Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 55

The woman’s full attention was focused on Talen. This was the only chance I would get to save him and I had to take it. I ran forward in my wolf form as quickly as possible. I could sense Grayson was running alongside me but I didn’t have time to think about what he was going or plan any kind of attack.

I leaped towards the woman with my teeth barred. She screamed out as my teeth sunk into her shoulder. As I bit down harder I could feel her bones crunching in my jaws but I didn’t care. I used my grip on her shoulder to pull her to the floor.

The knife had fallen to the floor when I bit her but she was reaching out for it now. Just as her fingers reached for the blade Grayson sank his fangs into her carotid artery and ripped it out. I had never seen so much b***d in my life, it was everywhere and the sight of it was making my stomach queasy.

I removed my teeth from her shoulder just in time to see four of the lycans running away towards the pack’s border. We were still outnumbered if the rest of them decided they wanted to fight but at least the odds were a little better than before.

“Do you think killing her has stopped anything?” One of the lycans said after transforming back into his human form.

Talen bent down and picked up the knife that the woman dropped. He looked angry, I could tell he wanted to kill every last one of them. He had shifted back into his lycan form and he was ready to attack.

The lycan in front of us laughed.

“Even if you manage to kill all of us it doesn’t matter.” The lycan said.

‘The rest of the pack is on their way, we just need to hold them off a little bit longer.’ Grayson told me through mindlink.

Talen snarled and started moving forward slowly. Grayson and I moved to his sides. I shifted from my wolf form straight into her lycan form. Now that the element of surprise was out of the window I needed Scarlett’s strength if I was going to take on a lycan.

“They will never let her take over her fathers position and they won’t stop until they have rid the world of half breeds.” The lycan said.

Grayson growled.

The lycan shifted his gaze towards Grayson. A smirk came over his face which filled me with an uncontrollable urge to rip his throat out, an urge that Scarlett wholeheartedly agreed with.

“Awww the little wolf wants to play.” The lycan said.

He started walking towards Grayson but Talen had already thrown the knife at him. The knife lodged in his stomach, making him fall backwards to the floor.

The other lycans shifted uncomfortably but they didn’t back down or run away. They looked at each other, each of them glancing at the others. Unlike the other two, the remaining four were still in their lycan form. They were probably communicating through mindlink, trying to work out their next course of action.

That was good, the more time they spent deciding the more chance we had at getting backup. They were on their way here. They couldn’t be more than a few minutes away but what would happen if they didn’t arrive on time. We couldn’t take out all four of them alone, of that I was sure.

The lycans stopped glancing at each other and turned their attention back to us. Whatever they were plotting, they were now ready to take action. I focused all of my attention on them, waiting for any sign of movement.

All of them were looking at me and only me. That was their plan, they were going to ignore Grayson and Talen and focus the full weight of their attack on me. Grayson and Talen must have noticed this too as they moved so that they were standing in front of me, shielding me from the lycans.

One of the lycans snarled at us. It must have been some kind of agreed signal because the moment the snarl left his mouth they all started running towards us. Between the two of them Grayson and Talen were able to intercept three of the lycans but one of them made it through their defences and headed straight for me.

He lunged at me with his claws reaching for my neck. I ducked my head and dodged backwards out of his reach. His claws missed my cheek by millimetres, I could feel the disruption of the air across my face as his claws passed by.

I felt my heart rate increase as panic started to take root in my chest. I had never trained in my lycan form before, heck I have only been in lycan form that one time when I first shifted. I didn’t know what I was doing, he was going to kill me and he probably wouldn’t have to break a sweat to do it.

‘Let me have full control.’ Scarlett growled. I could feel her aggression and bloodlust straining to be let free. I didn’t like thinking about what she would do to the lycans surrounding us but what other choice did I have.

I let go, letting her take full control of my body. Without a moment of hesitation she sprung forward, swiping at the lycan in front of her. He took a step back causing her to narrowly miss his chest.

Scarlett didn’t stop. She kept swiping at him, stepping further and further forward with each attack. The other lycan managed to block the first few attacks but her attacks were coming too fast and he couldn’t stop all of them. She slashed at his arms and his torso, leaving long gouges in his flesh.

The lycan was getting desperate, he was losing a lot of b***d and I could see the panic in his eyes. He swiped at me but it was unfocused and desperate. The swipe missed me my inches but it gave Scarlett an opening as he staggered forward.

She dodged him and pushed him to the floor from behind. Once he was on the floor she jumped onto his back and ran her claws over his throat. He would be dead within seconds but Scarlett wasn’t waiting around to witness it.

She spun around to where Grayson and Talen were fighting. Talen had already taken down one of the other lycans and was well on his way to finishing off another with only minor scratches on his back and arms.

Grayson wasn’t doing so well. He had deep cuts on his chest that needed medical attention. He was flagging, I could tell that he was struggling and the lycan in front of him was playing with him, enjoying his pain. It hurt me to see Grayson like this but for Scarlett it just added more fuel to the fire.

She growled and threw herself at the lycan attacking Grayson. The lycan looked up just in time to see Scarlett running right for him seconds before her claws ripped into his chest. The lycan fell backwards spitting up b***d as he landed on the floor. Scarlett jumped on top of him and slashed deep into his chest over and over again. He was clearly dead but her rage was so intense that she couldn’t stop.

“Molly, you can stop now. It’s ok, we’re all ok.” Grayson said.

Scarlett dug her claws into the lycan one last time before retreating back into my mind. I shifted back into my human form and turned towards Grayson. He was standing close to me holding his hand over the large cuts on his chest.

“You’re hurt, you need help.” I said, I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

“It’s fine, I’m an alpha. This will be gone in an hour.” He said.

He wrapped his arms around me, wincing slightly as his chest came in contact with mine. Talen came up beside me, I could see the panic in his eyes even though my eyes were blurry with unshed tears.

“Is she ok?” He asked.

“She’s fine, just a little bit of shock I think. Would you be able to take care of her while I sort this out?” Grayson asked, pointing at the chaos that surrounded us while keeping his other arm wrapped tightly around me.

“It would be my pleasure.” Talen said.

Grayson kissed the top of my head then let go of me, letting Talen take his place before he ran over to greet the other pack members who were only just arriving on the scene.

“Come on honey, let’s get you home.” Talen said.

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