Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 45

The council members weren’t meant to arrive until late afternoon. So after breakfast Grayson and I spent some time checking that everything was ready for their arrival. Grayson’s mom oversaw the food preparations. Grayson’s dad was having last minute meetings with everyone in the security team to make sure they knew the procedures for the visit inside out.

Everyone in the pack was so excited about the council’s visit. They all had their theories about why they were sending council members to see us in person. I was curious about that as well, I had never really believed the reason that they had given us. The only reason I hadn’t mentioned this to anyone is because I didn’t want to sound as though I was paranoid.

Grayson and I were in the garden at the back of the house. The garden was already busy with people who had come to the party early in the hope of having a chance to talk to a member of council before the party got too busy. It might have been a viable plan if it wasn’t for the fact that 90% of the packs seemed to have the same idea.

I put the last batch of cups on the table by the punch, arranging them in neat lines. Grayson wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from the table.

“They look fine as they are, stop fussing.” Grayson said.

“I just want them to have a good impression of us.” I said.

A lot of work had gone into making everything look good. I didn’t want to be the reason that the council thought that we were incompitent.

“Everything is perfect, especially you.” Grayson said. He leaned over my shoulder to k**s me on the cheek. I spun around in his arms and pressed my lips against his.

“They are here.” Leyson said. I hadn’t even heard him approach us.

He was standing just a few metres away with a panicked look on his face, his face was slightly flushed as though he had been running. He was going to announce his resignation from the council today after the party. He was very happy to be leaving the council but he was still worried about how they would take it.

“We will be right there.” Grayson replied.

Leyton walked away from us, back towards the house. I tried to follow him but Grayson was still holding me. He brushed the hair out of my face and kissed me softly.

“It doesn’t matter what they decide. You are perfect just the way you are.” He said.

He kissed me once more before leading me into the house. I could feel the frosty atmosphere the moment we walked into the hallway. Grayson’s dad was greeting the council members, they made no attempt at hiding their disdain for our pack and by extension us.

They were talking about how small our pack was. Making it sound as though our pack was so small it wasn’t worth their time or effort. Alpha Ward was doing a good job at hiding his annoyance but luna Ward was not doing so well. I watched as she slowly got more and more annoyed until the lycan’s swept through the door as though they owned the place.

I could tell they were lycan’s to moment I saw them. They seemed to be hiding their scent but they couldn’t hide their imposing aura. It was enough to make all the omega’s in the room cower.

There were two of them just as they said there would be. One of them was around the same height as Grayson with black hair and dark eyes but the other one was really eye-catching.

He was taller, around 6ft5. He had striking blue eyes and long blond hair that was braided making him look like some kind of viking warrior. He was dressed in a dark three piece suit that looked as though it cost more than I made from my part time job in six months.

The dark haired lycan headed straight for Grayson’s parents and greeted them. The blond lycan started to follow him but then he noticed me and stopped.

‘He probably thinks you are having a stroke with the way you are staring at them. Get over it, they are only lycans.’ Jade said.

“Talen, what is the matter?” The dark haired lycan asked his friend who had paused half way between the door and Grayson’s parents.

“Nothing.” Talen replied, his voice smooth and exuding a level of confidence that only came with great power.

He started walking again but this time he was walking towards where Grayson and I were standing. Completely ignoring the official welcome party and the council members. He had a smile on his face and he was looking directly at me.

‘What is he doing?’ Jade asked.

“Welcome to our pack.” I said, trying to put the unusual nature of the situation to one side.

I held my hand out for him to shake. He reached out and looked as though he was going to shake my hand but at the last moment he pulled his hand away. He left me standing there with my hand held out. Had he done that deliberately to make a fool out of me?

‘What is with this guy?’ Jade growled.

“Would you be able to show me to my room?” He asked.

I nodded my head and turned towards where the omega’s were standing by waiting for instruction.

“No, I want you to show me.” He said.

‘Now I know he is trying to humiliate us. We can’t let him get away with this.’ Jade complained.

I believed Jade but there wasn’t anything that I could do about it. If I denied him it would look as though I was being disrespectful so I did the only thing I could do. I swallowed my pride and led the way to the room he would be staying in with the other lycan.

I glanced over my shoulder, Grayson was following closely behind. He was looking at Talon strangely, maybe he was as confused by this situation as I was.

‘I don’t think he is trying to humiliate us.’ Scarlett said.

‘Why not?’ Jade asked

‘I don’t know yet but there is something strange going on.’ Scarlett said.

‘There is something wrong though, isn’t there?’ Jade asked.

‘Yes. Unlike the other lycan he hasn’t just blocked his scent, he has also done something so that I can’t even sense his lycan half. I don’t know why he would do that.’ Scarlett said.

“This is where you will be staying.” I said as I stopped outside the bedroom door.

He smiled at me and opened his mouth as though he wanted to say something but no words came out. I waited for a moment but he didn’t say anything and the silence was starting to become awkward.

“I will leave you to it.” I said as I turned to leave.

“I was hoping to see a lot more of you.” Talen replied.

Grayson let out a low growl.

Was this lycan seriously coming on to me in front of my mate who happened to be the future alpha of this pack. It was almost as though he wanted to start a fight or even worse, a war.

“You will see everyone at the party.” I said.

I walked down the hall to get away from him before the situation could escalate any further. Grayson came up behind me, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me to a stop. He pushed me against the wall.

“Mine.” He growled before claiming my lips with his own.

Grayson kissed me until we were both breathless before pulling away. He smiled at me as we walked back with his arm around my waist.

On the way back, we saw the omega’s showing our other guests to their room. The other lycan gave me a confused look as we crossed paths. I wondered if it was my lycan half that confused him or the way his friend had reacted to me. Either way I didn’t really care what he thought of me.

I had only been around lycans for a few minutes, but I could already see why werewolves and lycans didn’t get along. They were arrogant and presumptuous. Even if I wasn’t going to be an alpha female I was still the future luna of this pack but Talen was treating me like I was his own personal omega. He might want to see more of me, but I would be happy if I never saw him again.

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