwards, trying to make me move faster. But she wasn’t in control, I was and Iwanted to tease her a bit. I leaned over her and started slowly thrusting deep into her.

«You’re doing so well, taking both of us at the same time.” I whispered in her ear, loud enough for them both to hear. Talen smiled at me as though something very naughty had just occurred to him.

“She is doing so well but I think she needs you to take her harder.” Talen purred. He claimed Molly’s lips while I did exactly as he asked, she m****d loudly as I claimed her body vigorously. Molly m****d louder, I ran my lips along her neck.

My pleasure was becoming far too intense, I wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer. She was so tight around me and her noises were so perfect.

“Oh goddess,” I screamed as I reached my climax.

As my o****m started to subside, I bit down on Molly’s neck pushing her over the edge into her own o****m. She shuddered and screamed underneath me for a few seconds before falling silent and collasing against Talen’s chest. I withdrew to lay beside them on the bed draping my arm across them both.

«That was amazing.” Molly said. Her head was resting against Talen’s chest and her eyelids were already drooping.

“Enjoy a few moments of rest honey because tonight is far from over.” Talen replied, kissing the top of her head before turning to me and pressing his lips against mine.

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