Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 4

“Oh my god you look absolutely stunning.” June gushed as I did a spin for her.

I was wearing a dress that I had bought specifically for tonight. I had saved up for months so that I could get something special to wear for my birthday. The dress that I had chosen reminded me of something that a 1950’s film star would wear.

It was a halter neck dress which was tight till it reached my waist. From there it was loose and flowy right down to the floor. It was black with gold detailing on it. I even bought some gold high heeled stilettos to match it.

“Just because it is my birthday doesn’t mean you need to flatter me like that.” I said.

“Does it even count as flattery if it is true? Ellie asked. I rolled my eyes. They were both much more beautiful than me, not that I wanted to stand here all night and debate about it.

“Let’s go. I don’t want to be late to my own party.” I said.

“Ok but trust me you are going to regret wearing those shoes.” June said. She picked up her coat and started walking towards the door. I grabbed my own coat and followed her.

“I know but at least I will make a good entrance.” I said. I didn’t wear heels often. It wasn’t as though I needed the extra height, I was already 5ft8. Wearing heels just got me more attention, enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

I know that my discomfort is completely down to the way I was treated by my old pack. This party, this dress and even these shoes were all symbols for me trying to rid myself of that feeling. I had to go back to my pack in a few weeks and I refused to go back as the same timid woman as I left.

‘That will never happen, we will make them pay attention to us.’ Scarlett said.

‘I have a good feeling about going back, I think everything will be different.’ Jade said.

I wasn’t sure that I believed either of them but there was no point worrying about it. I would find out the truth in a few weeks’ time. Until then I was going to enjoy my last few weeks of freedom.

I could hear the music coming from the sports hall where the party was being held before I could even see the building. I didn’t recognise the song but it sounded like some kind of rock music, just the kind that I liked to listen to and most of my friends hated. They must have put in a lot of effort to make this party perfect for me. It was really kind of them. I smiled, it felt good to have people who actually cared about me.

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket. I was expecting it to be a cold call or maybe my boss asking if I could take on an extra shift this weekend. I wasn’t expecting to see Ezra’s name on the caller id.

I stopped walking as I stared at the phone screen weighing up my options. I could avoid his call but knowing my family, that would only make things worse. Even if I changed my number and moved to a different country Ezra would find me and they would punish me.

“I have to take this, I will meet you inside.” I said. Ellie and June nodded and started walking towards the party. I watched them walking away until I was sure they couldn’t hear me before I answered the call.

“Molly, have you missed us?” Ezra asked.

‘Is this guy serious?’ Jade said.

I hadn’t spoken to Ezra or my stepfather since I started college. They hadn’t made any attempt to call me until now and I hadn’t tried to call them. Ezra sounded different from when I last saw him. He sounded kinder but maybe that was just my imagination.

‘Don’t let him trick you.’ Scarlett said. She showed me images to remind me of some of the times that Ezra hurt me.

“Of course.” I replied, trying to suppress my sarcastic tone.

“Well I have some good news for you. The alpha has requested your presence at the spring equinox ball early next week.” Ezra replied.

That made no sense. The equinox was only a minor event in the werewolf calendar. The solstice was much more important and they hadn’t asked me to attend those events.

“I can’t go.” I replied.

“What do you mean? The alpha said you have to be there.” Ezra said. His tone was harsher now, more like the Ezra that I remembered.

“I have finals in a few weeks. I can’t just skip classes for a week.” I shouted. I was fuming, I didn’t like that they were interfering in my life as though it was nothing.

“Calm down. The ball is on Monday. We can pick you up on Sunday afternoon and have you back in geekville by Tuesday afternoon.” Ezra said.

“That isn’t the point. Why do I have to go?” I asked.

I hoped this wasn’t some ploy that my stepfather thought up to make me fail my exams and lost my scholarship. It wouldn’t work even if that is what they were planning. I was top of my classes, missing a few days wouldn’t cause me to fail.

“I don’t know. All I know is that the alpha gave my dad an alpha command to make sure you were there. You know what that means.” Ezra said.

“Yes.” I said. It means that he had no choice. It means that if I said no then they would come here and take me by force.

‘Like heck they will. I will rip them apart.’ Scarlett said.

“Great. We will pick you up at your dormitory at 2pm.” Ezra said then hung up the phone on me.

I put my phone back into my pocket as I walked towards the party. My head was spinning. How could everything change so quickly? I had been so excited about this party and now all I could think about was this stupid ball next week.

‘Maybe we will find our mate.’ Jade purred.

‘You need to learn to read the room wolf.’ Scarlett growled.

‘I know, I know. You don’t want to go to this ball but if we find our mate then it will all be worthwhile.’ Jade said.

‘Maybe you are onto something.’ Scarlett said. I could sense her l**t.

I was going to need a drink if I was going to have to deal with a lusty lycan and a romantic wolf. I walked into the sports hall and went straight over to the drinks table. There were bottles of all different types of alcohol but I went straight for the spirits. I took a couple of swigs of tequila and went in search of my friends.

I spent the next few hours drinking, talking to my guests and dancing. I was having a great time. Nobody was going to take this away from me, I would fight them.

My favourite song came over the speakers.

“I love this song.” I slurred. I started to dance and stumbled to one side.

“How much of that has she had?” Dominic asked. He tried to take the tequila bottle out of my hand.

“No, mine.” I said, pulling it out of his hand and stumbling backwards in the process.

“I think she has had too much but she won’t let go of that bottle.” June said. She looked exasperated. I didn’t care. I started singing along to the song and swaying my h**s in time to the music.

“I have an idea.” Dominic said.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to dance with me. As I put my arms around him I felt the bottle being removed from my hand. I tried to protest but before I could move Dominic pulled me closer and pressed his lips against mine. I felt a rush of desire. It had been a few days since we had last been together. That in combination with the alcohol meant I was more than ready to go back to his room with him.

I could hear Scarlett and Jade arguing in the back of my head but it was difficult to focus on their words. Jade seemed upset that I was letting someone who wasn’t our mate touch me while Scarlett was more conflicted.

She didn’t want to be touched by anyone other than her mate but she was enjoying the way it felt when Dominic kissed her and she didn’t want it to stop. He trailed k****s along my jaw until he reached my ear.

“I know why you are scared of us being together but you have nothing to worry about.” He whispered.

He can’t possibly know what I am. I have been so careful not to say or do anything wolf like.

‘Yes we are stealthy like a fox. He must be talking about something else.’ Jade said.

‘You are so embarrassing wolf.’ Scarlett m****d.

“What do you mean?” I asked. I thought that my voice sounded calm but given how much alcohol I had consumed, my judgement was probably a bit off.

“I know you are a werewolf.” He said. I felt my b***d run cold.

“No, that is crazy. Why would you think that?” I said. I could feel Scarlett and Jade panicking just as much as I was.

“Let’s just say you are not the first werewolf I have met. So you see, there is no reason for us not to be together.” He said.

He was looking into my eyes, waiting for a response but I didn’t have one to give. What was I supposed to do, his life was in danger and he didn’t even know it. As my panic increased I felt my wolf and my lycan both pushing to take control.

I was too drunk to put up much of a fight. The only thing that was stopping one of them completely taking over was the fact that they were fighting each other. They were feeling the effects of intoxication too and it was making them emotional and unstable.

I was too drunk to put up much of a fight. The only thing that was stopping one of them completely taking over was the fact that they were fighting each other. They were feeling the effects of intoxication too and it was making them emotional and unstable.

“You don’t look so good, maybe we should get out of here.” Dominic said.

I nodded my head in agreement.

The walk back to his dormitory building was difficult. I calmed down a bit once I was outside but I was now more aware of just how drunk I was. I couldn’t walk straight, Dominic had to practically drag me most of the way. The journey took twice as long as it should have. When we finally reached his room he had to leave me leaning against the wall so he could find his keys.

“What is going on out here? I can smell the alcohol from in my room.” Justin said.

He was poking his head out of the room next to Dominic’s.

‘He’s a werewolf.’ Scarlett said.

‘Not just a werewolf, he is a rogue.’ Jade said with clear disdain. How could she know that? Maybe he was just away from his pack like me?

‘No he doesn’t carry the scent of any pack. He is definitely a rogue.’ Jade said. I could feel her anger. It was an irrational reaction, I know that most rogues are not dangerous but it wasn’t a reaction I could control.

Our kind had a deep rooted fear of being cast out of our packs. That fear meant that we didn’t want to be seen associating with rogues in case we were tarred with the same brush.

“Get away from me, rogue.” Jade hissed, pushing her way forward.

Dominic pulled me inside his room and sat me down on his bed. Justin followed us in.

“I don’t know what is wrong with her.” Dominic said.

“How much has she had to drink?” Justin asked.

“About three quarters of a bottle of tequila.” Dominic replied.

“Can you stop talking about me as though I am not here?” Scarlett shouted.

Justin got on his knees in front of me.

“I can tell you only just got your wolf, so your control over her isn’t great at the moment. The alcohol has lowered that even further.” Justin said. He was talking to me like I was a baby, I didn’t like that one bit.

“No sh.t Sherlock.” Jade said. Her tone was dripping with sarcasm and I could tell that it wasn’t lost on Justin because his eyes changed colour as his wolf tried to take over.

“Bring it on, I could do with a good fight.” Scarlett said as she pushed Jade back inside my head.

Justin tilted his head to the side and looked at me with interest. Maybe he could tell what I was. I wondered what it looked like for him, did I have two distinct eye colours?

“Have you got anything made of silver?” Justin asked.

Dominic walked over to his bedside table and opened the top draw. He pulled out a letter opener and a necklace. They were both made of silver, I could tell by the smell. He tried to hand them to Justin who flinched and backed away.

“Put the necklace on her.” Justin said, making sure to keep a good amount of distance between himself and the metal.

“Won’t that hurt her?” Dominic asked.

“If it is on the surface of her skin it will only suppress her wolf’s powers. That should be enough to calm her down so she can sleep off the effects of the alcohol.” Justin replied.

Dominic put the letter opener back into the draw then put the necklace over my head. I didn’t try to stop him, rest sounded good to me right now.

Once the necklace was against my skin I instantly felt Jade and Scarlett’s control waning. I breathed a sigh of relief. Dominic sat down on the bed next to me, stroking my back and kissing my hair.

Justin watched us for a couple of minutes until he was sure that I wasn’t going to attack his friend before he left us alone.

“Thank-you for taking care of me.” I said.

“It’s my pleasure.” He said. I didn’t quite believe him, I knew he was just trying to make me feel better.

Without my wolf to help me I was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol I had consumed with a lot more force. The room was spinning and I was starting to feel nauseous.

“I think I have a lot of explaining to do…..” Dominic started before I interrupted him by throwing up on the floor directly in front of him.

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