Once Upon A Rejection

Part 2 Chapter 48

Molly Morgan’s POV

I didn’t see Gemma after the very public display she put on by trying to reject alpha Lane. I wasn’t sure what happened between them after the rest of us went over to the other side of the garden, where the barbeque and party was being held. Alpha Lane had kissed her and he probably thought that she would just give in to him after that. Then again he didn’t know Gemma, I didn’t think that she would give in so easily.

‘Stop worrying about your friend. She will be fine but your stress is upsetting my wolf.’ Grayson told me over mindlink. He handed me a glass of something bubbly and sweet, as he simultaneously pulled me into his arms. Talen was at the other side of me, already holding me close to his body.

‘I will try.’ I replied.

That was something easier said than done. Now that I was officially the luna of this pack it was my responsibility to look after them all. I didn’t want Gemma to be hurt by some a*****e of an alpha who couldn’t take no for an answer. I knew it was unlikely that he would actually hurt her now that he had declared in front of everyone that she was his luna. But I was going to need a hefty distraction to take my mind off of it.

Luckily the party wasn’t short on things to distract me. Everyone in the pack wanted to talk to us and congratulate us on finding each other. I was just glad that none of them mentioned me running away from Grayson twice, maybe they were pretending that hadn’t happened. I was fine with that.

After a while my step father approached me. He had only recently been let out of the hospital and he was still a little unsteady on his feet. I could see Carly a few metres away, watching him anxiously while she stood beside Leyton. She had two marks on her neck now, those hadn’t been there the last time that I had seen her.


He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. I wasn’t sure how to respond, we weren’t exactly a hugging type of family before he decided to ignore me for a few years. Now he was trying to be the loving step father in an attempt to make up for his previous behaviour. I knew why he had acted the way he did but this still felt a little forced. I still needed more time before I was ready to have that kind of relationship with him.

“Thank-you.” Grayson replied, the awkward silence was clearly getting to be more than he could bear.

“I heard that you are now unofficially a queen. Does that mean I have to start calling you your majesty.” My step father replied, finally letting go of me.

My cheeks started to heat up. I hadn’t told anyone about that little piece of news. After the way the council had responded when Grayson wanted to name me as his equal I was no longer as naive as I used to be. I was convinced that whatever the lycan equivalent to the council was, they were not going to accept me as a queen.

There was bound to be some reason why they didn’t think I was good enough or strong enough to lead the lycans. The fact that I was a hybrid seemed a good enough reason for many of their kind to hate me and want me dead. If they hated me that much then there was no way that they were going to accept me as their queen.

It would have been better if nobody had found out about it, to reduce my embarrassment when they deem me unfit. I could have continued to lead this pack without anyone ever knowing that I was meant to be a lycan queen. That way I wouldn’t have had to deal with everyone looking at me the way that they were right now. Pretty much everyone in the whole pack was whispering amongst themselves and staring at me as though I had just grown an extra head.

“I’m not sure that it will ever be anything other than unofficial.” I replied.

“I think she is worried that the other lycans won’t accept a hybrid as their queen. I understand her concerns but I think they are unfounded.” Talen replied. My father nodded his head in solemn agreement.

“If they don’t accept you then it would be their loss.” My Stepfather replied.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Grayson said before placing a soft k**s on my forehead. My stepfather stayed to talk to me for a few minutes longer before we were able to make our excuses and move to another area of the party. Talen glanced around us before opening a mindlink between the three of us.

‘Maybe we should take this somewhere a little more private.’ Talen suggested. T

he party had been thrown in our honour, it didn’t seem like a great plan to leave early. It wasn’t as though nobody would notice when the guests of honour suddenly disappeared.

‘I like the way your mind works,’ Grayson replied.

It seems that I was the only one whose mind wasn’t clouded by l**t, even my lycan and wolf were trying to encourage me to go along with what Talen was suggesting. Sensing my hesitance Grayson and Talen started leading me towards the edge of the party slowly.

They were both telling me what they wanted to do with me as they led me out of view of most of the pack. My arousal was growing by the second and I had no way of hiding it from either of them. They had me exactly where they wanted me and they knew it, I could tell that from the look in both of their eyes.

‘Of course we could always just stay here and continue to tease you until you get down on your knees and beg us to take you upstairs.’ Talen suggested over our combined mindlink. I tried to act nonchalant but I knew he was right, it was only a matter of time until I would give into anything they wanted. Grayson started kissing my neck so that nobody would be able to see how amused he was.

‘You wouldn’t be so mean,’ I replied.

‘Ok, we will let you off lightly. As long as you agree to come with us now and do exactly as we say.” Grayson suggested. I agreed quickly, making Talen grumble. I had a feeling that he wanted me to put up a fight so that he could punish me for it. Maybe we could do that in the future, when there are fewer people around.

They led me away from the party and straight to our room. I forced myself not to glance over my shoulder as we left the party, I didn’t want to know if people were staring at us. Instead I focused all my attention on getting to our room without making a fool out of myself or giving out any signs of my arousal.

Grayson didn’t even wait for me to get all the way into our room before he picked me up and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist as he held me, his lips felt good against my skin but it wasn’t enough. It felt as though they had both been teasing me for hours, I didn’t want to wait any longer. I let my claws extend and used them to quickly rip the shirt from his body.

“That is a shame, I liked that shirt on you,” Talen said with a smile on his face.

I knew right there and then that I was in trouble. Grayson unzipped my dress and pulled it off my shoulders roughly before throwing me onto the bed behind me. Before I had time to get comfortable he was on top of me. He ripped off my underwear, throwing the tattered pieces to the floor beside me.

“I liked those too.” Talen was pouting slightly as he took his clothes off and joined us on the bed. He pressed his lips firmly against mine while Grayson started kissing his way slowly down my body. As much as I wanted them to continue their assault, it felt as though they were avoiding something. I pulled away from Talen, breaking our k**s.

“You two were meant to be marking each other.” I said, pointing my finger at both of them. Grayson continued to k**s his way along my h**s. He was still making his way down my body but much too slowly for my liking.

“Don’t worry honey, there will be plenty of time for that. We have all night together and I intend to make the most of it” Talen told me.

Once the words were out of his mouth he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine again. At the same time Grayson ran his tongue over my clit for the first time, making me lose my train of thought completely. I had no other choice than to give into the pleasure that they were giving me.

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