Once Upon A Rejection

Chapter 35

June had her back against the wall, her hand was over her mouth and there was a look of pure terror in her eyes. Ezra ran out of the closet and into the bathroom as he searched for potential threats.

There was a slight hint of an unknown lycan in the air but it was completely overpowered by the scent of b***d. The whole room stank of it. It was coming from the body of the wolf that had been placed in the centre of the room.

The b***d was pooling under his body and spreading across the carpet. There was a silver dagger in his side, right where his heart would be. There was a folded piece of paper stuck to the hilt of the dagger.

“There is no sign of whoever did this.” Ezra said as he emerged from the bathroom.

Grayson nodded in agreement before walking over to the wolf and removing the piece of paper from the daggers hilt. I could see the anger in his eyes as he read the note.

“What does it say?” I asked.

Grayson shook his head.

“Tell us what it says.” June said.

She looked as though the shock had sobered up considerably. She looked almost hysterical, there were tears falling down her face and her lower l*p was quivering. I could only imagine how this might look for her.

Grayson looked unsure. There must be something in that note that he didn’t want her to see.

“Tell me now or I swear I will come over there and take that note from you.” She said, her voice filled with emotion.

“Just tell her.” Ezra said.

He walked over and tried to put his arms around her. She pushed him away. Grayson hesitated for a moment.

‘Just tell her. We can always claim that it is nonsense left by a psychopath.’ I mindlinked Grayson.

“It says: This is your last warning. If you don’t withdraw your request to the council then it won’t be a wolf next time. Next time it will be one of your pack and I won’t stop until they are all dead.” Grayson said. His face was grim.

“Maybe we should…..” I started.

“No, I am not letting her bully us.” Grayson said, interrupting me.

“Letting who bully you? What is going on Molly, why do people want to kill you?” June asked.

“I don’t know.” I replied.

There was some truth behind it, I didn’t know the woman’s identity. I also didn’t know why should thought murder was an appropriate reaction to being cheated on by her mate. Besides, what did my request to the council have to do with her? How did she even know about it?

“Come on, I have been living with you for months and nothing like this happened till you started dating him.” June said.

She was pointing at Grayson. I could see the accusation on her face. I preferred it when she was drunk, at least then she wasn’t asking me questions that I didn’t know how to answer.

When she saw that I wasn’t going to answer her question she turned her attention towards Grayson.

“Why are people after her? What is it that you do? Are you a gangster?” June asked.

Grayson laughed.

“You are, aren’t you. You are a gangster!” June screamed.

“No, I am not a gangster.” Grayson said between fits of laughter.

“Then what is it?” She asked.

‘I may as well tell her, she is Ezra’s mate. She needs to find out eventually.’ Grayson mindlinked me.

‘I am not sure now is the right time.’ I replied.

‘I think it would only be worse if we lied to her.’ Grayson mindlinked.

I looked at June, was he right? Could she handle the truth or would she just run away once she knew what we really were?

‘I don’t know, she might panic.’ I mindlinked him.

Humans aren’t exactly prone to believing in werewolves and they are less prone to believe that they are friendly. We were the stuff of horror movies and nightmares.

‘We can’t stay here after this and we can’t leave her here alone.’ Grayson said through mindlink.

“We are werewolves.” Ezra said. Everyone’s eyes shot in his direction. I was shocked that he had told her.

June burst out laughing.

“Yeah right. Next you will be telling me that the easter bunny put this wolf here.” June said. She was laughing so hard that she had doubled over and was clutching her side.

“Look. If you don’t want to tell me what is really going on that is fine but don’t treat me like I am an idiot.” June said once she had stopped laughing.

I looked at Grayson, he shrugged his shoulders.

“There is a woman who has a vendetta against the town we live in. She is dangerous.” I said.

“Have you tried calling the police?” June asked.

“They aren’t really equipped to deal with this kind of thing.” Grayson said. June rolled her eyes.

“Whatever.” She said.

“That’s not the worst thing.” Grayson said.

“Oh?” June asked.

“We can’t guarantee that you will be safe here anymore.” Grayson replied.

“What do you mean by that?” June said, she looked concerned.

“She got to you once with all of us here, there is nothing to stop her getting to you again. I am afraid you will have to come with us for your own safety.” Grayson said.

“What if I refuse?” June said.

She crossed her arms across her chest. She was going to fight Grayson on this, I could tell. This was going to end badly.

“You have to come with us. I couldn’t live with myself if this woman killed you.” Ezra said. He held his hands out towards her but she turned away from him.

“I don’t have to do anything.” She said.

“I am not leaving you here.” Ezra said.

“You will if I tell you to.” June replied.

“That is enough, We have a lot to do before we can leave.” I said.

This was going nowhere. They were both as stubborn as each other. Neither of them was going to concede, if I didn’t stop them then it would probably end in a full blown argument.

I would stay with June while Ezra and Grayson got everything sorted. Maybe that way I could make her see sense once she had calmed down a bit. I dreaded to think how this would go if she didn’t agree to go with us.

“No, I have decided that I am not going.” June said.

“You have to, you are my soulmate. I am not leaving you here to get murdered and I am not strong enough to protect you against her on my own” Ezra said. I could see the panic on his face.

“I don’t believe in soulmates.” June said.

That was a complete lie but this was not an argument that I wanted to get involved in. I mindlinked Grayson and we agreed that we should start cleaning up the mess while they argued. We started cleaning up what was left over from our little party earlier.

“Don’t say that. You are the only one for me, forever.” Ezra said.

“You have only just met me, you can’t possibly know that.” June replied.

“There are some things that you don’t understand about us.” Ezra said.

“You aren’t going to give me that werewolf nonsense again are you?” June complained, rolling his eyes.

“You know how Molly and Grayson weren’t together one moment then the next moment they were inseparable.” Ezra said.

“I remember but what does that have to do with anything?” She asked. She was annoyed, she started pacing the room.

“Werewolves are each born with a soulmate. Molly is Grayson’s and you are mine.” Ezra said.

“That’s a load of crap.” She said.

“I can’t make you believe me with just my words but I promise that I will spend the rest of my life proving myself to you.” Ezra said.

“You are really full of yourself aren’t you?” June shouted.

‘Maybe we should go get some cleaning supplies?’ I suggested to Grayson through mindlink.

We needed to get a move on if we wanted to get this place cleaned up before people started waking up for the day. I was dreading trying to remove the wolf’s body without being seen even at this hour.

‘Good idea.’ Grayson replied.

Grayson was as happy as I was. We walked down the corridor to the cleaning closet at the end of the hall. I walked in and started to pick out some of the products that we needed when I felt Grayson’s hands on my h**s.

“You have been teasing me all night with this gorgeous dress.” He said.

I leaned back against him, feeling his e******n pressing against my a*s. I m****d.

“You should take what you want.” I replied.

He spun me around and pushed me against the wall. His hands traced the outline of my curves. I could feel my arousal building, I knew we could get caught at any moment and the thought of that was exhilarating.

Grayson lifted up my skirt, running his hands up the inside of my thigh. He used his fingers to push aside my underwear and softly massage my clit. I bit my l*p to stop myself from crying out.

I moved my hands down his body to the zipper of his trousers. I unzipped him and started to rub his already fully erect member.

He removed his hand from inside my underwear and positioned himself at my entrance. He pushed himself inside me slowly. A m**n escaped my lips.

He lifted my feet off the floor as he pushed into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his h**s. He pushed into me deeper. I could feel myself getting closer to my release.

“Faster.” I said.

He thrust into me hard and fast. I bit into Grayson’s neck hard enough to draw a little b***d as I reached my peak. Grayson reached his own climax only a few short seconds later. He let out a loud grunt as he spilled his seed inside me.

We spent a few minutes holding each other before straightening up and grabbing what we needed. We went straight back to the dorm room. We hoped that they wouldn’t notice how long we had been gone and that we came back smelling of s*x.

We rushed through the door already making excuses, but we didn’t need to bother. June was nowhere to be seen and Ezra was laid on the floor unconscious.

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