Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 39

“We need to go.” Grayson said.

I felt a little disorientated. Grayson had mentioned that I would feel a connection to the other werewolves in our pack now that we had marked each other but I hadn’t consciously noticed it. It felt unfair that the first thing I would notice is one of those connections being severed.

Grayson helped me to my feet and helped me to make my way towards the door. He was talking sweetly to me although I couldn’t work out what he was saying to me. It felt as though I could hear the words but I couldn’t process them.

He took me outside. The moment the cold air hit my face my head started to clear. I could feel Grayson’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist, holding me upright and my heart was pounding.

“You’re ok sweetheart, just breathe.” Grayson said, in a comforting voice. I buried my head into his neck. I let his scent comfort me and put me at ease. My heart rate streated to slow down to its normal rhythm.

“Is she ok?” Ezra asked. He was staying in the doorway to my step fathers house with June by his side.

“She is fine, she just needs some air. It can be a bit jarring the first time you feel a connection break.” Grayson replied. He kissed the top of my head.

“I’m feeling better now.” I said although my voice had other ideas.

My voice came out weakly and with a slight shakiness to it. So much for sounding strong. Grayson picked up on the weakness in my voice and gripped me tighter.

“Ok, we will stay for dessert but we will see you at breakfast tomorrow.” Ezra said.

Grayson nodded in agreement. There wasn’t much trouble they could get into in the short distance between the two houses kilometres from the nearest border.

“Grayson, Molly.” Alpha Ward shouted.

He was heading towards my step father’s house. He was walking fast, his face was pale.

“Rich has contacted me via mindlink, it’s bad.” Alpha Ward said.

Grayson turned his attention towards me. He still had his arms around me, holding on to me as though his life depended on it.

“You don’t need to come with us.” Grayson said.

“I know but I want to.” I replied.

“Ok, let’s go.” Alpha Ward said. He started walking towards the forest behind my step fathers house. Grayson and I followed closely behind.

‘You don’t have to come with us to prove you are strong. I already know how strong you are.’ Grayson mindlinked me.

‘I know but if I am going to be your alpha female then I can’t shy away from things like this.’ I replied.

He smiled at me, I could feel how proud he was of me through our bond. It was the first time that I had spoken about his request as though it would actually happen.

I still didn’t have faith in the council but I had faith in Grayson. I knew that no matter what the council decided Grayson would always treat me as his alpha female.

‘If you feel uncomfortable in any way just mindlink me and I will take you home. Don’t feel like you have to suffer through it.’ Grayson told me.

I leaned my head against Grayson’s shoulder and chest. The scene of the incident was only about a hundred metres in front of us. I felt my heart flutter with anxiety as we closed in on our destination.

Rich and a few other members of the security team were pacing backwards and forwards. I could see them through the trees, they were patrolling the edge of the scene and looking out in all directions.

My legs felt heavy, they were getting heavier with every step that I took. I could already smell the b***d, even out in the open air like this. That had to be a bad sign.

Grayson stroked my back softly to comfort me. Knowing that he was here with me is what gave me the strength that I needed to move forward.

Now that we were closer I could see the scene more clearly. We were at the site of an old farm which was just outside of pack lands. The farm was at the edge of the forest and had been abandoned many years ago. The buildings were in a bad state, the walls were crumbling in places and the roof had completely caved in on the farm house.

There were the bodies of three werewolves laying on the floor near the barn. Two of them were unconscious and being attended to by the pack’s doctors but the third was dead. Each of them was covered in deep lacerations all over their bodies. The smell of b***d was overwhelming.

‘Those are from the claws of a lycan.’ Scarlett confirmed.

“Will they make it?” Alpha Ward was asking one of the doctors.

“They have lost a lot of b***d but they should pull through.” The doctor replies. Alpha Ward nodded his head once to dismiss the doctor before turning his attention to Rich.

“How did this happen?” He asks.

“They caught the scent of the lycans from inside the border and reported back to me. I told them not to go after the lycans but they didn’t listen to me.” Rich said. He let out a long sigh.

“The lycans don’t know this area as well as we do and one of them got cornered against the barn. This is the damage he did so he could escape. I dread to think what they would look like if he was trying to kill them.” Rich said. He had a grim look on his face.

After giving a full update Rich left to check up on the rest of the security team. The rest of us stayed behind to make sure that the lycans didn’t come back while the doctors were working.

The doctors were able to stabilise their condition and stop the bleeding before moving them to the pack hospital. The body of the werewolf that was killed was also moved and placed in the hospital morgue.

During the walk back home I felt as though I was in a haze. It was a reasonable distance back to the house yet I couldn’t remember any of it. I felt responsible for the werewolf’s death and I didn’t even know his name. I had seen him around the pack before talking to Rich or my step father. He was about the same age as Rich but other than that I knew nothing about him. It wasn’t a nice feeling, to know someone died because of you.

“Stop it.” Grayson said, after we made it to his room.

“Stop what?” I asked.

“Stop blaming yourself.” He said.

“I can’t help it.” I said.

Grayson pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. He kissed my lips and my neck. He held my hands over my head as he pressed his body against mine.

“What are you doing?” I asked, already breathless with desire.

“Distracting you.” He said.

He let go of my hands. He moved his hands over my body, making his way down while his tongue explored my mouth. He pulled me towards him and he walked backwards towards the bed. He had one hand behind my back while the other hand was pulling down the zip on my dress.

When we reached the bed. I let my dress fall to the floor. Grayson broke our k**s so that I could pull his t-shirt over his head. He unzipped his trousers and let them fall to the floor along with his underwear. He looked at me.

“You are so beautiful.” He said.

While he was watching me I took a step backwards so he could see me better then started taking off my underwear. I moved slowly enjoying the way he watched me. The desire in his eyes and sight of his e******n.

Once I was fully naked I took a step closer to him. He ran his fingers over my skin making it tingle with desire until they reached my h**s. He lowered himself onto the bed pulling me down on top of him.

I sat up on top of him as I positioned him at my entrance. I looked into his eyes as I lowered myself, feeling him filling me completely. He let out g****s of pleasure as I moved my body against his. I moved faster as my pleasure built.

“Come for me sweetheart.” Grayson said. His husky voice sent chills through me, sending me over the edge. I cried out as the pleasure from my o****m spread through my whole body.

Grayson wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me towards him so I was laying on top of him. He then rolled me onto my back. He started thrusting into me, hard and fast. A m**n escaped my lips.

Grayson ran his canines over my mark increasing my pleasure and pushing me over the edge. My muscles tightened and spasmed as I reached my climax. Grayson’s thrusts and grunts became harsher as he chased his own release. A few more thrusts and he reached his own climax spilling his seed deep inside me.

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